9-1-1 Season 2 Episode 2 Review: 7.1

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Is anyone else still catching their breath?

This episode was jammed packed from start to finish and was so riveting it was hard to take your eyes off the screen. As 9-1-1 Season 2 Episode 2 began and all the many characters were milling around the hotel, you just knew something was about to happen, but you didn't know when. 

Almost like a scary movie, where you're just waiting and waiting for the bad guy to show up and make you jump out of your seat. We knew the quake was on its way, but it didn't take away from the nervous anticipation. 

A Massive Earthquake - 9-1-1

We were introduced to a few of the hotel guests, and we even got a little backstory in the moments before the earthquake hits. There's Kat, a little girl on vacation with her family, Jeff, a high school basketball player, and Ali, a young woman who gets sexually harassed by her boss. 

One thing 9-1-1 has always excelled at is giving us a glimpse into the people being rescued. It adds so much depth to each scene when we get a sense of who these characters are. 

Related: 9-1-1 Season 1 Episode 10 Review - A Whole New You 

Sure we don't really know Jeff, but when he's trapped under the rubble and forced to make the agonizing choice between his leg and possible death, we feel so many emotions because the show has shaded Jeff in a way that makes you realize the stakes, just by showing the connection between Jeff and his coach. 

Pensive Buck - 9-1-1 Season 2 Episode 2

I figured that one of the people we were introduced to wouldn't make it out of that high-rise and I honestly thought it was going be to Jeff. And that would have been heartbreaking. 

Okay, listen up. Here's how you make it to the end of the day. You don't worry about the things that you can't do anything about. You focus on one task at a time. I can't order you guys to go inside that building and I'm not gonna judge you if you decide not to.


Bobby, Hen, and Chimney did well keeping the young man calm in the direst of situations. He was almost too calm, to be honest, but then again there has to be a tremendous amount of shock that comes with being pinned underneath a collapsed building.

Saving Jeff and his leg was heroic and one of the highest points of the episode, but things got bad almost immediately when Hen was thrown further down into the hotel. 

Related: 9-1-1 Season 2 Episode 1 Review - Under Pressure

Hen is an unsung hero on this show, and while I'm nervous for her, I know her resilence, and that of her team will not allow her to stop fighting. Plus, she needs to find Kat! We have to find Kat!

A New Start - 9-1-1 Season 2 Episode 2

While Jeff was fighting like a champion, Eddie and Buck were climbing the building to get to the jerk who propositioned Ali. He was pinned against the glass just looking down at a crowded LA street and probably re-evaluating his entire life. 

It's unfortunate that Eddie and Buck were a few minutes too late, as the glass just couldn't withstand any more pressure. But it's a good thing they made it before the aftershock hit. 

How is Buck going to pull both Eddie and Ali to safety, when all his momentum and the literal building will be pulling him forward? We're going to be waiting a little while to see how that story ends. 

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While all this is going on, Athena is stuck on the highway with a teenage car thief who ends up being extremely useful. 

Athena Looks On - 9-1-1 Season 2 Episode 2

Marvin was a troublemaker, but he was able to put his troublemaking ways to good use, saving a man and showing himself what it felt like to do a good thing. 

Athena is such a badass, powerhouse. Only she could help save a mans life and help another young man learn a life lesson in the middle of the aftermath of an earthquake. 

Marvin: Look at me using my superpowers for good. I feel like the Dark Knight.
Athena: Don't get carried away.

Marvin could have saved fifty people, and he still would have ended up in the back of Athena's car because she is bound to the law, but she has a tremendous heart, and that was on display here. We probably won't see Marvin again, but their odd pairing was definitely one of the highlights of the hour. 

Loose Ends

  • Not much Maddie this hour, as she was adjusting to her new job on the busiest day of the year, but we've got a whole season to get to know Buck's older sister. 
  • Eddie has the most adorable son on the planet, and he is slowly coming for Buck's crown as the resident cutie with a heart of gold. 
  • Did I mention Kat needs to be found? I really need that.

Alright, guys, I have to know how we're all feeling after the second part of the season premiere. How did you like '7.1'? What are you hoping to see next week?

As always, leave a comment down below and watch 9-1-1 online right now, so you don't miss a second of the action! 

7.1 Review

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Rating: 4.9 / 5.0 (12 Votes)

Whitney Evans is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on X.

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9-1-1 Season 2 Episode 2 Quotes

Bobby: How's your sister settling in down there?
Buck: Well, she's a Buckley. Practically running the place.

Okay, listen up. Here's how you make it to the end of the day. You don't worry about the things that you can't do anything about. You focus on one task at a time. I can't order you guys to go inside that building and I'm not gonna judge you if you decide not to.
