Queen of the South Season 3 Episode 10 Review: La Muerte

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Teresa has a rat in her house, and she better figure out where it is and fast!

On Queen of the South Season 3 Episode 10, it was shock enough to hear Devon Finch's voice over the soldiers' radio, but I didn't immediately equate that to someone near Teresa being the source of the leak.

Things Get Messy - Queen of the South Season 3 Episode 10

It wasn't until she found Guero's medallion with a tracking device in it that my stomach dropped. 

That device leaves us with a lot of questions.

First off, could it have already been there when Guero died? Could the DEA have added the tracker when Guero worked for them? For that to be possible, we'd have to know how long the power source on that type of a tracking device can last.

But if we set the likelihood of that aside, the options get even more worrisome.

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Pote's first thought was James, and it's difficult to fault him for it. James popped up under suspicious circumstances. He's had intimate access to Teresa and could have switched out or planted that device at almost any time during the last several weeks. 

My brain keeps telling me it's probably James while my heart keeps hoping that it's not. 

Another possible suspect is Kelly Anne. Her cocaine use makes her extremely vulnerable. 

Kelly Anne: I think I have a problem. You know, this isn’t the life I was aiming for, and the drugs, they paint out all the ugly parts but they don’t go away. They just follow you around like shadows and I can feel them hanging off me and I don’t even know how I got here.
Teresa: You’re stronger than you think.
Kelly Anne: How do you not just curl up into a little ball?
Teresa: Because I never had that choice.

Like Teresa, I think that Kelly Anne is stronger than even she believes but that doesn't mean she couldn't be the mole. 

The one fact that most likely precludes Kelly Anne is that I don't think she has any idea about the location of El Santo's operation and Teresa has had no reason to share that information with her.

That leads me to another alternative. King George is still being held in Mexico. Could he have given up information about El Santo's operation to save himself and Bilal? 

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Not only don't I believe George would do that, he knows the type of revenge El Santo is capable of, but it also doesn't explain the tracking device. He couldn't have planted it since he's been captured, and before that, I don't see him having reason to do so. 

I leave Pote out of this list of suspects for the same reason Teresa called and spoke only to him. I'd more likely drink that zombie potion than believe that Pote turned rat. 

All of this postulating leads me right back to the one place I don't want to be...James. 

But it's the mystery that made this installment enjoyable. I wasn't a fan of the El Santo story arc during Queen of the South Season 2, and I wasn't thrilled to see him back here.

El Santo and his groupies are just a little too weird for my liking, but then I suppose that's the point. What he did to El Dentista was horrifying.

Teresa: Why did you torture him?
El Santo: He was my gatekeeper and he let in a wolf.
Teresa: He was your family.
El Santo: Yes, Teresa, but sometimes love is not warm. Sometimes violence and pain can be part of God’s greater plan.

When Sasha and the other dealer turned on Teresa, I was disappointed in El Santo. I expected him to be smart enough to see that they were using Teresa as their sacrificial lamb but that wasn't the case.

And if the zombie potion only works for a short period, what does that mean for El Dentista? Perhaps I don't want to know. 

Teresa's visions of Guero were both sad and sweet. On some level, Teresa must wish that she and Guero had escaped the cartel and had a normal life in which they could have raised their own family, but that was not to be. 

Future Teresa told present day Teresa so in this Queen of the South quote:

Your life is painful and ugly but it’s yours and you only get one.


But now Teresa needs to get back to Pheonix and trap the mole, no matter who it turns out to be. 

With El Santo's drama taking up so much time, we were left in the dark about Camila, Isabela, General Cortez and the fate of King George and Bilal.

Does Teresa even know that King George is missing? It certainly didn't seem that way. 

Returning to Bolivia - Queen of the South

And where the heck is Camila hiding? They said she was on the run with no one to turn to, but she has to be somewhere. 

We never did find out why the cocaine supply had dried up in Ireland. I can only guess that it had something to do with El Santo's facility getting bombed. 

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Also, was anyone else left wondering if the soldiers took El Santo's son or if El Santo murdered his child instead of leaving him behind because the man is clearly capable of anything. 

Tell me TV Fanatics, who do you think is the mole feeding information to Devon Finch?

Check back next week for my review of Queen of the South Season 3 Episode 11, and until then, you can watch Queen of the South online here at TV Fanatic. 

La Muerte Review

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C. Orlando was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow her on Twitter.

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Queen of the South Season 3 Episode 10 Quotes

Oh, don’t let the wrinkles fool you. The older they are, the more blood between their teeth.


Kelly Anne: I think I have a problem. You know, this isn’t the life I was aiming for, and the drugs, they paint out all the ugly parts but they don’t go away. They just follow you around like shadows and I can feel them hanging off me and I don’t even know how I got here.
Teresa: You’re stronger than you think.
Kelly Anne: How do you not just curl up into a little ball?
Teresa: Because I never had that choice.