Days of Our Lives Round Table: John & Marlena's Disasterous Wedding

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John and Marlena’s wedding day turned into a nightmare as faces from the past resurfaced and shots were fired.

TV Fanatics Jack Ori and Christine Orlando are joined by Leslie from MyHourglass a Days of Our Lives fan forum to debate who had the best dress, the funniest moment, and is EJ really alive?

Who wore the best dress to John and Marlena's latest wedding?

Leslie: Funny how I really didn’t notice too many of the dresses worn. I liked Eve's if it just hadn't been "pearl" I really liked Marlena's wedding dress. Very elegant yet not overly fancy. Plus it wasn't white, but an off-white. Very appropriate for a 100th wedding!

Jack: I liked most of the dresses this time around. Susan's dress cracked me up! Marlena's gown was nice. The only dress I didn't like was Eve's. That half-white, half-leopard print didn't do anything for me.

Christine: Marlena looks lovely in her wedding gown. Belle looked nice, but the color of Jennifer’s dressed washed her out. I kind of liked Eve’s dress, but thought wearing that much white wasn’t proper for a wedding.

I was torn over Kayla and Valerie’s dresses as they were unique, but I can’t say I loved them. Yet I thought they were appropriate for the character’s personalities. I thought Claire’s dress looked lovely on her.

John and Marlena Get Married - Days of Our Lives

What did you think of the new actress playing Kristen and Susan?

Leslie: So far I think Stacy Haiduk is doing a good job. She had the Susan mannerisms down pat but even as Kristen it wasn't too far off. I do miss Eileen, but this was a good job in her place.

Jack: I like her so far! My only complaint was as Susan she didn't consistently use the Southern accent, but maybe that was because she was Kristen pretending to be Susan?

Obviously, she's not going to be 100% the same as Eileen Davison, but I thought she got the characters of Susan and Kristen right and as Kristen she used similar intonations and made me believe she was the same person.

Christine: I thought she did a wonderful job with Susan. She had all of her mannerism down so well that it took me a moment to realize that it wasn’t Eileen Davidson. But I thought her portrayal of Kristen was a little lacking, but trying to fill Eileen Davidson’s shoes with these roles must be daunting!

Susan and Her Doll - Days of Our Lives

What was the funniest scene from the wedding?

Leslie: I thought the funniest scene was Marlena's nightmare. With all the little things making fun of Days of the past, you had to crack up.

Jack: Susan asking Marlena if she thought her dress would upstage Marlena's bridal gown cracked me up! I also liked Susan's false teeth going flying; it nice throwback to years ago.

But the funniest scenes to me were Steve teasing John about his eye. I love the way these two rib each other all the time!

Christine: The nightmare was such fun because it poked fun at all the previous weddings, going all the way back to John (then thought to be Roman) and Marlena’s first wedding where Tamara Price (played by Marilyn McCoo) sang “Up Where We Belong.”

Will and Sonny Reunite - Days of Our Lives

Are you happy that Will finally got his memory back? Would you like it to lead to a reconciliation between Will and Sonny?

Leslie: I’m very happy Will got his memory back. It is his life, so in essence, he got his life back. I do feel bad for Paul, but the look on Sonny's face Friday, made me realize that deep down, Will really still loved Sonny.

Jack: I’m glad Will has his memory back, he deserves to have a past like anyone else, but I don't want it to lead to a reconciliation between him and Sonny. That relationship was ruined long ago and no one seems to remember the terrible things Will did to help ruin it, and Sonny's constant pushing him to reconcile is annoying and pathetic.

Christine: Will deserved to remember his own life, but I hope he remembers all the ways he screwed things up too, like cheating on Sonny.

The only thing I hate is that it looks as though Paul is going to end up as collateral damage once again and he deserves so much better. Personally, I like Paul more than Will or Sonny.

Sami's Got a Gun - Days of Our Lives

Is EJ really alive? Do you want to see him come back to Salem?

Leslie: Yes, EJ is alive, just like Will is. If EJ were to come back then it would probably be just temporary unless he suddenly didn't love Sami anymore. The DiMera family isn't the same with no Andre, Stefano, and Chad is just awful to me, so maybe a different storyline and not as much screen time could work.

Jack: I don't know and don't care. EJ doesn't need to be on canvas if Sami is. We have enough people claiming to be in love with their rapist or rape victim without him and Sami reuniting.

Christine: Although I didn’t always love EJ’s storylines, I thought James Scott was a fabulous actor who had chemistry with most everyone in which he shared scene.

I had really hoped the show would have allowed Sami and EJ to ride off into the sunset together, so I’d like to see him come back, even if it’s only to give these two some sort of happy ending.

John Gets Hurt - Days of Our Lives

What disappointed you the most this week in Salem?

Leslie: Still too many secrets haven't been disclosed. Jennifer should have already told Eric and Kayla should have already told Steve.

Jack: Those bachelor parties were SO underwhelming, especially the guys' party. Also, we didn't need such over the top violence at the wedding.

Kristen interrupting and then being subdued so they could go on with the ceremony would have been fine. This ended up being yet another ruined wedding and another Marlena-as-damsel-in-distress story that is totally unnecessary.

Christine: Why did Eric have to rush Sami? She was drugged, but she trusts her brother. He probably could have walked up and just taken the gun from her. Not to mention that once Sami had the gun, they could have picked Kristen up and removed her from the ceremony.

Kayla and Steve At The Wedding - Days of Our Lives

Of which storyline are you most excited to see more?

Leslie: Don't know if excited is the right word, maybe curious is better, but I want to see where the Ciara/Ben story goes. As much as I really want her with Tripp, I am curious about Ben. Has he really changed?

I am one that doesn't believe it. I think the whole thing is just make believe and he is just tricking everyone. I remember the evil he had when he fought Chad, lit the bed on fire and when he strangled Will. I don't believe you just get over that so easily.

Jack: I’m curious to see what happens next now that Will has regained his memories.

Christine: I want to know if EJ is really alive! And I’m curious to find out if there will be any follow up on the one night stand between Sami and Rafe. I can’t imagine Hope is going to be thrilled to see her niece back in town, especially now that she and Rafe have reconciled.

Valerie and Abe - Days of Our Lives

Want to chat more about the happenings in Salem? Check out Jack Ori’s weekly Days of Our Lives review here at TV Fanatic.

C. Orlando was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow her on Twitter.

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Days of Our Lives Quotes

I don't know how Rafe mansplained this to you, but I was upset over losing Will and he was upset over losing you and we were just two exes trying to comfort each other.


Abigail: You knew it was my alter. Gabi, I have apologized to you a thousand times. I never meant to hurt you.
Gabi: But I do want to hurt you, Abigail. I do. Because you, you just keep on leading this amazing, great life, and I'm the one who keeps getting screwed. You didn't even get punished for what you did, you didn't even get a slap on the wrist. You even told Chad you wanted to be punished. You're welcome. And yes, I did drug you, and yes I did put this wig on your head to make sure you were having a relapse. Hold the applause.
Abigail: Why are you confessing all this now?
Gabi: Because you can't do anything about it. I have you exactly where I want you.
Abigail: Well, you know I'm gonna tell everybody that you confessed.
Gabi: Oh like you told everybody about my last so-called confession at the courts? No one is gonna believe anything that you say, because what you said came out of a crazy person's mouth.