Power Season 5 Episode 5 Review: Happy Birthday

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Things are starting to get very, very messy. 

Ghost, Tommy, and Tasha are involved with Angela in one way or another, yet none of them are aware of that. Kanan is off in ten different directions trying to get Ghost and Tommy to hate one another, while also trying to drive a wedge in Dre's operations. And Teresi is out here snitching every chance he gets. 

But where is the second half of this season headed? Power Season 5 Episode 5 set the stage for another epic conclusion to a very strong season. 

A Shoulder To Cry On - Power

It seems like this time around, all roads lead to Angela. Tasha and Angela have forged their own dynamic, as they've looked to cover their own asses and Tariq's as well, but now Angela has decided that her way to get to the Jimenez once and for all is through Tommy Egan. 

Tommy and Angela rarely come into contact, but when they do the tension and hatred is palpable. They despise one another, but it seems like right now they believe the other can help them achieve their desired goal. 

Related: Power Review Season 5 Episode 3 Review - Are We On The Same Team?

Whether or not this will work out in the end, I'm not so sure. Angela is jumping into this "partnership" under the wrong assumption, and Tommy isn't doing much to assuage her suspicions. But Tommy realizes that Angela could help him, so, for now, he's going to play along. But what happens when Ghost finds out?

Man, Ghost got you believing you can't do nothing without him.

Kanan [to Tommy]

Ghost has been spiraling for a while, and it's getting sadder and sadder to see him truly struggle with his life. Ghost has always been flawed, but this season more than ever, we've seen just how much his shortcomings have affected those around him.

His selfishness and failure to recognize the consequences of his actions are the reason he's virtually alone during the hardest time in his life. 

Tommy and Kanan Check In - Power Season 5 Episode 5

Whether you like Ghost or hate him, he is the anti-hero of this story, and it will be interesting to see if he is finally able to look within himself and reflect on his actions and how they've shaped the lives of so many people around him.

When Ghost says he wants to be a better man, you want to believe him. But is it too late?

Tommy: Why did you snitch, Riq?
Tariq: Because he helped me get my enemy. He gave me Ray Ray's location.
Tommy: Loyal to your own cause. You sound exactly like Ghost.

Tasha is done with Ghost, and she has every right to be. And it would seem that Tariq is as well. 

Related: Power Season 5 Episode 4 Review - Second Chances

My feelings on Tariq are well documented, but even I felt terrible for Tariq and the abuse he took on his birthday. It's easy to forget in all the madness that Tariq lost his twin sister and he knows that he bears some responsibility for her death.

He's still a kid. And he's a kid that feels as though his whole life has been a lie. While Ghost and Tasha have always felt like they were protecting their children by keeping them in the dark, it's proven to be a mistake.

Especially in the case of Tariq, who has gotten to the point where he's protecting people he knows are enemies of his family, simply because his parents wouldn't tell him the truth. 

Ghost Confronts Tariq- Power Season 5 Episode 5

The divide between Tariq and his family is at an all-time high, and with Kanan forever in his ear, it seems things will get worse before they get better. 

Be patient. You created that young man, didn't you? Finding yourself is a bit more difficult. We'll get him.

Simon Stern [to Ghost]

When Simon Stern says things that make sense and are relatable, then you know it was one hell of an episode. Ghost has made many a man in his image, yet he lacks the understanding to recognize his inadequacies and thus is unable to truly understand the Dre, Tariq, and Tommy for that matter.

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So, will we see a new Ghost going forward? Only time will tell, but he's going to lose it all if he doesn't at least try. 

Elsewhere, Dre is forever in over his head, but he's finally done the one thing he needed to do all along: swing Diego to his side. Flipping the Tiano murders onto Ghost and Tommy was smart, and it's now put them on Diego's radar, and Dre doesn't have to do a thing. 

Stern is Back - Power Season 5 Episode 5

Creating a war between the Jimenez and Ghost and Tommy is pretty much a win-win for him, but keeping it from Alicia will eventually come back to bite him for sure. 

So many plots and storylines are on a collision course, and it's going to make for a very interesting rest of the season. 

Everything Else You Need To Know

  • KENDRICK LAMAR! They kept his appearance pretty hush-hush, to the point that I gasped when I saw him! He played the philosophical drug addict turned Kanan snitch to perfection. I wouldn't mind seeing him pop up again. 
  • The image of Kanan riding that bike slowly down the street and then shooting a man in broad daylight was one of the best things this show has ever done. 
  • Is there any way Rashad makes it out of the season alive? With each passing episode, he gets more and more insufferable, and I'm starting to think he may become collateral damage down the line. 
  • Since Teresi is telling everyone and their mother that he's a rat now, I feel there's no way it doesn't reach Tommy at some point, right? That's if it doesn't reach Vincent first. And I have a feeling Vincent won't take kindly to a rat, no matter who they're choosing to rat on. 
  • Silver and Tasha seem to always take two steps forward and the one giant leap back. He's never going to buy that she killed Ray Ray, but he's so laser-focused on Ghost, he can't seem to fathom that it could be anyone other than him.

Okay folks, what did you think about "Happy Birthday"? Will Ghost try to right some of his wrongs? What is Tommy's next move? Will anyone catch onto what Kanan is doing? 

Leave your comments down below and make sure you watch Power online via TV Fanatic, so you never miss a beat. 

Happy Birthday Review

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Whitney Evans is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on X.

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Power Season 5 Episode 5 Quotes

Ghost: When you're around him, forget you know me, okay?
Tommy: Be like a dream come true.

Dre's ass gets dropped today.
