Good Girls Season 1 Episode 9 Review: Summer of the Shark

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If you don't have 'Hot in Herre' stuck in your head right now, then did you really watch Good Girls Season 1 Episode 9?

The penultimate episode of the first season has put everyone in a very interesting spot. The ladies, Ruby, in particular, are still in need of quick money, but they're thinking about turning in Rio? Is that going to help them at this point?

And what in the world is Leslie "Boomer" Petersen doing? I left this episode asking myself so many questions, so let's talk all these out together.

Rio's Request - Good Girls

Let's start with the supposed cliffhanger of the ladies deciding to save themselves and potentially turn on Rio.

It isn't the first time the ladies have felt threatened and intimidated by Rio and the gang, but I will agree with Beth that this time felt different.

Rio's test was obviously upsetting for Beth, partly because she was the unlucky one who had to deal with the cops and also because she thought she was past that with Rio.

And I wasn't mad at her for standing up for herself, even though it's really not smart to verbally insult a man who carries a gun around like it's wallet.

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And don't throw anything at his face. He was so angry he used her full name!

Even when angry, Rio would hurt the women at this point in their relationship.

I understand that they know too much, but they've always known too much and have always kept their mouths closed. He knows these women have so much to lose by flipping on him and he probably thinks they're too scared to do anything.

A Meeting- Good Girls Season 1 Episode 9

But just like a lot of the men in their lives, he underestimates them.

So now they're thinking about turning on Rio, to save themselves from jail time and potential death.

But they have to know it's not that simple, right? Turning in Rio means admitting their part in the money laundering scheme, which will eventually lead to the robbery of Fine and Frugal.

To stay alive, they may feel like this is their best option but fellow fanatics, is this the best plan of action?

Annie- You can't like finance it or something?
Beth- It's a kidney, not a refrigerator.

Now that Sarah could be getting a kidney at any moment, how are they going to get the money without doing work for Rio? The obvious answer is come up with another robbery of their own, but once again this doesn't help them with the whole 'going to the cops' thing.

It's starting to feel more and more like this season is going to end up with someone in handcuffs. And it's not going to be Rio.

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This was the first time I started to put all the characters into a good column and a bad column.

And while doing so, I realized that a lot of them straddle the gray area in the middle. There is good and bad in so many of these people that the two sides are constantly jockeying for position.

Ruby Thinking- Good Girls Season 1 Episode 9

But if there is one bad person without a shred of good, it's Boomer. Just when you think he can't stoop any lower, he decides to befriend a widow of three children and feign interest in her in an attempt to figure out her connection to Annie.

It's despicable, and it was almost hard to watch.

I understand that Mary Pat is no angel and she's one of those characters that battles with being good and bad, but what Boomer is doing is wrong, and I sincerely hope that he's found out sooner rather than later.

Boomer is not likable, and he certainly isn't charming, so if he continues just to be himself maybe, she will.

In a perfect world, Mary Pat finds the recording device, and somehow the ladies also find out what Boomer is up to, they confide in Mary Pat about who Boomer really is, and they all devise a plan to bring him down once and for all!

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I know it's far-fetched guys, but that's why I said in a perfect world! And this is a television show, so I'm never saying never.

It really feels like everything is going to come to a head in next weeks finale. And I couldn't be more excited!

There is no way everything gets wrapped up in a perfect little bow, but if there are two things I want to see it's: Sarah successfully get through surgery and Boomer getting what he deserves.

Aside from that, I'm ready just to sit back and enjoy the end of this crazy ride! What are you guys hoping to see in the finale? What did you think about 'Summer of the Shark'?

Leave all your comments and predictions down below so we can discuss! And watch Good Girls online right now, so you're ready for the finale!

Summer of the Shark Review

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Whitney Evans is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on X.

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Good Girls Season 1 Episode 9 Quotes

Ruby- Let me just say. It's one thing to wash fake cash or rob a grocery store. But there is a line here. And if you cross it, you can't come back.
Beth- Then we don't come back.

Annie- You can't like finance it or something?
Beth- It's a kidney, not a refrigerator.