Good Girls Season 1 Episode 8 Review: Shutdown

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Well in case there was any doubt, Beth has officially crossed over to the dark side.

Okay, that may be a little harsh. Beth still isn't an evil person, none of these ladies are, but they are desperate, scared and impulsive. And that's a pretty terrifying trifecta.

With operations shut down on Good Girls Season 1 Episode 8, the girls are scrambling once again. So just how are they going to make some money in the meantime?

Another Heist - Good Girls

I think we all knew that the ladies plan to go legit were not going to last. The ladies have had a taste of that criminal lifestyle and the good side of it, where they can provide for their families and still have money to spare, has definitely grabbed hold of them.

But even saying that, I think the ladies would have continued working to the bone and putting together school fundraisers if it wasn't for Mary Pat. This woman just isn't going away.

I see why Mary Pat is doing what she's doing. It's not entirely different from what the ladies are doing. They are all trying to make sure they can take care of their families. However, what Mary Pat is not going to do is mess with Ruby and Stan!

Ruby and Stan are the gold standard of TV couples, and I will not stand for anyone trying to interfere with that!

Related: Good Girls Season 1 Episode 6- A View From the Top

Backed into a corner, the ladies only way out is to continue their life of crime. And Annie once again came through with the mark.

Hitting Nancy's spas simultaneously was pretty ingenious. Not having a solid plan of moving the Botox and other injectables that the ladies lifted from the spas wasn't quite as ingenious.

Dean- Why don't you let me help you?
Beth- I don't know that you can.
Dean- Maybe not. But what do you got to lose?

Dean coming to the rescue is a very interesting tactic. It's starting to feel like he is going to gain just enough trust and goodwill with Beth that she will take him back and very soon after that find out that he's lying about having cancer.

Speaking of that storyline, we haven't heard much about it since the Boland's visited Dean's doctor friend. As we near the end of Good Girls Season 1, I can't imagine this isn't something they address again.

Now that Dean knows exactly what his wife is up to, what is he going to do with this information? His initial reaction may have been incredulously positive, but when he has some time to think about the danger she could be in, will he be as calm? Or could he eventually want in on the business?

The other man in Beth's life only pops up twice this week and he comes with a pretty stern warning; she needs to take care of the Mary Pat situation.

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Beth is well aware that Mary is a problem, all the ladies are, but they aren't going to just hand her over to Rio so her small children become orphans. They would rather continue risking their own lives then go down that road.  

That's why it's interesting that when Beth is presented with information that the bullet-riddled man she let sleep in her daughter's bedroom back on Good Girls Season 1 Episode 4 is cooperating with the FBI, she doesn't show any mercy.

Beth- It's that kid or us.

When the ladies tease Beth about missing the "hood life" it's played for laughs and it is funny but it's also very true. Beth more so than Ruby and Annie has embraced the lifestyle the most. She is no longer content going to PTA meetings, carpooling and doing mid-afternoon yoga.

She found something she is good at, something that makes her feel powerful and useful. And she's not ready to just give that up. And if that means ratting out that kid to Rio and saving herself, her family and any potential business down the line, then she's willing to do it.

Or so it may seem. It's not out of the realm of possibility to think Beth may not follow through with the plan, but the fact that she was even considering it, shows just how much Beth Boland has changed.  

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Okay kids, we are only one episode away from the finale! So, I definitely want some predictions about where you think things are headed. Will Stan find out about Ruby's involvement with the gang? Are the ladies going to continue to pay Mary Pat?

We're coming down the home stretch now! So make sure you watch Good Girls online so you're all caught up before the final episodes!

Shutdown Review

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Whitney Evans is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on X.

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Good Girls Season 1 Episode 8 Quotes

Ruby- Just because other girls do crazy, stupid ass stuff doesn't make it okay. You wouldn't do those things so why in the hell would you do this?
Sarah- They used to make fun of the oxygen tank weirdo. Now they don't. I'm dope.
Ruby- Stealing doesn't make you dope, Sarah. It just makes you a dope.

Beth- How long are we shut down?
Rio- Til further notice.