Scorpion Season 4 Episode 17 Review: Dumbster Fire

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It's tough babysitting a bunch of non-geniuses, especially when they're about to get themselves blown up.

On Scorpion Season 4 Episode 17, Cabe and Paige were the brains of the operation, which made for a nice change of pace. We're used to the geniuses saying something smart that solves a problem or explains the severity of a situation, so it's fun seeing the roles reversed.

It helps make the case a lot more entertaining. Well, that along with the constant jokes about Toby's IQ and the prairie dog. I'm a little sad they didn't bring him back to the lab. Ferret Bueller could use a friend!

Mentally Impaired - Scorpion

It's also a lot of fun watching the banter and slight bickering between the geniuses. Toby vs. Sly on the plastic front is pure fun. We don't usually get to see them bicker like this, which is a shame.

Scorpion is a family, and we all know that families like to poke fun at each other. It's why we love them, most of the time, so it's nice seeing this element of Team Scorpion featured.

Related: Scorpion Season 4 Episode 16 Review: Nerd, Wind and Fire

I wish the first sign that the geniuses had been down in the lab too long wasn't them laughing at a fart joke.

It's far too juvenile, and it's not funny. It made the team seem like they had lost all their intelligence, but then they immediately went back to having a somewhat genius intellect. It didn't work.

The transition isn't handled well. 

As Cabe and Paige pointed out, they didn't need to be geniuses to do some of this stuff, but it's like losing their genius IQ made them idiots who couldn't stay focused on something.

There had to be a better way to show that the geniuses had been knocked down a couple of notches, IQ-wise.

Toby talking about how it was nice not having so many thoughts racing through his head, for instance, was a cool and intriguing way to show the difference between genius Toby and lower IQ Toby. Another interesting difference was Walter having more EQ.

Walter: Start wrapping.
Sly [beatboxing]: My name is Sylvester saving Toby's my goal. We better do it fast or there might be a black hole.
Happy: He meant wrapping cellophane, moron.

However, his conversations with Paige about how smart she is and needing a partner, etc., felt a little like he was talking down to her. It didn't feel sincere. Perhaps this is because he literally brings up everything they were fighting about after game night.

This new EQ version of Walter could have bonded with Paige without backpedaling on everything he had said earlier. It would have felt more genuine to see Walter connect and validate Paige in a different way.

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It's not like the two of them haven't fought about EQ issues before. There's tons of places to gather material.

However, not everything Walter said to Paige missed the mark, and it's possible that the reason EQ Walter didn't always seem genuine is that he's not the Walter we know and love. 

Still, there was a hope that Walter would follow through on some of the things his dopey counterpart said to Paige. He obviously wouldn't be thrilled spending his evening listening to Moon River, but he could have sucked it up and done it.

Nope, as soon as he gets his IQ back, Walter has no time for Paige and her normal sounding date night. It's all about the work for Walter, which makes him a jerk for essentially getting Paige's hopes up and then dashing them as if they were trivial.

This case gave Paige a glimpse at what her relationship would be like if Walter was a regular guy. She falls for this version of Walter a little too hard, which makes the jerk genius Walter reality at the end a bit harsh.

Happy: I feel like I normally say something here.
Cabe: Not good.
Happy: Yup, that's it.

Then, there's return of Florence and Walter.

Yes, we saw that look you gave Florence when she understood your drawing immediately, Walter. Cut it out. No one wants a love rectangle. 

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This is the last kind of drama and heartbreak that Team Scorpion needs right now. It's not good drama. It's going to be awkward and painful, and it would be best to avoid it.

Someone is going to get their feelings hurt.

Now I'm as lost as Macaulay Culkin in New York.


Let's say Florence told Paige the truth on Scorpion Season 4 Episode 16, then I can see Walter breaking things off with Paige because he realizes that he either likes Florence and/or wants to be with someone on his intellect level. Then, we get a broken-hearted Paige.

If Florence was lying, then she will probably turn down Sly in favor of Walter, and then we get a broken-hearted Sly. 

Basically, this whole situation is lose/lose, and unfortunately, it looks like we're going to have to endure it. Well, at least Quintis is happy.

Happy: No medicine for you, wishy-washy. I should've figured as much from the lowest genius IQ on the team.
Toby: Geez, you're really mad at me.

What did you think of the episode? Are you afraid that we're headed into love rectangle waters? Which ships are you pulling for? Leave your thoughts in the comments below!

Remember you can watch Scorpion online anytime via TV Fanatic.

Dumbster Fire Review

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Scorpion Season 4 Episode 17 Quotes

Happy: No medicine for you, wishy-washy. I should've figured as much from the lowest genius IQ on the team.
Toby: Geez, you're really mad at me.

Cabe: I don't trust bottled water. I had a real spring on my grandfather's farm upstate when I was a boy. The best I ever tasted.
Sly: Thank you Cabe for that entirely unhelpful insight.