iZombie: Why Season 4 is Poised to be the Best Yet!

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The excitement for iZombie Season 4 cannot be contained, and it's for good reason.

The criminally underrated, supernatural dramedy-thriller is one of the best shows on The CW. In fact, it is the best supernatural show on the air. For three seasons, it gained momentum and an avid fanbase devoted to a well-written show with rich characters, an amazing cast, and fun, creative storytelling.

The end of iZombie Season 3 was a game-changer. The boldest move to date occurred when it chose to blow up zombie secrecy. It's a move that will undoubtedly revitalize the entire series.

iZombie Season 4 Key Art

iZombie Season 3 Episode 13 ended a chapter of the series and left the door open for an entirely new one. It's that uncertainty and the fact that the series has catapulted fans into an unknown territory that has iZombie Season 4 poised to be the best of the show thus far.

The possibilities are limitless. By expanding the show's premise and exposing zombiesm, there is no end to what the show can explore from this point forward. Everything is bigger and better; the truth is out, but the stakes are higher than ever.

For starters, the show is headed in a more political direction. If you're groaning at the thought, your first instinct is understandable; but if you think about it, iZombie has always been political.

This won't be new territory. Since the beginning, iZombie was socially relevant and current with biting commentary shrouded in snarky dialogue, and funny, non-threatening quips. iZombie's blend of dark humor allowed the show to subtly address issues like racism and classism without coming across like a PSA.

If any show can have a political edge without being offputting, iZombie can.

The parallels will be hard to miss, but that's one of the many reasons the new season is so highly anticipated.

Related: iZombie Season 3 Episode 12 Review: Looking for Mr. Goodbrain, Part 1

Chase is holding the entire nation hostage for brains. He and the paramilitary group of zombies have scratched and turned unsuspecting people to build their zombie population.

Seattle will be fenced off, and the zombies and humans of Seattle will be quarantined -- sectioned off from the rest of the nation. Oh yes, they built a wall.

We can expect many people attempting to flee Seattle to get away from zombies. There will also be many of the nation's ill gravitating to Seattle in hopes of being cured via a scratch.

Seattle is under imminent threat of being destroyed. Think about it; what's to stop the federal government from bombing the Emerald city for "the greater good"?

Related: iZombie Season 3 Episode 13 Review: Looking for Mr. Goodbrain, Part 2 

Chase fired the first shot and is holding the nation over a barrel. It won't be long before the government reacts in kind. Gold claimed that zombie island wouldn't have survived because the government would destroy them all, but what's to stop the same thing from happening anyway?

The only difference now is that there will be human casualties. On the ground, it can't be much better.

A war is brewing among humans and zombies. Humans are forming militias and hate groups, and radical zombies can screw everything up if they attack humans.

Major and the rest of the zombie militia are supposed to be peacekeepers. Unfortunately, they're highly militarized as well as undead. If they're willing to use excessive force on scared citizens, what's to be said about them?

By turning the entire series on its head in this brilliant way, the show has expanded its reach. Zombies are brought to a national level so the show can focus on the grand scale of matters and what that means, while also broadening the small scale of life in Seattle.

Interspecies relationships, bigotry, shifting power dynamics, capitalism, nationalism, corruption and terrorism, no stone will likely go unturned. I cannot wait to see how it all plays out!

This season will place each of the main characters in new positions, and it may finally bring out the best in all of them.

iZombie has strong, engaging characters, but sometimes, it has proven to be difficult for the show to integrate all of its main characters into larger arcs.

Liv, Clive, and Ravi, fortunately, work together often, so they have the most presence and are granted the chance to have their hands in just about every arc happening within the show.

Major's ties to both Liv and Ravi often leads to him being in the perfect position to have his own separate arcs. But, he also has the ability to engage in larger arcs with the others.

Blaine and Peyton typically have a tougher time. Blaine benefits from having a strong individual arc. Moreover, he fits in with the grand scheme of matters given his on-again/off-again zombie state and his toggling back and forth between antagonist and antihero.

Unfortunately, Peyton suffers the most. Peyton occasionally orbits the various storylines, but for most of the series, she didn't cohesively fit in with most of the plots. Peyton was often at most risk of being reduced to a human plot device.


There was a shift with that in iZombie Season 3, but with the new season on the horizon, Peyton will be in a unique space that will allow her to be just as much of a heavy player as her counterparts.

Peyton will be one of the few humans who possessed an extensive knowledge of zombies long before news broke out to the masses. That makes her well-versed in comparison to her human counterparts and an asset in her new position.

Related: iZombie: A Promotion, Liv's New Man & MORE!!

Peyton is a human working for a zombie mayor in a closed-off city on the brink of self-implosion amidst the growing tension between the living and the undead. Now, more than ever, she'll be a valuable asset and one of the most powerful characters on the series.

Peyton isn't the only character who will experience a "come up." Major has been perfectly set up to flourish this season, and of all the characters, I look forward to this the most.

Army Major

Major is the kicked puppy of the series, and my God, that's why we love him so much. For three seasons, Major experienced major whump -- his arcs entailed poor decisions, heartbreak, illness, death, loss, and every melancholic turn of events under the sun.

He's the quintessential supernatural millennial; well-meaning but a screw-up, unemployed but hard working, on the crap end of doxxing and public shaming. He's prone to recklessness and problematic choices, but that's part of his charm.

Major is in desperate need of a come-up, and since becoming a public pariah and ostracized by fellow humans for being the Chaos Killer Kidnapper, he has nothing left to lose.

After so much effort went into curing him of his zombiesm, Major willfully allowed Chase to scratch him so he could continue fighting for the zombie cause. It's the only community he feels a part of anymore, and a majority of Season 3 saw Major distant from his friends and dedicated to his fellow zombie soldiers.

Major has a renewed purpose; he's motivated after the death of his friends and Natalie. Can we expect the fourth season to be Major's time to shine? Hopefully so.

He's in deep with Fillmore Graves, and he has drawn a line in the sand. What will this mean for Major and his relationship with the rest of the Z-gang?

Major has aligned himself with Chase, who is literally holding the country hostage for brains. Chase's stance in ushering the country into D-Day and beyond is controversial at best.

This undoubtedly brings about the moral dilemma and that aforementioned divisiveness reflective of America's political climate. It should be interesting seeing a character like Major drove to a morally gray area that has him at odds with his loved ones.

Speaking of, with Major and Liv expected to be on opposite sides of this Pro-Human and Pro-Zombie movement, while both convincing themselves that they lie somewhere in the middle, what will it do for their relationship?

Related: The CW Spring Premiere Dates: The Originals, iZombie & The 100 Return!

For years, the biggest obstacle in their romantic relationship was the human/undead status and not jeopardizing one another as a result. Even when they both were zombies, the timing wasn't right.

They're finally in a position where they could rekindle their relationship, but their opposing views on the zombie exposure changes everything.

The relationships, especially the 'ships, will be exciting. Liv and Major's newfound tension will be intense, but Clive and Dale will be one to watch.

Clive has been initiated into Z-Club, but Dale has been freshly initiated into zombiesm thanks to Fillmore Graves' devious and diabolical plan. They just reunited, and they are arguably the best couple on the show.

Before, we witnessed a couple (Major/Liv) attempt to make it work, but this time, I'm more invested. Clive is the sunshine of this series and deserves happiness, peace, and love.

Long live Clive and Dale! All of this is so new to both of them. It's going to be an emotional ride watching this adorable pair navigate their new lifestyle.

But of all the reasons why this season is likely to be the best yet, there's Ravi. He made a daring, shocking choice to be the test subject for his zombie vaccine, and he went so far as to have Liv scratch him.

For months, fans have been speculating what that will mean for his character. Chatter has increased after the trailer revealed Ravi chomping down on brain and with white streaks in his hair.

Related: iZombie Season 4 Trailer: Welcome to the New Seattle! 

It could mean Ravi's vaccine didn't work, and he's showing the symptoms of a man who has been turned after begging his bestie to scratch him. But then, it could mean that his zombie vaccination did work, and there are a few hinky side effects.

If it is a success, that will make Ravi a sought-after man by friends and foes. If he can successfully duplicate a synthesized vaccination and mass produce it, he could prevent the zombie virus from spreading and be viewed as a threat to Chase, zombie radicals, or hell, even Blaine.

Ravi's condition is one of the biggest cliffhangers, and however it plays out in the end, he's set up for a fantastic arc.

It's not often that a show can reinvent itself, but iZombie is on the verge of doing just that.

Never have I anticipated the shows return to this degree. It's that anticipation and excitement that has Season 4 poised to be the best season yet.

Hopefully, it'll live up to the hype and potential. I'm thrilled about it, aren't you?! What do you want to see from our Z-Gang in the new season? How do you think the season will play out?! Hit the comments and let's discuss it!

IZombie Season 4 premieres on February 26 at 9/8c on The CW. If you'd  you like to binge the last season before to catch you, you can watch iZombie online right here via TV Fanatic! 

Jasmine Blu is a senior staff writer for TV Fanatic. She is an insomniac who spends late nights and early mornings binge-watching way too many shows and binge-drinking way too much tea. Her eclectic taste makes her an unpredictable viewer with an appreciation for complex characters, diverse representation, dynamic duos, compelling stories, and guilty pleasures. You'll definitely find her obsessively live-tweeting, waxing poetic, and chatting up fellow Fanatics and readers. Follow her on X.

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iZombie Quotes

I have so many questions. First, why the hot sauce? Is that a zombie thing?


I don't have post-traumatic stress. I have post-traumatic ennui. Post-traumatic defeatism. Post-traumatic 'what's the point?'
