Good Girls Season 1 Episode 1 Review: Fine & Frugal

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Guys, this was a really good pilot!

There are three things I want in the very first episode of a new series. I want compelling characters, an interesting premise and a hook that makes me want to tune in again. 

Good Girls Season 1 Episode 1 nails all three of things. And this was honestly one of the best new shows I've seen in awhile. 

Robbing a Supermarket - Good Girls

Aside from just my rules for pilots, I have an extensive list for dramedies. The main thing I want is a solid balance of drama and comedy. And is that really too much to ask? I mean it's implied in the name after all.

While there were moments I laughed out loud, there were also a lot of real moments as well. The premise sounds pretty comical when you say it out loud. Three suburban moms rob a grocery store sounds like the beginning of a bad joke, right?

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But beneath the laughs, there is a solid emotional base. These three women don't follow through with the crazy plan to rob the grocery store because they want new purses or new vacation homes. These are women in dire straits who need financial assistance to save their families. 

That doesn't make robbery okay, but each women's story endears you to them in a way that makes you understand why they feel so pushed to the brink. 

New Ride- Good Girls Season 1 Episode 1

Beth, Annie, and Ruby are all extremely intelligent, strong women who are at very different crossroads. But crossroads nonetheless. This robbery feels like the way to ease some of the burdens weighing them down and start to make some changes for the better. 

The women playing the lead characters couldn't have been cast better. Christina Hendricks, Mae Whitman, and Retta are all powerhouse performers, and this is the perfect vehicle for them to showcase their talents.

All three have amazing chemistry together and the highlight of the hour for me was anytime the three of them were able to play off one another. They all get a chance to show off their comedic timing, while also displaying vulnerability when they're faced with devastation and danger. 

Ruby: So when you wanna do this?
Annie: Well I already bought three automatics and filed off the serial numbers. So, really, name a day.

So, we've checked off compelling characters, but what about the interesting premise?

While the crux of the episode dealt with the buildup to the robbery, the aftermath is where things got really interesting. 

Shielding Her Child- Good Girls Season 1 Episode 1

Finding out the regular old town grocery store is involved with a local gang and being used to launder money puts an entirely new spin on this show that you may or may not see coming. 

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Forget the cops; these women are in a whole lot more trouble than they could have ever imagined. So where do they go from here?

And how can you not be intrigued by suburban moms dealing with gangs and money laundering, while also carpooling their kids to school? 

I robbed a grocery store.


Of the main characters, Beth seems to get the most screen time, and I will say that I walked away most interested to see where her storyline leads. She becomes the de facto leader during the actual robbery, and she seems to be the central person that makes the three of them work as a unit.  

While she's saddled with a philandering husband, she also has four children she needs to protect. One would think she will eventually confide in him about the threat to their family. But then again she has such little faith in him; it's possible she could continue to keep him in the dark for as long as possible. 

Dean Takes Flight- Good Girls Season 1 Episode 1

It will be fascinating to see how long these women can keep their secret. As threats loom larger, it's hard to imagine they won't need help.

Speaking of help, what the heck are they going to do with Boomer? I'm going to go out on a limb here and say Boomer is just knocked out and not dead. A robbery, gang threat and death are an awful lot to throw at these women. But then again, that's just more drama for us!

Cause every man in the world thinks he can do whatever he wants, whenever he wants.


I can't wait to see where the show continues to go with this idea that men can do whatever and women are just made to take it. In this day and age, this is a topic worth exploring. 

Related: Watch Real Lives, Real Stories, & Real Celebrities on Reelz Channel via Amazon Channels!

And while the hook is Boomer's fate, honestly, the whole episode hooked me. I'm already invested in Beth, Annie, Ruby, their children,  and the gang members. I'm even invested in what happens with shady Dean.

Amongst Her Peers- Good Girls Season 1 Episode 1

Okay, guys, so you know I am entirely on board with Good Girls, what about you? What are you looking forward to most? What was your favorite part of the premiere!

Drop me a line down below. I'd love to talk about this with you guys!

And don't forget, you can watch Good Girls online via TV Fanatic, so you don't miss a minute of the fun!

Pilot Review

Editor Rating: 4.5 / 5.0
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Rating: 4.8 / 5.0 (17 Votes)

Whitney Evans is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on X.

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Good Girls Season 1 Episode 1 Quotes

You're like a Stepford mom without a pulse.

Annie [to Beth]

Ruby: So when you wanna do this?
Annie: Well I already bought three automatics and filed off the serial numbers. So, really, name a day.