Kevin (Probably) Saves the World Season 1 Episode 7 Review: Dave

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Well, that was the saddest hour yet. 

For a show about God, righteous souls, and saving humanity, things have been pretty lighthearted thus far. And that's because this is more of a dramedy than anything else. 

But that all changed on Kevin (Probably) Saves the World Season 1 Episode 7 when things took a decidedly somber turn. I wasn't ready for the emotions coursing through this episode. 

Working Up the Nerve - Kevin (Probably) Saves the World

While I was a huge fan of the A plot and we will dive into that, we have to talk about Dave first. I have a feeling he's going to be a divisive character going forward, and I just want to say that I was not the biggest fan.  

The concept of Dave seems pretty clear. He's the exact opposite of Yvette and more akin to Kevin, so naturally, his presence will create a divide between Yvette and Kevin and force Kevin into realizing that Yvette's safer, rational approach is the way to go in the long run. 

The thing is, I don't think Kevin needs Dave to realize that. If anything, Dave is only going to cause Kevin to regress. Dave is essentially Kevin Part 2 and is that really what Kevin needs? Yvette challenges him and makes him think outside the box, while also allowing him to grow in his own way and make his own mistakes. 

I don't see Dave doing those things. Now granted, it's only been one episode, so things can change. But I found Dave to be an unfunny and unwelcome addition to the team, and I hope they give him more to do in the future than being Yvette's foil. I'd love to be proven wrong!

Kristin: So, my mom's your new project?
Kevin: Well, I was just trying to help.
Kristin: You want to help? Get her to go back into treatment.

We finally got a glimpse into Kristin, and it was a bittersweet glimpse, to say the least. Since the pilot, Kristin has been set up as Kevin's main romantic lead, yet six episodes had passed, and we really didn't know much about her. Nor did we have any reason to really root for these two as a couple, other than the fact that the show wanted us to. 

Allowing Kristin to show a range of emotions as she dealt with her mother's illness was a great way to allow us to connect with her. Just like mother Susan, Kristin is a strong and proud woman. She wants to fight for her mom, and she feels like she's in a helpless situation. 

You can say a lot about Kevin, but you can't say he doesn't have a kind spirit. Ms. Allen opens up to him rather quickly, just like most people he encounters and it's wonderful that her last days were spent in a happy place. 

Her death hit me like a ton of bricks because I didn't see it coming so soon. I knew she would pass eventually, but for some reason, I thought it would down the road. I think I was just so engrossed in everything that I failed to see the visible signs that she wasn't meant to be back again. 

For as much as this storyline worked and allowed some much need character growth for Kristin, are we sold on a Kevin/Kristin pairing? I don't think I'm quite there yet; although, I can say I have a greater investment in Kristin. And that's a very good thing. 

Ignacio: So, what do you hope to get from all these measurements?
Amy: Insight.
Ignacio: Yeah, but you lose possibility. As long as you don't know, anythings possible.

Elsewhere, Amy was relegated to Plot C status, where she linked up with a handsome stranger to try and find an explanation for how Kevin saved Reese in Kevin (Probably) Saves The World Season 1 Episode 6. This was seriously yawn-worthy and extremely predictable. 

Ignacio, while handsome and suave with his "I believe in miracles" attitude, was very clearly introduced to be a roadblock in the inevitable Amy/Nate relationship. I'm all for Amy finding some happiness, but why am I supposed to want that with this guy?

With more episodes headed our way, my hope for the future is that some of these periphery characters get fleshed out. It is Kevin's show, but the other people that inhabit his world can't just be ignored. 

Loose Ends

  • Even though I didn't love Dave, it was neat to hear his experiences. Any information about the other warriors of God is never a bad thing. It helps to shade in Yvette more. My hope is that one day we'll get an Yvette centric episode so we can learn more about that world. 
  • Kevin's vision involved what looked like to me to be an altar burning. Kevin's murder wall was hilarious and they seem to have no clue how everything is connected, just like the rest of us!
  • Poor Nate! He is a great guy, and hopefully, this Ignacio thing isn't dragged out for too long because I think he deserves all the nice things!

Alright guys, what did you think of "Dave"? Were you a fan of Dave? If so, are you hoping he becomes a permanent member of the team? What do you hope to see going forward?

As always, leave a comment and let me know your thoughts! And remember to watch Kevin (Probably) Saves the World online anytime via TVFanatic!

Dave Review

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Whitney Evans is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on X.

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Kevin (Probably) Saves the World Season 1 Episode 7 Quotes

Yvette: You just want her to like you so you can get some brownie points with her daughter.
Kevin: Well, I have no control over that.

Yvette, we need to save this place!
