Pretty Little Liars Spinoff: We Have Some Questions...

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Back in September, fans received "A" plus news from Freeform: Pretty Little Liars is getting a spinoff.

Even better, Pretty Little Liars: The Perfectionists will see Sasha Pieterse and Janel Parrish reprising their roles as Alison DiLaurentis and Mona Vanderwaal, respectively. 

The spinoff is based on The Perfectionists, a book series launched by PLL writer Sara Shepard. Shepard will once again team up with PLL creator Marlene King to bring us to the seemingly perfect town of Beacon Heights.

The premise is all too familiar for those who spent six years watching PLL because Beacon Heights focuses on five best friends and their high-school frenemy turning up dead. 

The network has been coy about providing any more details about the series thus far, which raises a lot of questions, especially, why are Mona and Alison in Beacon Heights when we last left them living a peaceful – and I use that term loosely – life in Rosewood.

During Pretty Little Liars Season 7 Episode 20, Alison was happily living -with girlfriend Emily and their two babies. Mona was running a doll shop in Paris and simultaneously torturing Alex, and Mary Drake in a make-shift dollhouse underneath said shop. Twisted, but so satisfying. 

So how do these two ladies fit into The Perfectionists? How did they find themselves in Beacon Heights?

The series focuses on a murder in the seemingly perfect town, but the novel never mentioned any of the liars being involved so how did they turn up in Beacon Heights? Is Alison a teacher that works as a substitute in Beacon Heights?

Does she know one of the girls through a family friend? Is Beacon Heights where Jason lives now? Did one of the new perfectionists reach out to both Ali and Mona asking for help since they were the protagonists in their own murder-mystery? See, so many questions. 

See, so many questions. 

Why are they together?

Mona and Alison have never gotten along. They've been sworn enemies since day one, even though Mona helped Alison "disappear" off the radar. Still, they've never been friends so it would be a little out of character for them to travel to a different town together. How did they end up involved in the same murder mystery...again?

How far is Beacon Heights from Rosewood?

It's more plausible for Mona to be there by herself than it is for Alison who has a whole family in Rosewood, unless Beacon Heights is a neighboring town or suburb. Were they obsessed with Rosewood's high murder rate and wanted to emulate it? 

Would Mona really leave her dream life for a place called Beacon Heights?

Like previously mentioned, Mona was literally living out her fantasies in Paris. Not to mention she finally won the game. Would she really give up eating macaroons and wearing cute berets to help a bunch of teens solve a high school murder? You know what, scratch that – you KNOW she would. 

But if Mona is gone, what about Mary Drake and Alex?

Does Mona just leave Mary Drake and Alex in the basement of her shop to rot? Does she turn them over to the authorities, which is really what she should have done in the first place?

These two are deranged, and if Mona isn't actively torturing them, I hope someone is keeping an eye on them. Otherwise, they'd be running aloof plotting their next A-type shenanigans. Which wouldn't be the worst thing for us fans cause it would guarantee a PLL movie, I'm sure. 

Will there be any cameos from the other liars?

The liars have always done everything together so if Alison is being shady at Beacon Heights, you expect to see the other four. Will they make a cameo?

It's unlikely they'll join the project as full-time reoccurring roles since they're all a bit busy now. But still, I'll take a five-minute cameo from Emily, Aria, Hannah or Spencer any day. Heck, I'll even settle for one of the guys! 

Which brings me to my next point – are Emily and Alison doing alright?

I think that was the first question on everyone's mind considering these two are raising children together, and Ali's in a different town dealing with yet another murder mystery.

Fans don't have to worry according to Pieterse who revealed that "Emison is great" and "the babies are good" too. So does that mean Emily will have a cameo?

We automatically assume the girls are in high school because that's how we met the liars, but are they in college?

There's a mention that Beacon Heights has a top-tier college so maybe the series picks up with a core group of college girls. It also states that the friends "find out their high school enemy" is dead as in the enemy they had back in their high school days.

The murder mysteries would be darker if the ladies were older, and I'd be all for that. Alison taught high school back in Rosewood but what if she transferred to a different town to teach college. It wouldn't be too hard to understand that they'd all want to heave-ho right out of Rosewood after finally getting rid of A.

But did Emily stay back with the twins?

Are Mona and Alison the alibis of the"perfectionists"?

The show description reads, "behind every Perfectionist is a secret, a lie, and an alibi." We know Alison and Mona are experts at secrets and lies so maybe they come to town as the squad's alibis?

How many episodes will feature Alison and Mona?

Since the two aren't in the core cast, does that mean we'll only see them in one or two episodes, and their names are just being added to the series to draw in viewers? Or will they be recurring in several episodes and essential to the main storyline?

We have many questions, but as PLL fans, we've been conditioned to question everything. Pieterse did reveal that the two shows "aren't connected," but we still don't know what role she plays.

She added that the series is a "fun journey" so we'll no doubt get hooked. Let's just hope Marlene and Sara just stay as far away from any supernatural storylines and Ravenswood! 

In the meantime, you can always re-watch Pretty Little Liars online right here

Lizzy Buczak was a staff writer for TV Fanatic. She retired in June 2021..

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Pretty Little Liars Quotes

Fine, but we should go talk to Ezra. If he has any information on Varjak, we need to know.


Mona is five feet
of insidious snark with a side ponytail,
and I just -- I wanna grab it, and I wanna yank it really, really hard.
