Kevin (Probably) Saves the World Season 1 Episode 2 Review: Listen Up

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Was this episode somewhat predictable? Yes. Did I still enjoy the hell out of it? Yes. 

Kevin (Probably) Saves the World Season 1 Episode 2 showed me exactly what this show is going to be going forward. We are going to get a cavalcade of characters coming through each week that Kevin is going to find a way to help.

Like any procedural, there may be twists and turns and even an occasional not so happy ending, but for the most part I think Kevin will be succeeding more times than not and well on his way to finding the righteous. And I will be enjoying the ride all season. 

Old Flame - Kevin (Probably) Saves the World

In case you need a refresher about what exactly this show is all about, Yvette lays it all out within the first minute of the show. 

Yvette: Right now you're learning how to experience life's everyday miracles. How to listen to the universe.
Kevin: Are you stoned?
Yvette: It's simple. The universe will guide you to those who are in need of your help. That will build your spiritual power. And eventually your spirit will be strong enough to find the other righteous. You got it?

Kevin being Kevin is, of course, impatient and unwillingly to wait around for the universe, so he takes matters into his own hands and tries to find people in need of his help. 

Would anyone see that sad flyer Kevin made and actually call him for help? I truly hope not. 

Ultimately the universe can't be stopped, and all signs point Kevin towards a local brewery. There he meets father and son duo Jake and Karl Gilmore, owners of 3 Roads Brewery. 

Jason Ritter shines all the time, but he's best when he gets to be the odd guy who's just trying to help but coming off like a complete weirdo. The Gilmore's end up calling the cops on him after he refuses to stop bugging Jake about his "issues." 

It's not until later at a little high school gathering that we find out why the universe sent Kevin to that brewery; Jake hates beer and wants no parts of the family business. 

Listen, it's not a bad life. It's just not the one I wanted.


We've heard a lot about the old Kevin, a guy who blew everyone who cared about him off and wasn't there for his sister during the worst time of her life, but it's so hard to picture that guy when you see the way he allows himself to open up to Jake and get him to do the same. 

Their whole exchange probably doesn't happen without a nudge from Yvette, but still, Kevin has a certain energy and calm about him that seems to put people at ease around him. He just doesn't have the confidence in himself to truly see how special he is in many ways. 

Side note, is it bothering anyone else that Kevin and Yvette have so many conversations in public and no one bats an eyelash? It was really striking me at the bar that no one noticed him sitting there talking to what they would see as an empty stool. I know, I know it's a silly thing to get annoyed by, but I can't help it!

Anyway, remember when I said this episode was predictable? Was there a single person who didn't call Jake going to his Dad to talk and then his Dad subsequently suffering a medical emergency? Anyone?

I watch a lot of television so that just naturally seemed like where the story was headed to me, but it didn't take away from my enjoyment. And that's the key to a series like this. Even if you know think you know what's going to happen, you want to enjoy the journey.

During a nice exchange between Kevin and the senior Gilmore, he reveals that he didn't have a heart attack as Kevin feared, but instead it was an early warning for him. Plot twist! While Kevin assumed he was there to help Jake, he was actually helping to save Karl's life. 

And just like that Kevin was rewarded with another vision that will help him on his quest to find the righteous. This time he was thrust into an ocean, where he could see the shore and heard voices ringing out. Before he could figure out what was going on, he was rudely plopped back into the elevator, soaking wet. 

So we got butterflies on Kevin (Probably) Saves The World Season 1 Episode 1 and now we've got a little island. Whatever does all this mean?

Loose Ends

  • Kevin and Kristin hooked up! Even though they officially "broke up" by episodes end, I think these two kids will keep finding their way back to each other. How sweet was Kevin calling her up to properly dump her? 
  • Speaking of sweet, Officer Nate tracking down that carburetor for Amy was very adorable. I hope we get to see more of him moving forward. 
  • Amy is a bit of mess but in the best possible way. She is still reeling from the loss of her husband, and she's focusing a lot of her energy into Kevin and making sure that he's okay. Their little flare up in the garage was needed, and I hope they really do talk more going forward. 
  • Does anyone else think Yvette is hiding something or is it just me?

Alright, guys what did you think of the episode? Did you like this more or less than the pilot? What do you think worked this week and what didn't?

Leave me a comment and let's discuss it all! And remember to watch Kevin (Probably) Saves the World online via TV Fanatic any time you like. 

Listen Up Review

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Whitney Evans is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on X.

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