DC Crossover News: Arrow on the Move for the Big Event!

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While the DC Crossover in 2016, "Invasion," aired across four shows and on four different nights, 2017 is bringing something different.

We don't know the details behind the crossover yet, but we know it's going to occur as a two-part miniseries.

That means for one night only, Arrow will move to Monday nights to air after Supergirl.

Supergirl and the Legends - The Flash Season 3 Episode 8

The fun will begin on Monday, November 27, with Supergirl and Arrow. 

The fun will conclude on Tuesday, November 28, with The Flash and DC's Legends of Tomorrow.

Reinforcements - The Flash Season 3 Episode 8

Pedowitz said, “Last year’s (crossover) was the most successful week in CW history in terms of ratings and everything.

"We felt in this particular case we had Flash on Legends paired, so it was better to make it two two-hour movies – a miniseries – we thought this was the best way to go.

We had a lot of conversations with producers and marketing people. Next year, we might go back to four nights.”

Arrow and Supergirl Meet - The Flash Season 3 Episode 8

It's almost hard to believe it was during "Invasion" that Supergirl met Arrow for the first time.

By now, the DC universe seems so fully established on The CW that difficult recalling Supergirl began her story on CBS before moving to The CW for Supergirl Season 2.

As Pedowitz said, "Supergirl really found its groove," with the move to The CW. She's part of the family now.

Definitely closer to The Flash than Arrow, starting the first two hours of the upcoming crossover might allow for Kara and Oliver to grow a little closer.

"I'm Your Super Friend" - The Flash Season 3 Episode 17

After all, Supergirl and The Flash already have their own "ditty" in "I'm Your Superfriend," due to their continued crossovers during the 2016-17 season, and The Flash Season 3 Episode 17, "Duet," in particular.

As for the upcoming season of The Flash, Pedowitz said “It’s about finding the lightness in Barry Allen that he had in the first two seasons.”

Thank goodness, right? Let's have a little fun with the characters we've come to know so well. Don't they deserve it?

The Legends - The Flash Season 3 Episode 8

Pedowitz had thoughts on Legends, too. “As far as Legends, they had a rough first season, but they had the most fun second season anyone could have.”

From our end, we still have interviews with the Legends cast coming, but it takes time to put it all together.

That cast is huge and, quite frankly, as much fun off screen as they are on.

What do you think about the crossover news?

What do you hope to see this time around?

Who should have the opportunity to grow closer like they've never been in the past?

Carissa Pavlica is the managing editor and a staff writer and critic for TV Fanatic. She's a member of the Critic's Choice Association, enjoys mentoring writers, conversing with cats, and passionately discussing the nuances of television and film with anyone who will listen. Follow her on X and email her here at TV Fanatic.

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