Power Season 4 Episode 3 Review: The Kind of Man You Are

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Are things starting to look up for Ghost?

It's been looking pretty bleak so far for Ghost, but at the end of Power Season 4 Episode 3, it began to feel like there was a possible way out.

I think we're all assuming Ghost will find not be spending the rest of his life in jail or dying by lethal injection, but damn it was hard to see how Proctor was going to win this one. 

Turning Up the Heat - Power

While I've enjoyed the addition of Mak this season, I can already tell I'm not going to enjoy Proctor's new second chair, Terry Silver. Seriously, who the hell is this guy? He walks in with a massive chip on his shoulder, barking orders and belittling Ghost every chance he gets. 

It's fascinating to see each week the transformation Ghost goes through as he sinks further and further into the realization that prison is his new home.

Physically he looks weak, and emotionally he seems drained. Ghost has been many things over the course of this series, but rarely have I ever thought of him as weak. 

I'm not here to judge your innocence, brother. I'm here to save your life.

Terry [to Ghost]

Terry isn't the slightest bit impressed by Ghost and not at all convinced of his innocence, but Proctor on the other hand fully believes Ghost's version of events.

With the help of Terry, Proctor can get the DNA evidence thrown out of the case which puts a big dent in the prosecution's case. 

Something else that could put a damper in their case? The return of Bailey Markham, Knox's Homeland Security buddy and mentor. He's back and determined to prove that Angela is the mole.

There are so many storylines and characters in this show I have to constantly refresh my memory as to who someone is and what exactly they're talking about.

It took me until Bailey's third scene to realize exactly who he was. Anyway, he seems like a persistent guy, and I expect him to be around all season going after Angela.

That is until he gets too close to learning the truth about Sandoval and gets himself killed. 

There are truly no innocent people on this show, and in a perfect world, everybody would get theirs by the time it's over. But nothing will be more refreshing for me than seeing Sandoval get his. Oh, what a glorious day that will be. 

We both know when you want something, your family doesn't matter. No one matters but you.

Angela [to Ghost]

Ghost and Angela finally had their first true scene, and she really hit him below the belt.

I understand that to Angela, Ghost looks very guilty, but a part of me can't help but think this also has to do with Ghost breaking up with her. She seems to be blinded by a weird assortment of guilt, shame, jealousy, sadness, and vengeance.

It's not a good look on her.

When all is said and done with this case, it's very hard to imagine these two find a path back to one another. Right?

With all the pressure on the operation, Tommy is coming up with elaborate schemes to fool the FEDS, playing surrogate Dad to Tariq and trying to keep Keisha safe.

We all know Tommy can't handle pressure, so while it may seem like he has things together right this moment, it's only a matter of time before he explodes. 

And who will be the collateral damage this year?

Everything Else You Need To Know

  • Tariq? Still the worst, guys. And continuing to help Kanan in his robbery business. We haven't heard much about from Kanan about his master plan to take down Ghost lately, but I fear he hasn't forgotten about it. 
  • Angela is looking to break spousal privilege so Tasha would have to take the stand against Ghost or risk going to jail. Remember my dream from last week that these two girls could come together one day in support of Ghost? Yeah, that was a short-lived dream, y'all. 
  • Tony Teresi is a mid-level criminal from Queens who is doing exactly what I thought he'd do and blackmailing Ghost for money. And isn't it interesting he wants Tommy and only Tommy to make the money drop? I guess we'll find out if my theory about him is correct. 
  • I'm not really understanding nor am I invested in the slow burning power struggle between Julio and Dre. Dre is a rat and can't be trusted, so if these two ever have to go toe to toe, I want Julio to take him down. 
  • Speaking of Julio and Dre, it was kind of nice to hear them heap praise on Ghost while they were being interrogated. It's hard to see the good in Ghost, but he is a loyal guy, and when he extends his hand to help someone, he expects that loyalty in return. 
  • The recording of Tommy and Ruiz finally came to light with Bailey's reappearance. It doesn't look like it will be an issue now, but I have a feeling it will be brought up again. 

We continue to be off to strong start, with Ghost's incarceration and impending trial being the storyline around which all things revolve. And that's a very good thing from a show that has struggled with too many conflicting stories interwoven amongst too many insignificant characters. 

Are you ready for Sandoval to be exposed? What will Tasha do if forced to testify against Ghost? Is there a connection between Tony and Tommy?

As always, leave your comments down below and remember you can watch Power online anytime via TVFanatic. 

The Kind of Man You Are Review

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Rating: 4.0 / 5.0 (3 Votes)

Whitney Evans is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on X.

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Power Season 4 Episode 3 Quotes

I'm not here to judge your innocence, brother. I'm here to save your life.

Terry [to Ghost]

Yeah, I don't know if they blame you, but I do.

Bailey [to Angela]