Empire Season 4: Forest Whitaker Joins Cast

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Forest Whitaker will be mingling with the Lyons later this year. 

The Oscar-winning actor is boarding the Fox drama series for Season 4, which debuts September 27. 

Forest Whitaker Attends Star Wars Event

He'll play a musical legend named Uncle Eddie, the man who gave Lucious his first big break back in the day. 

That big break came in the form of his first radio air play. That was back before streaming from Spotify and Apple Music was a thing. 

He will be back to help Lucious recover from the shocking explosion at the end of Empire Season 3

Want some Lemonade with your Cookie? - Empire Season 3 Episode 10

On top of that, Cookie will be asking Lucious' dear friend to help make a hit for Empire's 20th Anniversary. 

The casting is an interesting choice and one we're actually excited about. Forest is a first-rate actor who has appeared in hits such as The Last King of Scotland, The Shield, and ER. 

It's unclear at this stage how many episodes he will will appear in, but TV Line states that it will be a multi-episode arc. 

Brothers up in arms - Empire Season 3 Episode 18

Empire Season 3 closed in nail-biting fashion for the Lyons. Just as they were becoming a family, an explosion destroyed all of the work they had put into being a family. 

In true soapy fashion, Lucious suffered severe memory loss as a result of the explosion, and Demi Moore debuted as a sketchy nurse. 

In short, it was a typical way to end the season, and we have no idea what to expect when the series returns. 

Well, there's actually a crossover with Star. That should be fun!

Yes, the two worlds are set to collide in a big way, and that means Cookie and Carlotta will be in the same room with one another. 

Remember you can watch Empire online right here via TV Fanatic. Get caught up now!

Over to you, Empire Fanatics. What do you think of the casting news?

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Paul Dailly was an Associate Editor for TV Fanatic.Follow him on X.

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Empire Quotes

That boy is headed for a world of trouble.


Cookie: Damn. It’s hot in here. Can’t we get the AC fixed?
Lucious: If you got $50,000 to pay for it.