The Big Bang Theory Season 10: Best Episode, Most Surprising Moment and More!

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From the birth of Halley to that shocking season finale, The Big Bang Theory Season 10 had several standout moments.

Check out the report card below to see the best, worst, and most memorable moments from the season.

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The Big Bang Theory returns Monday, September 25th to CBS.

1. Most Surprising Moment

After another woman comes on to Sheldon, he realizes there's only one person he could ever be with, and he travels across the country to propose to Amy in a moment that defines The Big Bang Theory Season 10.

2. MVP

Who else could be the MVP of the season other than Sheldon Cooper? He consistently steals the show, is the funniest, and more importantly, he's the character who has seen the most growth -- particularly during Season 10.

3. Most Unexpected Pair

When Raj needed a place to stay, he temporarily took Sheldon's old room, and developed a special bond with new roommate Penny. Poor Leonard felt like the third wheel, and didn't even have a matching shirt!

4. Best Episode

There are a few standout episodes from this season, and The Big Bang Theory Season 10 Episode 12, "The Holiday Summation," is definitely one of them. While other episodes had more significant moments, this episode was funny and thoughtful while also digging into serious issues.

5. Worst Episode

Not every episode can be good, and this season certainly had some duds. The Big Bang Theory Season 10 Episode 5, "The Hot Tub Contamination," was pretty much a disaster. Talk about uncomfortable to watch.

6. Most Underutilized Character

The most underutlized character this season? Leonard. Now, this one is kind of a toss up, because Raj has also gone a long time without having storylines of much substance. That changed a bit during The Big Bang Theory Season 10, though, while Leonard remained sidelined far too often.

7. Best Celebration

Though Leonard and Penny's wedding celebration didn't get nearly as much attention as it deserved, it was still a memorable part of The Big Bang Theory Season 10, and the series as a whole.

8. Best Couple

Howard and Bernadette are easily the most solid and most enjoyable couple to watch on The Big Bang Theory, and watching them adapt to becoming parents has been a treat this season.

9. Best Gift

Leonard knows Sheldon all too well, and he's been saving the perfect gift for the perfect moment -- you know, when he needs to be distracted. That gift is a certificate for an ultimate train experience, and of course, Sheldon is delighted.

10. Most Underrated Character

The character who doesn't get enough credit? Bernadette. She especially shined this season as she dealt with pregnancy and becoming a new mother.

11. Most Endearing Moment

While Sheldon's proposal to Amy was shocking and sweet, and Leonard and Penny's wedding was also significant, the most endearing moment this season was the birth of Halley, and all of Howard and Bernadette's friends getting to see her in the nursery -- just before she started crying, sounding exactly like Howard's late mother.

12. Best Quote

Best quote

Penny: I didn't know you could drink while you were breastfeeding.
Bernadette: Yeah, they say the yeast in beer helps with milk production.
Amy: I'm pretty sure that's a myth. Let me check.
Bernadette: Ruin it for me, and I'll break this glass over your head.

Penny: I didn't know you could drink while you were breastfeeding. Bernadette: Yeah, they say the yeast in beer helps with milk production. Amy: I'm pretty sure that's a myth. Let me check. Bernadette: Ruin it for me, and I'll break this glass over your head.

13. New Character We Love

Seriously, how great is Bert? We were originally introduced to him a few seasons again, but The Big Bang Theory Season 10 used him quite a bit, and he always made us laugh.

14. Geekiest Game

Is there anything geekier than seeing if you can hold your breath longer than a Euler's Disk can spin? The good news is that Raj is pretty good at this game.

15. Biggest Letdown

It was such a disappointment that once the guidance system was complete, the guys had their work taken away and the storyline was over -- just like that. Talk about anti-climactic.

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TBBT Quotes

Sheldon: I'll have a diet Coke.
Penny: Can you please order a cocktail? I need to practice mixing drinks.
Sheldon: Fine... I'll have a virgin Cuba Libre.
Penny: That's... rum and Coke without the rum.
Sheldon: Yes, and would you make it diet?

Oh, Bernadette, please play my clarinet.

Raj's poem