This Is Us Season 1: 19 Reasons We Rejoiced

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This Is Us blew us away with its freshman season.

We fell in love with the Pearson family and all of their friends, not to mention the unexpected and welcome extended family we've met so far.

We rejoiced at the many moments that made us laugh, cry and contemplate our own lives as we compared them to the Pearsons.

A family drama has never grabbed our attention so fast, and a series has never been as aptly titled.

Join us as we celebrate This Is Us Season 1. And keep an eye on TV Fanatic, because the partying will continue until the show returns for it's second season.

And if you have not yet met the Pearsons, watch This Is Us online to get to know them. You won't look back!

1. We Laughed

This is life. So we laughed when Randall thought he was losing his mind. Little did we know it was only the beginning and the best was yet to come from Randall and the entire Pearson family!

2. We Knew Jack Pearson Loved His Daughter

There's no doubting Jack's love for his daughter, Kate. He was her hero, and years later, after his death, Kate still believes she's partially to blame for his no longer being with us. They guy bedazzled and Vogued for her. Dying was probably on his list of allowables, too.

3. We Smiled at an Incredible Parenting Concept

Even though the kids weren't always close growing up, by introducing the concept of the Big Three (granted, originally meant for three triplets by birth, even better that it remained when Randall was included), it gave Kevin, Kate and Randall something to cling to when times got tough.

4. We Fell In Love

Jack seemed like the perfect husband, and we were buying what Milo Ventimiglia was selling!! Beard, clean shaven, drinking or sober, there was something about the man that tugged at our heart strings. He always seemed to have the right thing to say, even if it wasn't always at the perfect time.

5. We Enjoyed the Rad in Family Tradition

Randall takes (or took) family traditions to a whole new level and watching him rousing people Thanksgiving morning reminded us of what the holiday is supposed to be about. It's too bad his holiday didn't end as brilliantly as it began.

6. We Saw Even Good Marriages Could Falter

The clues were there all along, but viewers were so busy seeing Jack as the best husband and father ever they missed the trail of tears leading to the finale. No relationship, no man, no woman is that perfect. We're all fallible, and now we wait for what's next for Jack and Rebecca.

7. We Picked Sides

When people argued, we picked sides. It's natural. Rebecca or Jack? Kevin or Sophie? Kate or Toby? Rebecca or Jack? Jack or Rebecca? Why did he ever walk out of the house? Why did she let him? What's happening?

8. We Were Introduced to the Kate Face

One of the best things about Kate is how she cannot hold back. Well, unless it's relating to details about her dad and his death. If it's NOT, then she lets her feelings rip. And if you have aggravated her in some way, you can expect to get some form of the Kate Face. Kate can even tell you she loves you a little bit of annoyance, and it's awesome!

9. We Learned Nobody Is Afraid of the Floor

Let's be honest. How many times do you see people on TV on the floor? Not often enough!! Until This Is Us. Some of the very best scenes happen on the floor. Jabecca had a romantic moment on the floor of the bathroom. Also on the bathroom floor, Randall and Beth considered what their future would look like with another baby. And on the floor with Randall is where Kevin chose to spend the opening night of his play, becoming the brother he was always meant to be.

10. We Cried

This is life. So we cried when Kevin got the feels at unknown man's memorial service and connected with his wife despite the oddity of the situation.

11. We Learned Marriages Can Be Rock Solid

Then again, some marriages are rock solid. So far, we've been seen the best from both Randall and Beth. Separately, they're amazing. Together they're beyond words. They don't keep secrets and have each other's backs. They appear to be what we would all hope our marriages to be, as well.

12. We Saw Dreams Were Beautiful Things

It was kind of a bummer knowing Randall's two dads would never have the opportunity to meet. But then Randall had a beautiful dream, and Jack and William met in it talking about Randall's driving as a teenager and an adult and we all laughed through our tears of happiness.

13. We Remembered Saying Goodbye Is Heartbreaking

Saying goodbye is heartbreaking, even when we do it first via a flashforward. It was such a subtle moment we didn't even know if Randall died without us getting a chance to say goodbye at all. Nothing in this life is unexplored.

14. We Learned You Never Have to Say Goodbye Forever

This Is Us taught us that saying goodbye forever means different things do different people. Randall keeps up Thanksgiving traditions from a special day in his childhood while Kate continues watching Steelers games with her dad even though he's not active as he once was.

15. We Were Reminded to Let Our Hair Down

No matter how long it is, you have to remember to let your hair down and be free. That's one of the lessons William hoped to share with his son during a memorable trip to Memphis before his chapter came to a close.

16. We Screamed

This is life, so we screamed along with Kate when she finally let out some of her pent up emotions after years of holding in rage associated with the death of her dad, Jack.

17. We Were shown Not To Be Afraid to Take Risks

Everyone was taking risks on This Is Us. Kevin blew up his career for something more challenging, then found his ex-wife and wooed her back into his life. Kate threw caution to the wind, fell in love and followed her brother to NYC. Randall found his birth father and...wrote and performed a song about derivatives? Do what it takes, guys.

18. We Saw All See People Things Differently

We can all look at the same situations in life and never come to the same conclusion about their meaning. That doesn't mean we should stop trying to see things from a different perspective. This Is Us proved that time again both literally and figuratively.

19. We Thought...This Is Us

Kevin thought he'd messed up everything on the night he was left in charge of his nieces, but what he shared with them was the essence of family, the essence of life. By sharing with them his painting and his interpretation of the meaning of his play, he did a lot more good than any damage that could have come from that night.

20. If We WERE to Grade It...

Is there any other grade we'd give a series so in touch with its characters and the emotions of those characters than an A+++++++++? Of course not. This Is Us is a winner, and we'll be celebrating it until it returns for Season 2!

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This Is Us Quotes

Woman: So what brings you to Boston?
Deja: My boyfriend. He's studying at Harvard.
Woman: Ah, young love is wonderful. It changes you.

Listen to me. Yes, when you made starring quarterback I was psyched cause I was excited to watch you take off. But Kevin, football is not the only thing that you have. You understand?
