Quotables for Week Ending February 10, 2017

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So much tragedy!

Jane the Virgin and The Fosters led the pack.

Find out who else suffered and others who might have expressed their happiness or sadness in other ways in the quotes below.

1. Jane the Virgin

Recreating their first date jane the virgin

Michael: I love you.
Jane: I love you too. You got this.
Michael: Okay.
Jane: Michael, I am so proud of you.
Narrator: And friends, it should be noted that Jane would play this moment over and over until it became a memory.

Michael: I love you. Jane: I love you too. You got this. Michael: Okay. Jane: Michael, I am so proud of you. Narrator: And friends, it...

2. The Fosters

Book her the fosters season 4 episode 12

They're really good kids. They're just making bad decisions.

They're really good kids. They're just making bad decisions.

3. Black Sails

Black sails wallpaper

Thousands of men in Nassau are living in fear of my return because I decreed it. Hundreds of dead Redcoats in a forest far from here because I made it so. I’m the reason grown men lie awake at night. I am a new beginning for Nassau.

Long John Silver
Thousands of men in Nassau are living in fear of my return because I decreed it. Hundreds of dead Redcoats in a forest far from here...

4. 24: Legacy

The first hour 24 legacy

You're right. Running CTU is like a drug. It's hard to come down from.

You're right. Running CTU is like a drug. It's hard to come down from.

5. The Young Pope

Lennys distraction the young pope

Andrew: When are you going to grow up?
Lenny: Never. A priest never grows up because he can never become a father. He'll always be a son.

Andrew: When are you going to grow up? Lenny: Never. A priest never grows up because he can never become a father. He'll always be a son.

6. Taboo

Delaney to the duel taboo s1e5

Lorna: We need some more coal for my fireplace, it's freezing.
Delaney: Now, why would we do that? This is the Delaney household, we have no warmth here.

Lorna: We need some more coal for my fireplace, it's freezing. Delaney: Now, why would we do that? This is the Delaney household, we have...

7. The Magicians

Return to fillory the magicians

Fen: Curses are tricky.
Penny: You don't say.
Fen: They usually end once they've run their course. And not before.
Penny: That doesn't help us. This one seems to want to run its course until they're all dead.

Fen: Curses are tricky. Penny: You don't say. Fen: They usually end once they've run their course. And not before. Penny: That doesn't...

8. Supergirl

Jonn supergirl season 2 episode 11

You know, I've been talking to some of the regulars, and apparently Earth males are only supposed to express their feelings about sports and occasionally monster trucks. Who knew?

You know, I've been talking to some of the regulars, and apparently Earth males are only supposed to express their feelings about sports...

9. The Bachelor

A heartbreaking story the bachelor

If you go to America, your life will be in color.

If you go to America, your life will be in color.

10. Quantico

A traitor amoung them quantico

It's ironic, isn't it? The last three months while I was teaching you to be an operative, you were operating me.

It's ironic, isn't it? The last three months while I was teaching you to be an operative, you were operating me.

11. Being Mary Jane

Watching justin being mary jane

I can feel it's wrong for a kid to be bullied for wearing kilts, but that doesn't mean I want my man wearing them.

I can feel it's wrong for a kid to be bullied for wearing kilts, but that doesn't mean I want my man wearing them.

12. Scorpion

Surrounded by sharks scorpion

Cabe: We're in the North Pacific Gyre Current. It's large and swirling and occupies the northern basin of the Pacific.
Toby: How do you know that?
Cabe: I was a Marine as in mariner, maritime, related to the sea?!
Toby: I don't like condescending Cabe.

Cabe: We're in the North Pacific Gyre Current. It's large and swirling and occupies the northern basin of the Pacific. Toby: How do you...

13. Timeless

France 1927 timeless

Lucy: Just a nice boy from Saint Louis who becomes the most famous man in the world. About a decade from now, he becomes a Nazi sympathizer, paranoid and anti-Semetic. Hitler awards him a medal.
Rufus: Boy, that story took a dark turn.

Lucy: Just a nice boy from Saint Louis who becomes the most famous man in the world. About a decade from now, he becomes a Nazi...

14. Legion

Are the visions real legion

Syd: Please keep talking, so we can pretend that our problems are all in our heads.
David: What does that mean?
Syd: It means that you're in here because somebody said you're not normal.
Lenny: Oooh, I like her! I like you. You've got what the kids these days call moxie.
Syd: All I'm saying is, what if your problems aren't in your head. What if they aren't even problems?

Syd: Please keep talking, so we can pretend that our problems are all in our heads. David: What does that mean? Syd: It means that you're...

15. Outsiders

Working things out outsiders

You are the rightful Brenin. My faith is in your hands.

You are the rightful Brenin. My faith is in your hands.

16. The Flash

Saving iris the flash

On my Earth, financial wagering was banned after an unfortunate incident with Vice President Al Capone.

On my Earth, financial wagering was banned after an unfortunate incident with Vice President Al Capone.

17. Legends of Tomorrow

The revelutionary war dcs legends of tomorrow

Mick: Listen you fop, you can give it to her yourself, or are you too much of a pansy?
George Washington: I've been a soldier since I was 20 years old. But our cause is the cause of all men, to be treated equally regardless of hereditary privilege. We must prove to the world that you don't need a title to be a gentleman. The British may be dishonorable, but I am not. By my death, I will prove to the crown what it means to be an American.
Mick: You don't know the first thing about what it means to be an American. We're misfits, outcasts, and we're proud of it. If they attack in formation, we pop 'em off from the trees, if they challenge you to a duel, you raid their camp at night and if they're gonna hang you, you fight dirty and you never, ever, give up. That's the American way.

Mick: Listen you fop, you can give it to her yourself, or are you too much of a pansy? George Washington: I've been a soldier since I was...

18. Agents of SHIELD

A new inhuman agents of shield

Please, don't sugarcoat it, Doc. And by that I mean, please sugarcoat it.

Director Mace [to Simmons]
Please, don't sugarcoat it, Doc. And by that I mean, please sugarcoat it.

19. Bull

Incapable of losing bull

Disease can't make you a loser, only you can do that.

Disease can't make you a loser, only you can do that.

20. NCIS: New Orleans

Elvis bertrand returns ncis new orleans

Gregorio: This guy's in the middle of a crusade, exposing people left and right, then he just offs himself. Does that seem right to you?
Pride: Nothing about this seems right.

Gregorio: This guy's in the middle of a crusade, exposing people left and right, then he just offs himself. Does that seem right to you?...

21. The Expanse

Upset about the raid the expanse

Capt. Holden: We fought for nothing. People died. We nearly died. Miller...
Naomi: He got you out of Eros alive.
Capt. Holden: He shot an unarmed man, right in the head.
Naomi: An unarmed mass murderer.

Capt. Holden: We fought for nothing. People died. We nearly died. Miller... Naomi: He got you out of Eros alive. Capt. Holden: He shot an...

22. This Is Us

I do this is us

So please, Ben, please do not tell me what my husband would do if he loved me. My husband's a freaking superhero, and you have no idea what you're talking about.

So please, Ben, please do not tell me what my husband would do if he loved me. My husband's a freaking superhero, and you have no idea...

23. NCIS

Jethro gibbs picture

Keep your friends close. And the crazies even closer!

Keep your friends close. And the crazies even closer!

24. Bones

Seeley booth picture

Booth: Don't you think it's good to not know how something works? C'mon, science takes the magic out of everything.
Brennan: It's not magic to begin with, it's just rules that govern the universe.

Booth: Don't you think it's good to not know how something works? C'mon, science takes the magic out of everything. Brennan: It's not...

25. Chicago Fire

Targeting the squad chicago fire

I know what you're thinking and whipped cream will not be a part of it.

I know what you're thinking and whipped cream will not be a part of it.

26. Six

Racing to find rip six

God must be laughing. I'm a SEAL, and my sperm can't even swim.

God must be laughing. I'm a SEAL, and my sperm can't even swim.

27. Suits

We have a problem suits

Mike: You're never going to believe it, but they have me supervising a third year law student, thinks she knows more than me.
Harvey: You mean, you have a you?
Mike: She is so much worse than me.
Harvey: Is she constantly talking about what a great memory she has? Does she have a man purse?
Mike: You done?

  • Permalink: You done?
  • Added:
Mike: You're never going to believe it, but they have me supervising a third year law student, thinks she knows more than me. Harvey: You...

28. The 100

Abby helps roan the 100 season 4 episode 2

This isn't just about saving us. I made a promise to Roan. It's about saving everyone.

This isn't just about saving us. I made a promise to Roan. It's about saving everyone.

29. Star

The rally star

Gladys Knight: It's wrong: And this world that we live in, and the way we live in it, is the reason why she's not here.

Gladys Knight: It's wrong: And this world that we live in, and the way we live in it, is the reason why she's not here.

30. Law & Order: SVU

Law and order svu poster

Benson: We spoke to Ethan Miller -- do you know him?
Dr. Keller: Of course. He's a friend of Luke's.
Benson: He says that you sexually assaulted him 10 or 11 times and then you moved onto Trey. Ethan was upset. He punched him and they both got suspended.
Dr. Keller: They're kids! They have sexual fantasies about older women. It's normal and natural.
Benson: There's nothing normal or natural about statutory rape.

Benson: We spoke to Ethan Miller -- do you know him? Dr. Keller: Of course. He's a friend of Luke's. Benson: He says that you sexually...

31. Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce

Remodeling barbaras kitchen girlfriends guide to divorce

Going most of the way but not all is ridiculously sexy.

Going most of the way but not all is ridiculously sexy.

32. Criminal Minds

No identities criminal minds

Alves: So who's your inspiration?
Walker: You wouldn't know him. He's great, but a bit obscure.
Alves: Try me.
Walker: Trombone Shorty.
Alves: Yeah. He did some studio work with Prince.
Walker: So my man knows jazz.
Alves: I know Prince ... a little bit.

Alves: So who's your inspiration? Walker: You wouldn't know him. He's great, but a bit obscure. Alves: Try me. Walker: Trombone Shorty....

33. Arrow

Diggle and tina are friends arrow

Diggle: Are you ready for this?
Dinah: When I signed on I didn't think I would be stopping a nuclear arms deal in a foreign country.
Diggle: When I signed on I didn't think I'd be dealing with aliens.
Dinah: Aliens?

Diggle: Are you ready for this? Dinah: When I signed on I didn't think I would be stopping a nuclear arms deal in a foreign country....

34. Blindspot

Armed standoff blindspot s2e13

Boyd: These people are angry. They hate the government.
Weller: That doesn't make them criminals.

Boyd: These people are angry. They hate the government. Weller: That doesn't make them criminals.

35. Lethal Weapon

Dr cahil lethal weapon

Murtaugh: Are you Kevin Flynn?
Flynn: Yeah. What the hell do you want?
Riggs: Is there maybe another Kevin Flynn inside there? A bigger one or something?
Murtaugh: Is Snow White around?

Murtaugh: Are you Kevin Flynn? Flynn: Yeah. What the hell do you want? Riggs: Is there maybe another Kevin Flynn inside there? A bigger...

36. Riverdale

Cheryl comes clean riverdale

Veronica: What the hell is a "Sticky Maple"?
Kevin: It's kinda what it sounds like. It's a Riverdale thing.
Veronica: No, Kevin, it's a slut-shaming thing. And I'm neither a slut nor am I going to be shamed by someone named, excuse me, Chuck Clayton! Does he really think he can get away with this? Does he not know who I am?! I will cut the brakes on his supped-up phallic symbol.

Veronica: What the hell is a "Sticky Maple"? Kevin: It's kinda what it sounds like. It's a Riverdale thing. Veronica: No, Kevin, it's a...

Wait! There's more Quotables for Week Ending February 10, 2017! Just click "Next" below:

Show Comments
TV Quotes, Multi-Show
Black Sails, 24: Legacy, The Young Pope, Taboo, The Magicians, Supergirl, The Bachelor, Being Mary Jane, Quantico, Scorpion, Timeless, Jane the Virgin, Legion, Outsiders, The Flash, The Fosters, DC's Legends of Tomorrow, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Bull, The Expanse, NCIS: New Orleans, This Is Us, NCIS, Bones, Chicago Fire, SIX, Suits, The 100, Star, Law & Order: SVU, Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce, Criminal Minds, Arrow, Blindspot, Lethal Weapon, Riverdale, Code Black, Chicago PD, Humans, The Big Bang Theory, Grey's Anatomy, Powerless, Chicago Med, Nashville, How to Get Away with Murder, Scandal, Emerald City, The Vampire Diaries, Days of Our Lives, Hawaii Five-0, Blue Bloods, Grimm
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TV Quotes Slideshows, Multi-Show Slideshows, Black Sails Slideshows, 24: Legacy Slideshows, The Young Pope Slideshows, Taboo Slideshows, The Magicians Slideshows, Supergirl Slideshows, The Bachelor Slideshows, Being Mary Jane Slideshows, Quantico Slideshows, Scorpion Slideshows, Timeless Slideshows, Jane the Virgin Slideshows, Legion Slideshows, Outsiders Slideshows, The Flash Slideshows, The Fosters Slideshows, DC's Legends of Tomorrow Slideshows, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Slideshows, Bull Slideshows, The Expanse Slideshows, NCIS: New Orleans Slideshows, This Is Us Slideshows, NCIS Slideshows, Bones Slideshows, Chicago Fire Slideshows, SIX Slideshows, Suits Slideshows, The 100 Slideshows, Star Slideshows, Law & Order: SVU Slideshows, Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce Slideshows, Criminal Minds Slideshows, Arrow Slideshows, Blindspot Slideshows, Lethal Weapon Slideshows, Riverdale Slideshows, Code Black Slideshows, Chicago PD Slideshows, Humans Slideshows, TBBT Slideshows, Grey's Anatomy Slideshows, Powerless Slideshows, Chicago Med Slideshows, Nashville Slideshows, How to Get Away with Murder Slideshows, Scandal Slideshows, Emerald City Slideshows, Vampire Diaries Slideshows, Days of Our Lives Slideshows, Hawaii Five-0 Slideshows, Blue Bloods Slideshows, Grimm Slideshows
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TV Quotes Quotes

Amanda: You don't know how you made it to the surface?
Nolan: No, but the purple skins do.
Amanda: Purple skins?
Nolan: I'll tell you on the way

Conquer! Kill! Devour! Put it on a T-shirt so you don't forget.

Doc Yewll