Power Season 3 Episode 5 Review: Help Me

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What. The. Hell. Just. Happened?

Power Season 3 Episode 5 is officially the turning point of this season. Someone in New York now knows that Kanan is alive, while Lobos might be a free man. And if that's not enough of a hook, Ghost and Angela seem closer than ever and Ghost and Tommy are back on the same team. 

But how exactly did we get there? Well, it was a crazy ride ya'll. Dare I say that craziest ride of the series thus far. 

All She Can - Power

I'm a Power fanatic and have been since season one, but I must admit this season hasn't been quite as fulfilling for me as the other two. I think that may have changed with this one episode. 

Everything about this hour worked and for good reason. It felt like the storylines were finally merging together and things were progressing towards an end game. And even the two characters I like the least managed to not get on my nerves. 

Holly, Holly, Holly. I don't think I need to say spoiler alert if you've read this far into the review, but I'll say it anyway, STOP READING IF YOU DON'T WANT A SPOILER. Holly is dead. And she went out in gruesome fashion. 

Whatever it is between you and Ghost, Tommy, it's not normal. It's not fucking normal the way you are.

Holly [to Tommy]

It's been Holly's time to go for a long time and I won't be sad to never see her again, but I have to give her props for saying out loud what we've all been thinking. The relationship between Ghost and Tommy is really one for the ages and if there was ever any doubt who holds the number one spot in Tommy's heart, it's Ghost. 

Holly's death by Tommy's hands (literally) is going to be such an interesting arc to pursue the rest of the season. Tommy has been a loose cannon without Ghost's guidance and once he finds out that Holly was pregnant, which you know he will, I can't imagine Tommy doesn't crawl further down the hole of avoidance and self loathing. 

Let's all just acknowledge though that Tommy killed his lady with his bare hands because he thought she got Ghost killed. Just let that sink in. 

You know that Ghost and Tommy's semi-repaired relationship is going to disrupt the newfound confidence Ghost and Angela have found in their partnership.

You love the guy. No matter what he does, no matter what you learn he really is, you just can't let go. I get it. Aren't you tired of lying for him though?

Greg [to Angela]

Angela's hasn't divulged much of what's been going on in regards to Lobos and I understand that it was meant to protect Ghost, but considering everything they've been through, I always felt it was better for her to come clean. You're dating a retired drug dealer, so at this point, let's check our morality and work ethic at the door and just be honest with him.

I love that Proctor caught a glimpse of Ruiz and was able to warn Ghost about what was coming. And I loved even more that when pressed, Angela came clean about what she knew. How about that look she gave Ghost when she left his office? That was a look like, "Who the hell am I dating?"

But as these two have proven time and time again, they just can't stay away from each other. They seem to be happier than ever now that Angela's gotten Ruiz to keep his mouth shut and Ghost has taken steps towards freeing himself from his marriage. 

Now that Tommy is back in the picture, though, all bets are off with this exhausting couple. 

Everything Else You Need To Know

  • Kanan is back and threatening to throw children out of windows. Season three will officially be my favorite season of any show ever if they get rid of both Holly and Kanan. On a serious note though, Dre has to tell Ghost what's going on, right? I assumed he offered to help Kanan out of fear, not an actual obligation. Dre is pretty useless, but he doesn't seem like he's trying to double cross anyone again. 
  • Ghost saw his whole life flash before his eyes when the Jamaicans had all eyes and guns pointed at him. And it seems like that moment reaffirmed his commitment to Angela. You can take that for whatever it's worth. 
  • I am so here for Angela vs. Greg. That shady head nod and smirk after Ruiz refused to rat out Ghost was everything. 
  • Lobos needs his own show because the guy is hysterical. 
  • I love how perceptive Ghost and Tommy are and how in tune they are with one another. Tommy deduced Ghost was the one who shot the Koreans for him after a friendly reminder from his Mom that Ghost has always had his back. 
  • What's up with the personal security guy? He's completely sketchy, right?
  • They are really trying to make Tariq a thing this year and it's just not working for me. Keeping Ghost's family at an arms length always seemed like the smarter play. 
  • RIP Holly. You were annoying, bitter and jealous, but you stuck to your guns and tried to make big moves. May we never meet again. 

That was my favorite episode of Power yet. There, I said it. What did you guys think of "Help Me"? Are you sad to see Holly go? Are you ready to see Ghost and Tommy working together? What's next for Ghost and Angela?

Drop me a line in the comments so we can discuss it all and remember to watch Power online right now!

Help Me Review

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Rating: 4.7 / 5.0 (29 Votes)

Whitney Evans is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on X.

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Power Season 3 Episode 5 Quotes

Whatever it is between you and Ghost, Tommy, it's not normal. It's not fucking normal the way you are.

Holly [to Tommy]

You failed me, Dre. You picked Ghost over me.
