Arrow Season 5: Wil Traval is Revealed as Human Target!

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Is Oliver Queen in danger?

This casting notice sure makes it seem like he might be in a bit of a pickle.

While he's normally taking aim at others, on Arrow Season 5 Episode 5, "Human Target," he'll become the latest client of Christopher Chance aka Human Target, played by Wil Traval.

You probably know Traval from his roles as the Sheriff of Nottingham on Once Upon a Time or Will Simpson on Jessica Jones. 

Turns out he's no stranger to DC Comics. Welcome back, Wil!

Human Target is a professional bodyguard and master of disguise who assumes the identities of those targeted by assassins. Uh oh, right?

Sure, Oliver could be hiring Mr. Chance to protect someone else while he's busy with other, more mayoral duties, but an assassin usually targets a political entity, and that description happens to fit our man Queen at the moment.

If the term "Human Target" rings a bell, it could be because you've been an avid television watcher for a long time. Maybe a very long time.

This DC Comics superhero has twice been the subject of television series in the past.

The first series starred Rick Springfield, and if you remember it, you have an excellent memory. It aired in 1972 and lasted a mere seven (7!) episodes. Don't feel sorry for Mr. Springfield. He'll be guest starring on Hawaii Five-0 this season, so he hasn't fallen on hard times as a result of that cancellation.

The second Human Target (and the one I remember) starred Mark Valley and aired on Fox during the 2010-11 season. 

That was a darn good production, and I cannot for the life of me remember why it disappeared, but I know I didn't like that it did. Mark Valley always made a really great protagonist. Someone snap him up again! Maybe a recurring role on Arrow.

You know what they say. Third time's a charm!

Now that we're worried about Oliver Queen's healthy future, let's run down what else will be happening on Arrow Season 5.

Disaster, I tell you! OTA is broken apart! Only Oliver and Felicity remain. Diggle is back in the service, fighting for his country (or against his own demons).

Thea is working in the mayor's office, probably doing more of Oliver's work than he is himself. She just isn't interested in wearing the disguise anymore.

Can you blame her? After seeing friends run out of town, paralyzed and murdered, an office job might seem nice. Until an assassin rears its ugly head.

A new team will be carved out, including Madison McLaughlin's Artemis, Rick Gonzalez's Wild Dog and Curtis Holt, who will step up as new heroes. 

There will be a new vigilante in town named, appropriately, Vigilante. He'll be played by John Segarra.

And some bad guys past (Dolph Lundgren as Kovar) and present (Chad Coleman as Tobias Church) will make Oliver's life miserable.

So, there is a lot going on and a lot to look forward to as we get ready for Arrow's return. 

What are you most excited to see on October 5? Let us know, and don't forget, you can watch Arrow online right here via TV Fanatic!

Carissa Pavlica is the managing editor and a staff writer and critic for TV Fanatic. She's a member of the Critic's Choice Association, enjoys mentoring writers, conversing with cats, and passionately discussing the nuances of television and film with anyone who will listen. Follow her on X and email her here at TV Fanatic.

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