Patrick J. Adams Teases Mike & Rachel, Suits Spinoff & More!

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We recently had the opportunity to interview Patrick J. Adams at the ATX Festival in Austin, and he was full of insight into what's to come for Mike on Suits Season 6.

If you missed it, we had Part 1 of the Fireside Chat with Patrick yesterday. Be sure to check it out. He talks about his hair and the mystery of the fire is explained in detail.

Because we chatted as he was surrounded by his entourage (or his buddies). Adams was comfortable and enjoying himself as we sat next to a roaring fire (while the temperature blazed into the 90s outside). It was the perfect setting. Really.

Patrick J Adams the Destroyer

While promotional videos for the ATT Audience MMA drama Kingdom played in the background, Adams revealed he's put on 15 pounds in prison weight and can do a handstand pushup.

Things were only getting started!

Find out what else Adams revealed about Mike's adventures on Suits Season 6, as well as a bit more about his incredibly fun demeanor when he lets his hair down (whoops, that may not have been the right turn of phrase) when you read excerpts from our full conversation below!

TV Fanatic: So where will Mike be when Suits returns?

Patrick J. Adams: I'm gonna go to prison. I'm in it. I'm in prison, actually for the foreseeable future, actually, I don't know how long I'm there, but it is a good portion of the season. I am constantly under threat while I am there, and I run into a gentleman in prison who has a history with Harvey Specter, of course, who has it out for me.

Wait...a gentleman? 

A gentleman. It turns out there are a lot of gentlemen in the prison.

Are you in a special ward [laughs]?

I'm in the special gentlemen's ward. [laughs] So, I'm there. I'm living there and trying to figure out how I'm going to get out.

What's Mike's mindset while he's in there?

He's got to deal with, sort of, surviving, so there isn't much room for him to get too depressed or quiet in there, because he's got a job to do. He becomes very aware early on that there's a serious threat, so both him and Harvey are working hard to get rid of that threat as fast as possible. There's not much time for him to be licking his wounds.

Is he going to put his faith back into the justice system? Because he kind of lost it there at the last minute.

You mean his faith...I don't think he lost faith in the justice system, I think he lost faith in...I think he came to a realization of what he had been doing &bndash; working at a corporate law firm and serving the interests of wealthy top one percenters was not what he wanted to do with his life.

That whole case with Dan at the end and his mother, he realized that's the work he was supposed to be doing the whole time and that he had wasted his talents and that he wouldn't do that again. So I think he believes, in a sense, I think he believes firmly in the sense of justice, but I think he realizes he wasn't really working for justice, he was just working for big dollar clients.

So much so that he had to go to prison to wipe his conscience.

I think he knew he had to go to prison because he had to save his friends.

My take on it was that he was pretty confident all the way through that he was going to win, until the very end.

I think until her closing statements, in that episode, where she made her closing remarks. That's what threw him off a little bit. And I think also, he believes so firmly in the sense of justice that he thought, 'we're lying!'

I deserve to go to prison.

Someone has to pay for it. Right. We lied, and at some point, someone is going to have to have to pay the cost of it. And he just thought if it's not me, it's going to end up being you guys. And he didn't want that for them.

That answer I can take!

Yeah, I just think that at some point, you just get to the point where you're so tired of lying about something that I think you realize it's just a way that you can take the fall. I think a lot of people think he's stupid because we found out he was going to be found not guilty and that piece of information makes him look foolish.

But at the end of the day, I think it's irrelevant what they were going to find him, I think he knew, even if they found him innocent, they could still go after Harvey and everyone with other trials, and he quelled that by saying you cannot touch them, you cannot go after them, I'm going to jail, and that's the end of this. So, I think what he did is really brave, and I think it took Mike from here to HERE, you know? I think it finally made him a man, it was that final piece that took him from a boy to a man.

So if he gets out, what can he do with the law going forward?

We don't know. It's a really good question and one the writers are asking themselves right now. I think there are a lot of ways to help people, and I think that's what he wants to be doing, is to help people.

A law liaison.

Yeah, sort of a 'fixer,' like a Michael Clayton type. I think there are a lot of things he could do, but the trouble is that he doesn't want to work for those clients. So the real problem for me is how does he get out of prison and then be true to what he's realized he should be dedicating his life to.

For him to go back into the corporate law world and help them, even if it's as a fixer, liaison or whatever, for him to go back to that world and start trying to help the one percenters again – he's already stated clearly that's not what he wants to do.

Well, the one percenters have other percenters as family, so he could help on their cases.

Help their families? [laughing] Help their families with their legal problems? Like when their kids are ruined? [laughing harder] Yeah, the truth is, I don't think we know. It's a big question out there, and we're trying to figure out where Mike fits. If he fits.

Oh, you're going to fit.

I don't know. I really don't know.

Did you ever think, when you took the role on Suits, that it was going to do this much for you? Because if you don't know how much this role has done for you, just look at how excited people are to see you anywhere else doing anything else. They want you everywhere!

Yeah, it's really, really cool. I'm always blown away by it. It's always surreal. Every time I go to work, I'm still grateful that I love the job. I think after six years, a lot of people get like tired of 'the thing' and think 'oh I'm so glad this is over, I want to move onto something else.'

We all still really love each other and have a really great time shooting the show and are very aware that by being in the sixth season it probably feels like we're heading into the later years of the show, and we're starting to feel that sense of 'Oh man, this is going to be over one day.' So, I'm fully aware of how much it has done for my life and am really grateful for it.

This storyline could also be a kick in the pants for a second wind of Suits because it doesn't have to be what it was before.

Yeah, if we do something brave and bold and manage to change the show and have the fans of the show go with us on that journey, then anything is possible.

And it is a character driven show, so I don't see why they wouldn't stick around.

And you could spin it off, too. You could do anything. I'd love to see a Louis Litt half-hour comedy. I'd watch that.

I think most people would!

Yeah, exactly! I'd watch that in a second. I don't know. I don't know what's left. I do think it's time when a show has run its course. Especially British television. I really love that people realize no, the show is this long and staying this long, and we don't need to drag it out forever just because people like it. They can like it as a small thing, and we can make another thing they like.

So, I hope we don't overstay our welcome. I think that's sad when you do that to a show. Luckily we still have fans that are still so adamant and still so in love with these characters, and I really hope they go with us on this prison journey because it's different.

It's a very different feel for the show, and Mike and Harvey are separate, and I know that's hard for people to deal with. They want to see Mike and Harvey doing their thing together, so I just hope people have faith that the same people who made the show they love are making the show and to go on the journey.

I think they're going along. But I also think they're extraordinarily worried about Mike and Rachel.

And for good reason. It's very sad. We don't have, truthfully...I've shot two scenes with her so far.

How many episodes have you shot so far?

Six episodes.

Six episodes, two scenes. Ooof.

But it's great for her as a character. If I'm watching the show, finally, I get to see what she's up to. Her story is her own this season in a what that it wasn't before. She's not just Mike Ross' girlfriend. She's Rachel. She's always had something going on, but she's at school, she's doing a really important case with someone from school; she has her own plot line. If I were the viewer, I would be really happy for her. It's important that a woman on the show has more to do than be there in service to a man on the show.

Be there waiting by the phone for Mike to call.

Yeah, 'where is he, oh I'm so upset.' Instead the point is she's okay. They can talk, he assures her that she's okay.

And that's what Mike wanted. He didn't want her to be sitting, waiting for him.

Yeah, that's the whole point. He wants her to live her life.

And you've gotten to do fun things along the way like Orphan Black...

I did Orphan Black. I haven't done that in a while. I wish I could have done that last season. I was just too busy to figure it out.

And you excited people on Legends of Tomorrow.

Legends of Tomorrow. It was awesome. I got to pop my superhero cherry, which was fun, and hopefully I'll go back to that when they start back up. Do a couple of episodes. And then I'm shooting, hopefully, this little film in August in Toronto. It's been great. I've been busy.

In the meantime, his friend has been quietly (which was surprising) utilizing one of the many Kingdom temporary tattoos scattered across the Industry Lounge. His success? Not so great. Adams' fun with his buddies continued as he got the tattoo he's showing off above.

Adams also filmed a segment for the ATX Festival's kickoff in which he noted he thinks he should be invited to the festival every year. The crowd watching went wild. When asked about it, Adams said he first visited the festival in 2015 and immediately fell in love with it.

"The vibe is great, people are really excited, the fans are really amazing and most importantly, I had such a great time. So this year, I just called and said, 'Please send me to ATX.' Because usually I wait for a phone to ring, but this time I said, just tell them I'm coming."

Make sure to tune into Suits Season 6 Episode 1 tonight at 9/8c on USA and keep an eye out for more Patrick J. Adams...everywhere!

Carissa Pavlica is the managing editor and a staff writer and critic for TV Fanatic. She's a member of the Critic's Choice Association, enjoys mentoring writers, conversing with cats, and passionately discussing the nuances of television and film with anyone who will listen. Follow her on X and email her here at TV Fanatic.

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Suits Quotes

Don't sell her sass short.


Rachel: I just watched the man that I love go to prison so that none of you have to and it hasn't been five minutes and you're already ripping each other apart.
Harvey: Rachel.
Rachel: Let me finish. I thought I wanted to be alone tonight and then I realized that I didn't because I wanted to be with my family. If you can't keep it together tonight, of all nights, then as far as I'm concerned you can all rot in hell.