How to Get Away with Murder Season 2 Episode 14 Review: There's My Baby

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That was one emotional hour of television. 

While we're used to crazy twists and cliffhangers, it seems rare that we get a subdued hour with answers and interesting reveals, but that's exactly what How to Get Away with Murder Season 2 Episode 14 was. 

Not only did we get the real story behind Rose and Mr. Mahoney, we also got a drunken confession that's going to change A LOT of things going forward.

The 5 Get Questioned - How to Get Away with Murder

Bouncing back and forth between present day and ten years ago yet again, the flashbacks focused on Annalise's actions after Rose's death. It was interesting to see her calm, cool Annalise demeanor come back almost immediately after witnessing someone stick a knife into their throat.

I think it's safe to say the combination of Rose's suicide and the death of her baby gave us the Annalise Keating we've come to know since the pilot. 

The death of Annalise's baby seemed like a forgone conclusion, considering we haven't heard a peep about him over the course of the series.

But even if it wasn't a surprise, it was devastating nonetheless. Annalise has carried a pain inside her for all this time, and while I don't think she was ever a totally warm and fuzzy individual, the agony of losing a child just took a piece of her soul away entirely. 

The scene in that hospital room also showed the beginnings of the fractured relationship between Annalise and Sam. It's easy to assume Sam's philandering ways and awful personality lead to their troubled marriage, but now it seems like there was much more to their unraveling. 

Besides learning the fate of Annalise's baby, we also learned why Rose was so terrified of Mr. Mahoney. It turns out my speculation after How To Get Away With Murder Season 2 Episode 13 was correct; Mr. Mahoney is Wes's father. 

Wes: No, my father, he's dead.
Annalise: No, he's very much alive. And his name is Wallace Mahoney.

Poor Wes. It's really no wonder he and Annalise have this twisted relationship, as they're both extremely damaged individuals. I'm very curious to see what Wes does with this information going forward. Wes isn't exactly one to just let things go, so I have a feeling we'll be seeing Mr. Mahoney in the future. 

In the present day, the students were being interviewed by the district attorney's office and laying low thanks to Philip's return. First off, Annalise seems to be in good shape and all, but I thought she would struggle with Philip a little longer than she did. One slap and he was a goner. 

Secondly, is no one considering that Caleb might be in cahoots with Philip just like his sister was? There might not be any clear proof of that, but I wouldn't be so quick to assume that Caleb is in danger. There is something off about all those Hapstall's. 

Michaela wasn't taking the Caleb disappearance news well and a night of partying with her fellow murderers classmates, led to one unexpected hookup and one stupid confession. 

Let's just gloss over the hookup real quick because I have no idea what to make of it.

Asher and Michaela were both sloppy, sloppy drunk, so I fully expected this to be a one and done drunken mistake. I went to college once upon a time, I know how this works. You awkwardly ignore the person for awhile until enough time has passed where the two of you just block it from your memory 

However, the previews would lead us to believe they will be hooking up again, and not only do I not buy it, I don't understand it. I guess we're to assume they're both so saddened and distraught that they're finding comfort in one another, but I'm not seeing it. At all. 

While drinking led to bathroom antics for two of the Keating 5, it led one of them to make a dumb, dumb confession. Annalise now knows Frank killed Lila. And worse than that, she believes Frank is telling people it was on her behalf. Sure this advances the plot forward, but I just didn't like the way it came out. Plus, Laurel didn't even get the story right. 

On a scale of 1- crazy, Frank is going to go like full on crazypants, right?

So people, what are your predictions for the finale? Will there be yet another murder for our team to cover up? Why did Annalise decide to go home? Will Philip make another return? 

Drop me a line with your finale predictions so we can talk this all out before next week! And remember, there's no time like the present to watch How to Get Away with Murder online!

There's My Baby Review

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Whitney Evans is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on X.

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How to Get Away with Murder Season 2 Episode 14 Quotes

Bonnie: There's no timestamp on this footage, so you and we don't actually know what night this is.
Connor: Exactly. And people have told me that I have a resting bitch face, so that's probably what you're reading as distraught.

I'm not hurt, but nobody goes anywhere by themselves until the police catch him. Nobody.
