How to Get Away with Murder Season 2 Episode 13 Review: Something Bad Happened

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So, maybe Wes isn't the monster I made him out to be. 

We saw a simpler, sweet side of adolescent Wes on How to Get Away with Murder Season 2 Episode 13. A boy that truly loved his mother and didn't put that knife into her throat.

What really happened to Wes's mother pretty much follows the narrative we've been hearing all along. 

Minus Annalise's eyewitness account, of course. 

Yeah, it turns out Rose really did kill herself, but she wasn't alone when she did it. Annalise was standing right in front of her when she slashed her throat ,and it was disturbing, to say the least. 

While it may have seemed like they were setting up Annalise to be Rose's murderer, I never bought that. I started to believe Annalise was going to stumble upon Rose's body, freak out and leave just before Wes got home.

Having Rose stab herself right in front of Annalise, moments after her verbal smack down of Mr. Mahoney, was an interesting twist. 

In a show filled with mysteries, we've now got another one to consider. It's been pretty clear the Mahoney family as a whole is awful, but Rose's cryptic final words would led me to believe there's another bombshell out there.  

Could Mahoney perhaps be Wes's father? I might be grasping at straws here, but her declarative, "He doesn't own me!" made me believe that she and Mahoney were carrying on a relationship (a one-sided one perhaps?). He seems like a pretty vile man, so I wouldn't put anything past him at this point. 

If that's a completely off base theory, then what else do you think Rose was talking about? Let's just add this to the never ending list of How To Get Away With Murder conspiracies. 

If you were wondering why Eve showed up way back in How To Get Away With Murder Season 2 Episode 9 shortly after Rose's murder, you got your answer tonight. Turns out she was called upon by Annalise to convince Rose to testify or potentially be deported. 

Poor Eve is just so in love with Annalise, she will do anything for her. While their scenes were a tad too melodramatic for my liking, it was nice to see Eve back because she brings out a different side of Annalise. And she drops some great lines like this...

The size of that bump tells me it could fall out of you right now and live a long and happy life.

Eve [to Annalise]

While the flashbacks were the highlight for me, the present day found the team struggling to stay one step ahead of Philip. Without a real plan, Annalise stepped in and used her brilliance to get them immunity from the night of Sinclair's death, by turning over the computer with Philip's incriminating videos to the DA's office. 

It was a bold move and it would have potentially backfired, if Nate hadn't stepped in to warn his lady love. Remember when Nate hated Annalise like all season long, but now he's totally back on her side? Is anyone out there a little suspicious of his 180 turn as of late? 

Also, Nate, good lord! Never put a shirt on. 

After branding Wes the Candyman last week, I started to feel really bad for him over the course of the hour, as it's clear he's just totally off his rocker. The inevitable showdown between him and Annalise is going to be EPIC, and I can not freaking wait!

Annalise owes Wes the truth at this point and it seemed like she was possibly ready to do that when she came to Wes's apartment. Unfortunately, Wes was gone and Philip was there instead! 

What is Philip up to? I'm just STILL not convinced everything is on him. Is he really murderer of  the Hapstall's and Auntie Hapstall, along with being the blackmailer? I'm not buying it. 

That's way too neat and tidy for this show. 

Random Notes

  • Frank and Laurel have split. It's not exactly shocking, but it was still sad to see. Frank really does love that girl and she loves him to, despite proclaiming otherwise. It's hard to see how these two can find their way back to another.
  • I'd forgotten all about how creepy Bonnie can be, until I saw her listening to Frank and Laurel's breakup. What does Frank's love life have to do with her? 
  • Speaking of Frank and Bonnie, they are my bet for the wildest hookup previewed in next week's episode. 
  • Sleepovers with Asher are probably really fun. And full of great snacks. 
  • I agree with Eve, those braids are a great look for Annalise. 

Only 2 episodes left, people! We need to start getting to the bottom of some of these answers, right?

What did you think of "Something Bad Happened"? How will Annalise escape from Philip? Why is Bonnie so interested in Frank and Laurel? When will Annalise finally tell Wes the truth?

Drop me a line in the comments and remember to watch How to Get Away with Murder online right this minute so you're caught up on all the action!

Something Bad Happened Review

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Whitney Evans is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on X.

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How to Get Away with Murder Season 2 Episode 13 Quotes

The size of that bump tells me it could fall out of you right now and live a long and happy life.

Eve [to Annalise]

Frank: You said you wanted to know me. Even the bad things.
Laurel: Because I never thought you'd admit to killing a pregnant sorority girl.