The Big Bang Theory Season 9 Episode 15 Review: The Valentino Submergence

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Someone has exciting news!

On The Big Bang Theory Season 9 Episode 15, everyone celebrates Valentine's Day in their own unique way, and we find out that Bernadette has been keeping quite a secret.

She's pregnant!

We were promised something special from this episode, and it really seems as though The Big Bang Theory Season 9 is pulling out all the stops.

Let's face it. Howard and Bernadette have been the stable couple for quite some time now, and they're the ones who have been married the longest. We've gotten hints that this was something that would be coming, which now shows us the purpose of Stewart sticking around their house for so long.

The timing couldn't be better, and it's going to be so much fun to see how these two handle having a child.

That little detail isn't exactly the focal point of "The Valentino Submergence," however. Instead, it's a chance to see how everyone is progressing in their relationships, and a chance to see what makes each couple unique.

Sheldon and Amy's Valentine's Day celebration is a live episode of Fun With Flags (because, of course it is), while Penny and Leonard's traditional date night turns into something else entirely.

I love seeing this sort of dynamic with Penny and Leonard. Penny gets upset when she's called "ma'am" at the restaurant, and starts realizing that she's getting older.

Leonard is cheerful about it, which is exactly what she needs. He suggests they try to do something fun, as they eat their fast food in the car. That scene, and what they land on as a fun night, shows us how much Leonard and Penny actually have in common.

They're still wildly different from each other on the surface, but deep down, they have a lot of similarities, and they complement each other well.

I also think they've grown together over the years and learned to understand each other more. Particularly if you pay attention to what Penny was like in earlier seasons, you can tell her character has changed – both because she's gotten older and because of the company she now keeps.

My only real complaint with this episode is that, as is often the case when too many storylines are happening at once, there's something that seems to take away from everything else.

I'd much rather us get to see more of Penny and Leonard's date or Bernadette planning to tell her big news than watching Raj worry over being alone.

But more importantly, there's going to be a little one joining the group, and I'm really, really excited about it!

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The Valentino Submergence Review

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Ashley Bissette Sumerel was a staff writer for TV Fanatic. She retired in September 2017. Follow her on Twitter and on Google+.

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The Big Bang Theory Season 9 Episode 15 Quotes

You know, once I ordered an Uber by accident. I just got in it and went somewhere.


Penny: That's crazy. We have reservations.
Leonard: I know.
Penny: So what did you say?
Leonard: Thanks, sorry to bother you. But I said it like a badass.