Shameless Season 6 Episode 6 Review: NSFW

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The Galaghers have a home!

On Shameless Season 6 Episode 6, Fiona realized the hard way that Gus won't do anything for her. 

No one can blame him. She treated him like an idiot and it's only natural that he would be very reluctant to help her in any way. At the same time though, he shouldn't have let his frustration with her affect her family because the only way she was getting the house back was if he divorced her. 

Dealing With Cancer - Shameless

It's easy enough to throw all the blame Fiona's way, but he was quick enough to marry her when he should have actually gotten to know her beforehand. Nothing good was ever going to come from this relationship. They really are both to blame. 

Fiona was very reckless at one point, but she knows the mistakes she has made and that's why she tried to make it up to Gus. She's not a bad person by any means, but she's a little flawed. It just sucks for her that when she really needed Gus, he threw it back in her face. 

That said, I'm surprised she didn't snap at him in Patsy's, but I guess that shows us how much she's rehabilitated. If this was her two years ago, she'd have probably went after him with a knife, or sent one of her siblings after him.

Gus doesn't bring much to the show, and he's one of the main reasons Shameless Season 5 was particularly weak. 

It's hard to imagine that he's gone for good, so there's probably going to be more of him down the line. I wouldn't be opposed to Sean roughing him up or at the very least warning him away from Fiona. 

Even though it seemed like it was impossible, Fiona managed to get the house back. I have mixed feelings about that development. It would have been great to see them move on from the house to a new place. They really could use a fresh start. Most of them deserve it. 

As much as Carl probably doesn't, he was the only one who had the means to help them get the house back. He probably wouldn't have been as persistent with Fiona if it wasn't for Nick committing murder. 

That came out of nowhere, and it was rather unsettling. It was obvious that something wasn't right with him, but resorting to murdering a kid for having your bike is a bit much. 

How did he even know that someone else didn't steal the bike? He put all the blame on the kid, and that's why he's going back inside. Let's face it, he shouldn't have been on the outside to begin with. 

He's eighteen and relying on Carl getting him through life. That was never going to work out the way he wanted it. Hopefully it has shown Carl the affect that a life of crime can have on him as a person before it's too late for him, too. 

"NSFW" was lacking the spark that the rest of the season has had thus far, and the random murder kind of changed the tone for the worse. Hopefully it's back to business next week because it's not as fun if it's all serious. 

Other tidbits from the episode:

  • Did anyone else laugh out loud when V and Kev used the refugees to help The Alibi Room? They will always find a way to save their own skin. 
  • Ian's date with Caleb was really dull, right?! It's obvious the chemistry between these two is when they're being themselves and not trying to force things. 
  • Could Debbie be falling for Erica, or is she just using her to keep her wish of having a perfect family?
  • Helene admitting everything was her fault was quite the shock, but will she really not see lip again? That's the million dollar question!

Remember you can watch Shameless online, right here on TV Fanatic. Get caught up now!

Note: Shameless Season 6 Episode 7 airs Sunday February 14 at 9/8C on Showtime. 

Here's your first look at the next episode:

NSFW Review

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Paul Dailly was an Associate Editor for TV Fanatic.Follow him on X.

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Shameless Season 6 Episode 6 Quotes

I just need you to sign some papers so that I can buy my house back. Gus… hello?


Gus: I want to know why you think I owe you anything.
Fiona: You don't.
Gus: So this is a favour?