How to Get Away with Murder Season 2 Episode 10 Review: What Happened to You, Annalise?

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Welcome back, folks!

After what seemed like the world's longest hiatus, How to Get Away with Murder Season 2 Episode 10 came back with a bang. Or was it a partial bang? Don't get me wrong, it felt great to be back in the mix, with the lying, devious, backstabbing crew we've come to know, but there was a little something off about this installment.

Maybe I'm in the minority here, but it wasn't at all what I was expecting after the long break. And to be honest, I can't figure out if I enjoyed it. Hm, let's dive in.

The Fallout - How to Get Away with Murder

It didn't take long for us to see that Annalise survived the shot to the abdomen (not like that was a shock). It was, however, a little surprising to see her home a mere two weeks later. I've never been shot, but doesn't that seem like a speedy turnaround for what looked like a pretty major wound?

Anyway, intermittently throughout the hour we got little flashbacks to the night of the murder and the first one genuinely threw me off, as we saw Laurel take the blame for the shooting. 

Annalise: Why'd you do it? You told them that you did it.
Laurel: I don't know. I just, I got scared. And they already blame Wes for Sam and he would just fall apart if they blamed him for this too.

That's an interesting rationale. Although, of all the others, Laurel is the only one who would think to protect someone like that.

Wes didn't seem all that grateful to Laurel, though, as he's wallowed in his own self-pity and alienated himself from the group. How bizarre was that scene with everyone welcoming Wes back? It was odd to say the least. 

While Wes was being coddled, Annalise was on a downward spiral. Hopped up on pain medications, Annalise was having a real tough time keeping it together. And she just about lost it when a random woman showed up on her doorstep with a baby. 

Bonnie: Annalise?
Annalise: I finally got it to calm down.

Annalise's interactions with a baby are exactly as I would have expected them to be, except none of it was real. There was no baby, just Annalise's delusions. It was fairly obvious the baby couldn't be real, but it was still sad to see the pain in Bonnie's face as she let the blanket fall to the floor. 

Lets try and break this whole invisible baby situation down, shall we? Annalise's hallucination if you will, saw a woman bring a baby to her doorstep. And this woman appears to be Cristophe's Wes's mother. A very interesting flashback saw Annalise meet Wes's mother 10 years earlier, while she was pregnant!

So is it safe assume that the invisible baby is really Annalise's child? If that's the case, then where is the child now? Of all the mysteries this show has brought us, I must say this Annalise/Wes connection is the most intriguing by far. 

Aside from the baby drama, there was still the whole Caleb/Catherine matter to deal with. I'd almost forgotten that Annalise's grand plan was to frame Catherine for everything, until all the kids got together to fabricate the timeline of the murder mansion evening. 

Everyone was totally on board with framing Catherine, which seems like a far cry from the head space everyone was in that evening. Subsequent episodes better reveal just what the hell happened during those two weeks to get everyone on board with that cover up. 

You all belong in hell.

Caleb [to Michaela]

Well said, Caleb. I'm still not all the way sure Catherine is so sweet and innocent, but I do know she didn't shot Annalise and she should not be going to jail for that. But even a bewildered and battered Annalise Keating on her worst day can manipulate people into getting what she wants. And she needed Catherine to go down. 

Random Notes

  • Asher believes someone murdered his father and staged his suicide and that's why he went to the police station the night of the murders; to share his theory. Could he be on to something? I'm not sure, but I like where this is going. 
  • Phillip is MIA and also being framed like his girl Catherine. Everyone better watch their backs. 
  • Remember Frank's hysterics at the hospital? They were all a ruse to get some of Annalise's blood to plant on Catherine. Not sure what I was expecting, but I was a little disappointed in that reveal. 
  • Completely unrelated to the plot, but I'm going to need Wes to shave that beard, like yesterday.

I think I've talked myself into liking this episode more now that I've had time to rehash it. But enough with my thoughts, I want to hear from you. What did you guys think about "What Happened To You, Annalise?" Any new theories on the connection between Annalise and Wes? Are we through with the Hapstall drama?

Make sure to leave me a comment And remember, there's only a few more weeks left to catch up on your favorite show, so make sure to watch How to Get Away with Murder online right now!

What Happened to You, Annalise? Review

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Whitney Evans is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on X.

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How to Get Away with Murder Season 2 Episode 10 Quotes

Annalise: Why'd you do it? You told them that you did it.
Laurel: I don't know. I just, I got scared. And they already blame Wes for Sam and he would just fall apart if they blamed him for this too.

Bonnie: Annalise?
Annalise: I finally got it to calm down.