Watch Scandal Online: Season 5 Episode 4

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What crazy twists and turns took place onĀ Scandal Season 5 Episode 4?

Let's find out, shall we?

Anxious to get some answers this week, Jake unexpectedly crossed paths with someone he believed he would never see again.

Elsewhere during the hour, Huck and Quinn recruited a familiar face to assist them in smoothing over the media storm surrounding Olivia; while Fitz quickly discovered the true cost of mercy when he found out that not everyone fully supported his actions.

Crazy, right?!?

Use the video above to watch Scandal online and to see how these various events transpired now.

Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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Scandal Season 5 Episode 4 Quotes

Quinn: Olivia Pope and Associates needs a mouthpiece. You're good with the press. You won't just be some corporate spinner. You'll be one of us. Look, the job is yours if you want it. It's the best job you'll ever have. You will change lives. You will slay dragons. You will love the hunt more than you ever have. I am not crazy. I'm a gladiator in a suit. That's what you are when you work at OPA. You're a gladiator in a suit. Do you want to be a gladiator in a suit?
Marcus: No.

Quinn: You're broke, Marcus. You're unemployed because you screwed the mayor's wife. You're damaged goods, but you're charming and attractive and you can drive a narrative. Plus, you know, stray dogs...
Marcus: Okay, now I see. You're crazy. You one of those crazy chicks?
Quinn: I'm offering you a job.