iZombie Season 2 Episode 2 Review: Zombie Bro

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This may be my favorite episode of iZombie yet, guys! And not just because it gave me serious flashbacks to my college years...

iZombie Season 2 Episode 2 really hit the high notes because of the amazing amount of character development and emotion it injected into what should have been a rather silly episode. And okay... there was some silliness.

For example, Liv's prankster ways? Super silly.

I will never get over the utter hilarity of Ravi's face painted with glitter and lipstick, or the fabulous nickname Major bestowed on him as a result.

So you know I'm referring to your beard as Princess Sparkles from now on, right?


All laughing aside, there were two scenes that stole the show in "Zombie Bro."

The first was the beautifully antagonistic interaction between Blaine and his father, Angus.

That's right, we officially have a Daddy Debeers! And even though we only got one look at him, it was enough to have us begging for more! Blaine hinted pretty heavily at the fact that his father was a distant and uncaring parent, but he also revealed that Angus was the first person he turned into a zombie.

As if that weren't bad enough, he then dropped the final bomb of the evening. Apparently, Angus blatantly ignored all the signs that Blaine's mother was going to commit suicide. Woah.

Is anyone else starting to realize how Blaine became... Blaine?

The back and forth power struggle between those two is something we absolutely need to see more of. Not to mention, I'd give something big and shiny (and Spurs themed if it will make Rob Thomas happy) to hear more about Blaine's grandfather and the history there. 

Blaine: I'm going to stick you in the same hellhole where you stuck grandpa.
Angus: He babied you!
Blaine: He loved me. You just don't know the difference.

Blaine's real genius though, was his plan to unseat the mysterious Mr. Boss, who runs the Utopium business in Seattle.

You never quite know what Blaine is up to until he's put all the right dominos in all the right places. Then it's just a matter of watching them topple. And topple they did! Blaine has got the D.A right where he wants him, and Mr. Boss might not be long for this drug-dealing world if our resident fake zombie has anything to say about it. 

The other stand out scene of the night was, of course, between Liv and Major.

After so much resentment and distance between those two, it was nice – and heartbreaking – to see Major let his walls down and take comfort from Liv during his drugged-out hour of need. 

Major: I won't let anything happen to you.
Liv: And I won't shave your eyebrows.

iZombie Season 2 seems to be focusing on killers who don't necessarily fit the 'premeditated murder' bill. Both of our murderers so far have been people with good hearts, who are killing out of love for another (be it dog or dearly departed dad) rather than for any nefarious, psycho reason.

Almost makes you think about Major, and his reluctant mission to hunt down and kill zombies as a way to protect Liv. Killing because you love someone instead of killing because you hate them definitely puts a spin on the usual topic of murder.

Very sly, iZombie writers. 

But murder is still murder, and Major is not dealing well.

Now that he's started self-medicating as a way to deal with the guilt over killing innocent zombies, he might be headed for a one-way trip off the deep end. Let's just hope that Ravi notices some changes in his BFF that raise a red flag or two!

Major: I'm really not up for the 'watch me do drugs' favor.
Ravi: I'm sorry, I didn't realize there were limits to our friendship.
Major: Oh, don't bat those big, brown eyes at me, you manipulative bastard!

Other Thoughts:

  • Frat brother Brody kind of stole the show. Just saying.
  • Ravi danced on a bar without a shirt on, and I'm going to plead the fifth when asked how many times I rewatched that scene
  • Do, Date, Delete? What a fun and broadcast appropriate way to play Fuck, Marry, Kill!
  • That caution tape dress needs to get in my closet ASAP. 

You do not want to miss this episode, zombie fans, so be sure to watch iZombie online via TV Fanatic!

Zombie Bro Review

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iZombie Season 2 Episode 2 Quotes

I hope you like jagerbombs and homoerotic subtext.


Liv: What happened to Caesar?
Ravi: He came, he saw, he was stabbed several times in quick succession with a sharp, cylindrical object.