How to Get Away with Murder Season 2 Episode 6 Review: Two Birds, One Millstone

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What the hell is happening, you guys?

How to Get Away with Murder Season 2 Episode 6 started off ridiculous, meandered its way through an interesting case of the week that didn't get enough screen time (and 50 other things), then ended with a massive WTF. Seriously though, what is going on in those flash forwards?

Let's go through it all piece by piece and maybe we can make some sense of what we just watched. 

The two main plots of this jam packed episode revolved around Annalise defending a friend accused of murder and the students trying to find a new suspect in the Hapstall case. The former was the most interesting of the two, because it wasn't like any case we've seen on this show before. 

The potential murderer in question was a transgender woman accused of killing her husband and it was looking like the case was going to revolve around the prosecution looking to prove that she killed him because he found out her supposed secret. 

I never bought that, nor did I ever think Jill was lying about what her husband had done to her. Like I said earlier, I think this case was very intriguing and we could have gotten deeper into it, but in the end, we did get that closing scene between Annalise and Jill that was really perfection. 

Jill: I don't blame myself. A good person would cry for him right now. Grieve. But I can't. I let him win for far too long. And I believed him when he said he was the only one who could ever love me. I'm so glad he's dead, Annalise.
Annalise: I'm glad Sam's dead, too. He wasn't the man everyone thought he was either, but I stayed. Who the hell knows why. It's okay. You're free. You finally get to be the woman you really are.

Two women, broken by their marriages, finally realizing they were free from the shackles they felt their husbands affixed to them was a powerful moment. 

With Annalise preoccupied, the students were meeting with the Hapstall's and looking to find themselves a new suspect. I wasn't sure about the birth parent angle, but it did lead them to the discovery of a mystery cousin the siblings never knew about. 

I'm really loving how much they've integrated Oliver into this season, but now I'm seriously worried about his well being. Mystery Hapstall cousin looked like a serious creeper in that bathroom selfie and it turns out Oliver isn't the only one good at hacking into computers. 

So, what do we think is up with mystery cousin? Since we haven't even heard him speak yet, it may be too soon to label him the killer. I've got some wild theories about him and the siblings, but I'm going to hold back and see how things play out in the next few weeks.

But let's just say, I'm not totally convinced the Hapstall's weren't aware they had a relative living right down the street. 

With everything else going on, Annalise still has to continuously deal with the two men in her; Wes and Nate. She's doing her best to get both men somewhat back in her corner, but I think the damage has really be done at this point. Especially with Nate. 

Annalise: I couldn't not come.
Nate: Because you know what you took from me. She needed me. The whole time I was in jail, in court but I wasn't there. Because you stole that from us. The only time we had left together. You stole that! So no cobbler or apologies can fix that.
Annalise: Right. I would hate me too.
Nate: I don't hate you. I just don't care about you. I gave Nia those pills because I loved her. And I laid next to her in that bed, held her as she fell alseep. So close I could feel when she took her last breath. No one's ever gonna love you that way. Leave. Leave!

Losing his wife will only push Nate further away from Annalise. And Wes? He didn't actually believe the things Annalise was telling him, did he?

Bringing up his mother was an interesting tactic for Annalise, who was coming at Wes as some kind of motherly figure. She flip flops so much with the way she plays Wes, it's hard to keep track. One minute she's coddling him like a child and the next she's giving him the eyes while they're dancing in a nightclub. 

The game these two are playing is truly making it seem like Wes may behind the shooting, but can Wes really be the "killer" two seasons in a row? 

Two more episodes until we find out!

Random Notes

  • Let's talk about Frank. What was with the theatrical scene at the hospital? Are we supposed to believe Frank had something to do with the shooting? And where the hell did Catherine come from? She was in her pajamas, which were stained with blood, so perhaps she was standing nearby when Annalise got shot and she passed out? And most importantly, why did Frank leave her alive? I would have included this in my review earlier, but as you can see I only have questions. This show drives me crazy in the best possible way. 
  • Staying on Frank for a minute, he's really into Laurel, huh? Bringing someone home to meet the family is no small task, especially for someone as private as Frank. I am all aboard the Frankel (?) train. Choo. Choo. 
  • Michaela and Caleb will get it on before the midseason finale. 
  • Asher, Asher, Asher. Just when you think he's growing up some, he shows his naivety yet again. Did he really think Annalise wasn't going to go after his father? And we are going to need a lengthy explanation about what happened at Trotter Lake. Gang rape? Disgusting. 

There are so many questions right now and I'm not going to lie, I need answers ASAP! As we creep closer and closer to the 'Who Shot Annalise' reveal, we've got to start getting to the bottom of some things. 

While we patiently wait for those answers, let's discuss "Two Birds, One Millstone." Will Annalise ever tell Wes the truth? Is mystery cousin the real Hapstall murderer? What is Nate's next move? Anyone have any theories on the flash forwards?

We are quickly reaching the halfway point of this incredible season, so watch How to Get Away with Murder online right now and don't get left behind!

NOTE: How To Get Away With Murder Season 2 Episode 7 titled "I Want You To Die" airs November 5th! 

Two Birds, One Millstone Review

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Whitney Evans is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on X.

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