How to Get Away with Murder Season 2 Episode 4 Review: Skanks Get Shanked

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Is there anyone left on Team Annalise? Was anyone ever on it?

While her brand of tough love and extremely unsympathetic demeanor has always made her someone to be feared, she always seemed to get respect from those around her. And while she may still get that from the Frank and Bonnie's of the world, her students have effectively bailed on her. 

One thing is very clear after How to Get Away with Murder Season 2 Episode 4, no one is buying what Annalise is selling anymore. 

We've heard about Nate's sick wife for awhile now and she finally made an appearance. We got a glimpse of her interaction with Annalise during the promos last week, but they really didn't do their scenes justice. 

Nia Leahey appealed to Annalise in a very interesting way. Instead of painting her as just the evil mistress who ruined her life, she tried to get Annalise to help her end her life by playing on her feelings for Nate.

By making it seem like Annalise owed it to Nate for all that she put him through, Nia did a good job manipulating Annalise and it seemed like she was going to get what she wanted.

I think about it a lot, killing myself. I have ever since I was a child. A lot of times I think the world would be a much better place without me in it. But I don't do it. You're a better woman than me and if I don't deserve to die, then you definitely don't.


Unfortunately for Nia, Annalise wasn't going to hurt Nate anymore than she already has. It really was never clear until their final meeting what Annalise planned to do. You could see her being pulled in both directions, but as desperate and borderline evil as Annalise can be, there was just no way she could go through with it. 

Nia's plea weighed so heavy on Annalise's mind, that it served as a major distraction during her new case. This case of the week revolved around Zoe, a teenage girl accused by two others of spearheading the death of her best friend.

There was something fishy about this case from the jump. While jealousy and bullying can definitely play a part in murder, the fact that the victim was stabbed 52 times makes it seem like this was a very personal killing. 

With Wes and Michaela off in their own subplots, Laurel and Connor took center stage. Laurel didn't believe Zoe's innocent act and stole her phone, which revealed a disturbing video that showed Zoe and the girls mocking the death of their "friend" and vowing to kill again. 

With pressure from Zoe's parents, Annalise did what Annalise does; she tries to get a win for her client no matter what. Burying the tape didn't sit well with Connor, who spent the whole episode trying to convince whoever would listen to Annalise was brainwashing them. 

It's hard not to see where Connor is coming from because it's impossible to ever truly know what Annalise's agenda really is. At this point it's almost hard to figure out who needs who more. Do the students need Annalise more than she needs them? 

Stealing the tape of Zoe and the mean girls and leaking it to the prosecutor was a ballsy move by Connor, but he's pretty stupid if he thought Annalise was going to just let that go like it was no big deal. Connor just painted a huge bullseye on his forehead.

The case ended up being pretty predictable, as Zoe had a complete meltdown in court and proved to be every bit the sociopath that video painted her out to be. I wonder if anyone has ever called someone a "basic bitch" in court before?

Wes was off trying to be Sherlock Holmes, and he continued his not at all secret meet ups with Nate. I have to ask, why would Nate and Wes meet in the parking lot of a hospital Annalise is known to frequent? Who came up with that genius idea? 

Seeing as how from on outsiders perspective these two would have absolutely no reason to interact, Annalise's antennae are going to shoot up, and now she's going to put them on her list, right after Connor. 

I'd say Asher will join that list as well, but BonBon's last minute confession might end up saving Annalise more than she ever realizes. 

Random Notes

  • I think the writers heard everyone complaining about Michaela on How To Get Away With Murder Season 1 and decided to do some character rehab. She's been 1000% more tolerable thus far.
  • The flash forwards show Annalise struggling to survive and they also showed our foursome being chauffeured around by Nate. They eventually came to an apartment building and Michaela was sent inside to meet someone. This turned out to be Caleb. Say what now?
  • We still don't know what happened at Trotter Lake, but it's bad enough that Asher felt he needed to rat Annalise out. 
  • Speaking of Asher, when is he going to show up in the flash forwards? It's coming right?
  • The new Rebecca theory is...she was buried in a cemetery? I'm going to need more from this story ASAP. 

Over to you guys. What do you think of the latest happenings? Will Annalise have anyone on her side anytime soon? Hit the comments.

If you need to catch up, you can always watch How to Get Away with Murder online right here via TV Fanatic.

Here is your first look at How to Get Away with Murder Season 2 Episode 5:

Skanks Get Shanked Review

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Whitney Evans is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on X.

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How to Get Away with Murder Season 2 Episode 4 Quotes

Annalise strikes again. Nothing like burning babies when you want to sway the jury.


Nia: I thought about you a lot. I thought what could of woman could be with a man when his wife is dying. That's not a judgement. I admire your strength. Do you love him?
Annalise: I don't know how to answer that.