How to Get Away with Murder Season 2 Episode 2 Review: She's Dying

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This season is off to one crazy start, huh?

As twisty and captivating as How To Get Away With Murder Season 1 was, it seems like the powers that be decided to take things up several notches this year. The flash forwards alone are more powerful than the Sam cover-up ones were, but that could have more to do with the fact that our lead character is in peril. 

Either way, How to Get Away with Murder Season 2 Episode 2 was another strong installment and provided another ending that is sure to light up the comment section. 

Annalise on the Stand - How to Get Away with Murder Season 2 Episode 2

There were two central conflicts to deal with this week; Hot Nate's pre-trial and the death of the siblings aunt. While the siblings case was interesting enough, I think we were all much more interested in seeing Annalise on the stand. 

As cold and domineering as she is standing across from a witness, Annalise is pretty much the same when the tables are turned. She was attacked repeatedly by the prosecutor, Emily Sinclair and even by her current paramour, Eve. 

Sinclair is out to get Annalise. That's a major duh. But I was still surprised how hard she went after her. From questions about her first sexual encounter with Nate, to the fight she had with Sam the night he was murdered, Sinclair held nothing back. Annalise stood her ground too, but she did reach a boiling point. 

We've seen Annalise break down before, that's not exactly new territory, but to see her do so publicly was shocking. Her outburst, while justified and pretty much right on point, painted her as an angry, scary, jaded woman. And angry, scary, jaded woman are very much capable of murder. 

Even Eve was forced to use the outburst to her advantage by painting Annalise as Sam's killer. She was equally as ruthless as Sinclair and it forced Annalise to ask her later why she had to make it so personal. 

Really, Annalise? The lady is clearly head over heels for you!

It was good with you. And real. Too real. So I got scared and I left. But you're the most beautiful thing that ever happened to me.

Annalise [to Eve]

The twosome once again fell back into each other arms and Eve even invited Annalise to come away with her. Alas, Eve was on her way, but not before she laid a kiss on her former current love. A kiss that Hot Nate witnessed!

I'm starting to feel like this is going to be the season of Hot Nate and I don't hate it. Now that he's free, he will be coming for Annalise. I would not be remotely surprised if his pretty little face shows up in one of these flash forwards...

On to the other conflict, the siblings new murder charge or more accurately, the charge against Caleb. As an audience, we were already aware that Caleb wasn't home the entire night his aunt was murdered, as he suggested. And While Caleb was a pretty good liar, Catherine was god awful. 

Annalise knew she needed to get her to talk and I loved that Wes was the one to step up. He really does play the puppy well. 

Laurel: So it worked, playing the puppy?
Wes: It always works.

With a suggestion from Michaela and an assist by Oliver, the team was able to prove that the police planted Caleb's DNA at the crime scene. So just like that, Annalise was granted a desperately needed win. 

While she was lucky that day in court, it's starting to look like her luck may run out in the future. We didn't spend much time on the flash forwards, but what we did see was fascinating indeed. 

Firstly, our murderous foursome is all at the scene and they all essentially leave Annalise to die. Not quite sure what to make of that, really. What has she done to make them all turn against her to the point that they wish her dead?

That'll be a great question to ponder for awhile, along with who the hell killed Emily Sinclair? Yup, she's dead. I hope they demolish that mansion because people don't seem to make it out of there alive. 

Random Notes

  • Annalise is still pissed at Bonnie (for good reason) and they had a series of awkward interactions. We've heard that Bonnie owes Annalise time and time again and I think it's time for this show to dive into Bonnie's background. I'm about ready to know who Bonnie was before Annalise found her. 
  • Connor told the group about Oliver's HIV status, which understandably upset Oliver. I really enjoy this couple and I'm rooting for them, but it doesn't look like it's going to be easy for them. 
  • So, who's this ridiculously handsome man randomly approaching Michaela at the courthouse and flirting shamelessly with her? It's EGGS, Michaela! Right?!?!
  • Speaking of ridiculously handsome men, Frank spurned Laurel and it was pretty epic. Frank is not a piece of meat people!
  • Did I mention I'd like this to be the season of Hot Nate? I really want that. 

Things are progressively nicely thus far and "She's Dying" was a great installment, so I need you guys to weigh in on the episode. Was Annalise justified in shredding Sinclair apart? Are you hoping Eve comes back? What is Hot Nate going to do next? 

We are just getting underway on this awesome season, so make sure you watch How to Get Away with Murder online right now and don't get left behind!

NOTE: How To Get Away With Murder Season 2 Episode 3 tilted "It's Called The Octopus" will air on October 8th!

She's Dying Review

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Rating: 4.4 / 5.0 (118 Votes)

Whitney Evans is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on X.

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How to Get Away with Murder Season 2 Episode 2 Quotes

Laurel: Michaela! You are not going to Nate's trial.
Michael: I never said I was! Okay, I can't be the only one who wants to go.
Connor: You want us, the real murderers, to go to the fake murderes trial?
Wes: Annalise would kill us!
Laurel: I'd kill you!

You're running point on Caleb and Catherine. And don't you dare smile. The only reason I haven't fired you is cause I can't be in two places at once. Screw up again, you're gonna be the next dead body in this house.

Annalise [to Bonnie]