Empire Season 2 Episode 5 Review: Be True

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If you're not the biggest Andre fan, than this probably wasn't the episode for you.

Empire Season 2 Episode 5 was a very Andre centric endeavor, as he was looking to confess some sins and getting ready to be baptized. It's pretty clear that the Lyon family isn't a deeply religious crew, so it took Andre's confessions to really push his family to be there for him. 

Aside from Andre, there was lying, cheating, kidnappings, robbery and guest stars. You know, just your typical Wednesday night in Empire land.

Andre's arc through Empire Season 1 and so far this season has been scattered at best. He started out as the cold hearted, sophisticated, conniving brother. And when his illness came to light, he became a different, quieter character. Now, he's kind of stuck in this place where it seems like nobody is totally sure what to do with him. 

His faith has been a major part of his evolution, so having him want to get baptized wasn't wholly surprising, but having him confess some of his sins was a good move. 

To be honest, I'd forgotten about Jamal's brush with death in Empire Season 1 and the fact that Andre was the one who set him up. It was a nice callback and a way to bring the three brother closer together. It seems like the poignant moments between the younger Lyon men are few and far between, and it was nice to see them in a scene acting like brothers. 

I want to help heal this family. I want us to be whole again, I mean it, with all of my heart.


It does seem like Andre has his family's best interest at heart now. While before he may have aided Lucious and Thirsty in stealing from Cookie, this time around he declined. Instead he chose to confess his suicide attempt to Lucious. And that went over just about as well as you would expect.

There is no God. You just need to man the hell up.

Lucious [to Andre]

I know that the flashbacks are supposed to give us a deeper understanding of why Lucious is the way that he is, but the way he treats those closest to him it's just too sickening to ever be justified. 

It's looking like there is going to be a war between Lucious and Andre, and if that's the case, we can all but guarantee that Pop will come out on top. 

While Empire was back and living large, things were a little hectic over at Lyon Dynasty. 

When Tiana got robbed, my initial thought was that she was going to leave Dynasty and just go back to Empire. I did not see the whole extortion plot coming. Is Lucious not the one behind it? Naturally he's the number one suspect for all nefarious activity on this show, but I'm sensing this is a plot bigger than him. 

But if not him, then who? I'll tell you one person super high on my "I don't trust one bit" list. Thirsty. Lucious has let this stranger in way too quickly and has given him power and trust that he wouldn't dare even give his sons. 

If someone from the inside is working against the Lyon's and looking for a huge pay out, it's very possible that Thirsty could be a part of it. And if Thirsty is the one behind Hakeem's kidnapping, he better take a page out of Andre's book and start asking for forgiveness fast. 

Random Notes

  • Cookie hired Mr. Delgado to promote some upcoming concerts and act as a bodyguard it appears. I will proudly admit to being a Tyler Perry movie fan, so I've seen "I Can Do Bad All By Myself" on more than one occasion, so I already know the chemistry between Taraji P. Henson and Adam Rodriguez is off the charts. Cookie deserves some love, and it looks like she may be getting some action. 
  • Ne-Yo joined the long list of Empire Season 2 guest stars, as he collaborated with Jamal and gave a ton of relationship advice. The guest stars haven't be incredibly overwhelming thus far, but I think I prefer the Pitbull cameos to the Ne-Yo ones. Have him sing a little bit and be on his way. 
  • Hakeem brought the singer from the jazz club in to join his girl group, which was predictable, although she proved to be different than the girls Hakeem normally deals with. She wasn't looking to join Hakeem's long list of conquests, and it was nice to see Hakeem step up, apologize and even do something selfless. Hakeem's maturation has been one of my favorite things about these first few episodes. 
  • Jamal's decision whether or not to bring Michael on tour with him took up entirely too much time. Unfortunately, Jamal still has a problem just following his feelings, and he still gets wrapped up in what other people think. Michael's a grade A weirdo though and him hooking up with the creepiest photographer on the face of the planet just proved that. 
  • Can we give Becky and Porsha more to do, please? 
  • Song of the week? Ne-Yo and Jamal's song had a nice ring to it.

Now it's your turn to give me your take on "Be True". What do you make of Thirsty? Who is after Cookie and Lyon Dynasty? WHO KIDNAPPED HAKEEM AND HOW DO WE GET HIM BACK?

This season is in full swing and you want to make sure you're caught up! Be sure to watch Empire online via TV Fanatic right now so you're in the loop!

Be True Review

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Whitney Evans is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on X.

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Empire Season 2 Episode 5 Quotes

Hakeem: You really think Vernon offed himself?
Cookie: Look, where we from, if snitches don't kill themselves, somebody else will.

Andre, nice to see you without a shovel.
