Grey's Anatomy Season 12: What to Expect from Whom

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With Grey's Anatomy Season 12 set to kick off on September 24, the latest issue of Entertainment Weekly doesn't just take fans behind the scenes of the show.

It features interviews Shonda Rhimes and various cast members in which they give us character-by-character breakdown of what to expect when new episodes premiere this fall... and the show jumps ahead three more months.

So, consider yourselves SPOILER WARNED and scroll down for a sneak peek at what's ahead for everyone in Seattle you know and love:

1. Meredith

According to Ellen Pompeo, Meredith will be living with Amelia and Maggie, "throwing herself into her work and her kids" and possibly getting a promotion.

2. Amelia

It won't be easy for Amelia to live with Meredith because their relationship is "fundamentally complicated," says Caterina Scorsone, while she'll be "confused and terrified by the potency" of her feelings for Owen.

3. Maggie

Look for Maggie to "get love" this season, according to Kelly McCreary, who adds that living with her sibilings will be a bit "chaotic."

4. Callie

Rhimes says Callie will be in a "hot dating situation with somebody quite unexpected."

5. Arizona

Arizona will also be dating, Rhimes teases, while also expressing some "funny coping mechanisms" upon learning Callie is dating.

Wait! There's more Grey's Anatomy Season 12: What to Expect from Whom! Just click "Next" below:

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Grey's Anatomy Quotes

It's a beautiful day to save lives.


Bailey: Are you a doctor?
Patient's father: No, a malpractice attorney.