Suits Season 5 Episode 8 Review: Mea Culpa

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So many feelings, so little time!

Tonight, we were delivered not one, not two, but three incredibly swoon worthy moments of love, friendship, loyalty, and straight up emotion. Let's all just agree right now that if putting Harvey in therapy churns out moments like we got in Suits Season 5 Episode 8, that boy should let someone shrink his head every day of the week.

Now, not all of these moments ended up being entirely genuine – looking at you, Louis! – but that didn't make them any less tear-jerking as they happened. 

First up, the best and also the worst: Harvey's talk with Louis.

This season's Harvey Specter is a totally different man than the one we met in Suits Season 1 Episode 1 all those years ago. Hell, he's a totally different Harvey than the one we saw in the Suits Season 5 premiere, too!

Instead of confronting Louis or bullying him, or God-forbid trying to trick him, Harvey actually took Dr. Agard's advice and had a straight-up heart to heart with his long time rival. Watching him open up to Louis about his panic attacks, losing Donna, his family, all of it... that was such a touching scene.

It was a real and honest moment of friendship between them.

And then Louis had to go and RUIN it by being a total dick.

I am going to sue the shit out of him!


I nearly threw something at my TV when he turned that vote around on Harvey in the partner meeting. How can one man be so lovable and so devious all in the same episode?

On a separate topic, it's so refreshing to see Harvey establishing a healthy, professional relationship with Dr. Agard.

Too often with Harvey – and all other leading male characters to be honest – an extended amount of time spent in the presence of an attractive female character automatically means sexy flirtation, epic romance, or something equally predictable. But not this time. Harvey and Dr. Agard have established a huge amount of trust and respect for one another, and yet their bond has never danced anywhere near romance.

They're keeping it professional, and I couldn't be happier about this healthy and realistic representation of a therapist and her patient, no matter how sexy both of them are! 

Elsewhere, Mike had to deal with the lawyer version of ding-dong-ditch, when Claire showed back up as opposing counsel on his first case as Junior Partner.

Yep, you read that right. After agonizing over a way to turn down his nomination, Mike got the happy news from Jessica that she was going to let him become the youngest Junior Partner her firm had ever seen!

Which naturally led to the second emotionally packed moment of the night between Harvey and Mike, when they discussed his new promotion.

Even if he hadn't invited me back, an army couldn't have kept me away from your partnership vote.


Ahhh, don't you just love a good bromance moment?

Unfortunately, Claire knew Mike's little secret way back in the day, and he was always fated to let that cat out of the bag when she came back into his life. 

On top of absolutely adoring all the scenes between Rachel and Claire, I have to give it up to Troian Bellisario for her stunning performance. She slid so effortlessly into the role of high-powered attorney, you would never know that her day job is playing a wide-eyed teenager on Pretty Little Liars

As always, the chemistry between her and Mike was palpable, but it was her closing statement, so to speak, that probably left Suits fans stunned.

Claire: One day it is going to come crashing down, and if you really do love her, you'll put a stop to this right now.
Mike: So you think I should stop being a lawyer?
Claire: I'm saying if you really love her, you won't marry her.

Wait, what?!

No matter how much you love Rachel and Mike's happy little engagement bubble, you have to admit that Claire has a point. His secret is going get out one day, and pretending it won't isn't doing anyone any favors. Breaking it off with Rachel might not be the best solution, but it sure would minimize the damage to her if and when Mike's life does implode. 

The final heart-wrenching conversation was between, you guessed it, Harvey and Donna.

Their heartfelt moments have been few and far between this year, with most of their time spent yelling at each other.  

I've said it a thousand times, but I just do not care for the "Donna In the Middle" story this year. She seems constantly stuck between her love for, and loyalty to, Harvey and her friendship with Louis. There just doesn't seem to be a way to get her out of this destructive pattern unless she quits and goes to work for Mike.

Hey, now there is an idea! He's a Junior Partner now after all! 

Next week on Suits Season 5 Episode 9, we've got Daniel Hardman returning with a vengeance (literally) and a partner vote to worry about.

Will Harvey be suspended? Or can Louis put a stop to it before it's too late? Sound off in comments below with your theories!

If you missed tonight's painfully watch Suits online via TV Fanatic!

Mea Culpa Review

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