Power Season 2 Episode 8 Review: Three Moves Ahead

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All hell broke loose on Power Season 2 Episode 8 and nothing is ever, ever going to be the same. I may have said that in the past, but seriously, nothing will ever be as it once was for our core group.

For starters, Tommy is in prison and he knows Angela set him up. But the craziest thing is, she wasn't even looking to get Tommy. She was trying to get Ghost. 

The fallout from Tommy (and Lobos's) arrest is going to be swift and severe. Couple that with literally everyone out to bury Ghost six feet under and we're left breathing deeply and teetering on the edge of our seats. Just how exactly does Ghost get through this?

Getting Out From Under - Power

Critics and audiences alike have just lauded over the current season of Power and it's hard to argue with the praise. Episodes like this are the exact reason why.

Ghost (and Tommy by extension) has been the top dog for a long time and naturally when you're on top, you have to deal with all the people below you looking to pass you. Ghost has done well ensuring his status as number one, but things have been slowly breaking down for him for awhile. 

It has to be said that things really took a turn when Angela was reintroduced into his life. With her betrayal tonight, where can things possibly go for them?

Let's dive into Angela's mindset a little. She doesn't trust Ghost, that's a given. The bugging of the phone was an attempt to get Lobos, sure, but it was more about her trying to figure just how bad the man she's in love with is. She knows he's Ghost, the biggest drug dealer in New York City, but that didn't mean she still didn't want to be with him. 

No, she wanted to be with him. However, Ghost had to think about his family and the plan was to get rid of Lobos, so he had to follow through with that. In choosing that, Ghost left Angela with a choice.

We can debate the choice she made all day and all reach different conclusions. Angela did what she did, but she didn't realize that Ghost knew what she was up to. Angela thought she was ahead of the game and for a time she may have been, but the roles have changed now and Ghost is the one in front. That's why Tommy and Lobos are in prison and Ghost is a free man.

How will things ultimately play out for them? We've got two more hours to see. 

Kanan: Ghost and Tommy got a revolt going on they hands, man.
Dre: Think we should tell them?
Kanan: Hell no. Right now, we three moves ahead of Ghost. Right where we wanna be.

Kanan has also been ahead of Ghost (and Tommy) for the most part all season. Ghost has been suspicious at times, but he's also been preoccupied. Things really swung tonight, as Kanan organized a coup that would have ultimately taken Ghost and Tommy down, if Angela hadn't gotten there first. 

It was very interesting to see the way Kanan manipulated everyone. It was way too easy if you ask me. I know there were some disgruntled folks, i.e. Ruiz, but they don't even know him. Who is he to be so easily believed?

I had a very mixed reaction to the way Kanan bated Shawn into agreeing to kill Ghost. I understand Kanan's vendetta, but correct me if I'm wrong, have we ever gotten the real reasoning behind the decision to set Kanan up? Please feel free to enlighten me in the comments, because my memory is alluding me. 

Whatever the reason was, when Kanan went away, Ghost took Shawn in. Ghost is the biggest father figure Shawn has ever known and talking your son into killing the man who helped rear him is cruel. 

That being said, I can't imagine Shawn goes through with it. The number one reason being that Tasha would never forgive him for killing the father of her children. I've talked in length about the dysfunction that is the St. Patrick marriage, but I could never see Tasha getting past that. 

Everything Else You Need To Know

  • I have this theory and it could be totally off base, but what if Dre is the one to ultimately turn on Kanan. I mean, someone has to at some point because his whole plan can't completely come to fruition or there would be no show. I don't trust Dre one bit. 
  • Greg is just waiting for the perfect moment to throw Angela's relationship with Ghost in her face, isn't he? It's definitely coming by the finale. 
  • How the hell is Tommy going to get out of prison? And the relationship between Ghost and Tommy is irrevocably damaged now, right? 
  • Turtle from Entourage fame, is a slick lawyer with a debt to pay and Ghost has him backed into a corner. Looks like he will be defending Tommy, though. And he seems sleazy enough to make a real impact. 
  • With Lobos locked up, will he turn on Ghost and company? 

There are just piles, upon piles of questions to be asked and discussed after this mammoth episode. In a string of hits, tonight stood out as another knockout and it's scary to think we still get two more weeks of this greatness. 

What did you guys think of "Three Moves Ahead"? Will Shawn go through with the plan to kill Ghost? Will Tommy turn on Ghost? Will Ghost turn himself in to protect Tommy? What's next for Ghost and Angela?

As always, leave a comment and let's talk it out together. 

Three Moves Ahead Review

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Rating: 4.5 / 5.0 (11 Votes)

Whitney Evans is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on X.

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Power Season 2 Episode 8 Quotes

Ghost: What if I could convince him to disappear?
Tasha: Or you make him disappear.
Ghost: I kill Lobos, Tasha, I mean there goes our connect.
Tasha: So you get another one.
Ghost: The blow back could be huge.
Tasha: Only if you get caught. And for the sake of our children, you will not get caught.
Ghost: You damn right I won't get caught.

It's not safe anymore. Once I get my money from Ghost, I'm going to get out.
