Mistresses Season 3 Episode 5 Review: Threesomes

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Well, I've been duped! 

Not only did I think Luca was a good guy, I also thought Harry and Joss were going to last more than two episodes. I was wrong on both accounts and I'm not going to sugar coat things here, I'm not happy about it. 

Even though I'm upset, that doesn't mean Mistresses Season 3 Episode 5 wasn't another great installment, because it was. There were some bold moves taken tonight and I can't wait to see where these stories are headed. But this show sure knows how to push my buttons!

Meeting the Ladies - Mistresses

Disclaimer: Due to some weather issues I missed the first twenty minutes this week, so I missed the first meeting between the four ladies. Please feel free to fill me in on all that gloriousness in the comments!

Let's talk about the scene that almost made me tear up first and that's the scene between Joss and Scott. Seriously, how great was that scene? I am still Team Harry, but dammit if Scott didn't bring all the feels this week. 

It's pretty clear Scott is impulsive and he wears his heart on his sleeve, as evidenced by another quick engagement, but he did love Joss. He knows it and Joss knows it and it was nice of Joss to acknowledge that. No matter how awful the ending was, their relationship was based upon love and I think it was important for them both to accept that. 

I hope it was worth it.

Scott [to Joss]

Joss must be asking herself that all the time and although I believe the answer is yes, the fact that she even has to answer that just proves how incredibly complicated the Joss/Harry pairing truly is. 

I was sincerely hoping that we wouldn't have a back and forth with these two, but it looks like that's exactly what we're getting. I've never really bought into the whole "people don't want to watch happy couples" thing that TV people throw out there. 

I tend to think people don't want to watch couples get together and break up ten zillion times! You throw meaningless love interests at people and it gets old and repetitive and I'm sick of it. I wanted to see Harry and Joss navigate their relationship now, not next season or the season after that. 

If I have to see Harry and Nikko become a thing, I will not be a happy camper. 

I've been hard on April and her story this season, but tonight really pushed things forward and I think that had a lot to do with decreased screen time for Lucy. Taking a breather from the rebellious teenager arc and instead focusing on April's love life was nice. 

Blair is on paper the perfect match for April. He's sexy, responsible, educated and good with children. That's everything pretty much anyone would be looking for in a significant other. 

But if there was any doubt whose team I was on before, I am firmly on Team Marc after that lame dig Blair took at him when they first met. Sure, Marc has some growing up to do, but who is Blair to insult him? 

Marc is definitely loving our April and I must say this is one love triangle I'm looking forward to seeing. 

Side note, I've been spelling Marc with a "k" this whole time incorrectly. Please forgive me. 

The Karen/Vivian/Alec plot is playing out just as I suspected. After some initial (and expected) awkwardness, it looks like the three of them are all on board to continue experimenting and figuring out just what this newfound relationship can be. 

I still say there's no way this doesn't end with someone being heartbroken, but it will be an interesting journey to witness. I definitely welcome your thoughts on what we think will happen next with this threesome. 

Lastly, Luca turned out to be a snake and I was fooled. He was using his charms to manipulate Calista and she fell for it hook, line and sinker. As did I. I feel so cheap. 

If there's one thing I can predict going forward, it's hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. And Calista is one hell of a woman. 

What did you guys think of "Threesomes"? Team Blair or Team Marc? Are you bummed Joss and Harry are already over? How will Calista get revenge?

Make sure you drop me a comment and remember to  watch Mistresses online right now so you're all caught up!

NOTE: Mistresses Season 3 Episode 6 titled "Love Is An Open Door" will air on July 16th. 

Threesomes Review

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Whitney Evans is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on X.

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Mistresses Season 3 Episode 5 Quotes

I hope it was worth it.

Scott [to Joss]

Marc: You really like him, huh?
April: Yeah, I guess I do.