Mistresses Season 3 Episode 4 Review: Into the Woods

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Oh, Karen. You beautiful, beautiful disaster. 

Karen's storyline was devoid of any real drama until this week when things got pretty steamy between Karen, Vivian and Alec. Is anyone else smelling the beginning of a love triangle?

No one else's story on Mistresses Season 3 Episode 4 is nearly as titillating as Karen's, save for maybe Calista, whose husband isn't necessarily the terrible man she's made him out to be. Or is he? I can't be the only one who has second thoughts about the man behind Ms. Raines.

The Head Master - Mistresses

This may be the first review that doesn't begin with Joss and Harry, because for once their story didn't captivate me the most. That dubious honor goes to Karen, who we all know has made poor decision after poor decision over the years. 

Her desire to help Vivian, and Alec to a degree, was a noble one. While it was sad to see her in so much pain on Mistresses Season 3 Episode 3, it was nice to see her connect with Alec. I spotted their chemistry from a mile away and even though there really isn't a doubt that Vivian is the woman he loves, he definitely has a little crush on our favorite disaster.

Now the Karen/Alec pairing seemed inevitable, but I didn't quite see the Vivian factor coming. Vivian is a smart cookie and she voiced what I was thinking throughout the whole episode. 

Vivian: You're afraid that you're attracted to my husband, aren't you?
Karen: What?
Vivian: You're pushing us together, so you don't pull us apart.
Karen: Oh, God. Something's wrong with me.

Karen was trying to assuage her guilt of being attracted to Alec, by getting him and Vivian back on the same page. Her heart was in the right place, but it was fairly transparent. It was interesting to see that Vivian wasn't the slightest bit mad at her, but instead excited. Apparently the thought of another woman lusting after your husband can be a turn on! Who knew!

Their threesome action is sure to have swift and potentially disastrous repercussions. My guess? Vivian and Alec both fall for Karen and all hell breaks loose. 

While Karen was getting hot and heavy, Joss and Harry were hitting the ice. But not before they had their adorable first scene in bed. Those interactions between the two make it easy to root for them. 

Harry: Never in a million years from where we started, did I think we'd end up here.
Joss: Where would you say we are?
Harry: Happy?

Unfortunately, the fun times wouldn't last. Joss was moving way, way too fast with things but that all comes from her fears. She's ruined a sisterhood, all for a man and she needs to feel like this man is as committed to her, as she is to him. And I think Harry is, but how many ways is he supposed to express that?

His 'I love you' isn't enough, nor is his willingness to move in with her, so what will finally convince Joss that he's for real? I think we will be spending all season trying to figure that out. 

But writers, I beg of you, let these two figure things out without the interference of that treacherous little bartender! We do not need a Toni Part 2 on our hands this season!

Since her introduction, Calista has been a force, but she kind of took a backseat this week, as she was centralized to her dealings with estranged husband, Luca. Now, he's been built up to be awful, but dare I say it, he wasn't that bad.

I didn't love their scene pre-makeout when he grabbed her arm and slammed her against the wall, but I totally bought what he was selling tonight. Am I naive? 

Luca seemed to be a man that kind of got swept up in the rise of Calista, maybe lost his way and felt ignored, but is now realizing that he really does love his wife. That was just what I took away from the brief scenes between the two and I'm so curious to know what everyone else thought. Am I just a sucker for a cute guy or does Luca really love his wife?

Once again April is a bit of a snoozefest, if only because I'm so tired of Lucy and her behavior. I get that she's a child, but is this really going to last all season? Her petulant attitude and brazen disrespect is getting old and I am so looking forward to those two getting back to normal. 

Hopefully, the addition of the hottie headmaster in Lucy's life will get things headed in the right direction. April deserves some fun in her life and Blair may be just the man to brighten her spirits. 

Though I must say, I am kind of bummed an April and Mark hook up may not be in the cards.

"Into The Woods" was vintage Mistresses, and I want to hear your thoughts. What happens next between Karen, Vivian and Alec? Will Joss and Harry be able to get things back on track? Is Calista making the right decision in getting back together with Luca? Will April and Blair become a thing?

Make sure you leave me a comment so we can talk this out. And always remember you can catch up with all the fabulous ladies when you watch Mistresses online!

Into the Woods Review

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Rating: 4.3 / 5.0 (7 Votes)

Whitney Evans is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on X.

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Mistresses Season 3 Episode 4 Quotes

A hairline of mistrust, without immediate attention, can become a real break.


Harry: Never in a million years from where we started, did I think we'd end up here.
Joss: Where would you say we are?
Harry: Happy?

  • Permalink: Happy?
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