Arrow Season 3 Gag Reel

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Let's face it, things on Arrow Season 3 got pretty dark in places. But behind the scenes, the darkness didn't stop the cast from bringing on the funny. 

Sometimes the laughs were on purpose. Is it any surprise to learn that John Barrowman is the funnyman of Arrow? He's dramatically hilarious and the results were caught on camera. 

Loose lips and limp tongues meant that even the best attempt to control their mouths to deliver lines, some of your favorite stars just couldn't get the job done the first time (or the second). 

Props were also a problem. Hey, how many times have you tried taking a bite of food only to have it roll right off the fork? Oh, you haven't? Well...I don't know how to address that.

Then there is the potty mouth on set. Emily Bett Rickards dropped the F Bomb?! How can someone so sweet let fly such profanity?! Say it ain't so! 

Find out who does what and whether your faves are true to character when you watch the gag reel, then watch Arrow online so you can see how the scenes really turned out when they finally got down to business!

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