Dancing With the Stars Review: Patti's In Da Club!

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It's My Jam Monday!

Dancing With the Stars Season 20 Episode 2 started a little slow, but overall offered a night of fun, surprises, and happy tears. Seriously, there were some really fun dances.

Last week, I was less than interested in Redfoo's performance, but this week he showed improvement and passion that made me want to root for him. I love seeing contestants who have passion and who seem to try especially hard. Watching the stars improve from week to week is one of my favorite things about this show.

Another significant improvement this week came from Willow and Mark. You really have to love Mark Ballas for his creativity and willingness to push boundaries. The dance he came up with this week included body paint for an artistic take on an Argentine Tango, and it was fantastic.

I also loved Rumer's and Val's Foxtrot (how could you not?) to "Rumor Has It." I didn't want the dance to end because I was so enthralled. The special effects were a nice touch, but more importantly, the dance was beautiful to watch.

Oh, and Val's impression of Bruce Willis was pretty great, too.

Derek and Nastia were at the top this week, and no one was surprised. They earned the first nines of the season.

My favorite dance of the night, though was Patti and Artem's Salsa to "In Da Club." I mean, come on! Patti broke it down on the dance floor like a champ.

Noah and Sharna were, again, phenomenal. Watching this guy dance is completely mesmerizing. We also got a little more background on the contestants this week, and we learned about Noah's girlfriend who has been away for six months. He dedicated his dance to her, and we saw them talk on video chat. Then, when Erin Andrews asked him what it was like to be separated from her, the girlfriend came up behind him. Their reunion was emotional and sweet, and I'm glad it's something we all got to see.

Okay, so now for the important part. Somebody had to be the first to go home. Since there's no longer a proper results show, the eliminations were probably the most rushed that I've ever seen. Granted, they aren't leaving the couples in unnecessary suspense, but I think more time should be devoted to something so important.

Who was the first to go?

Guys. This is not okay. The most improved dancer was sent home, and there was a lot of loud booing in the ballroom.

Redfoo and Emma were eliminated this week.

Here's the thing: Redfoo and Emma were at the bottom of the leader-board last week, so it makes sense they would go home first. However, because of the way the results were scheduled, we got to see how much he could improve only to watch him get sent packing. It's yet another reason Dancing with the Stars would be better if the results shows came back. (Apparently, that will happen later in the season, so that's good at least.)

Silver lining? Redfoo got the opportunity to show everyone what he was capable of.

What did you think of this week's episode of Dancing with the Stars? And how do you feel about the elimination? Be sure to share your thoughts in the comments below!

Here are this week's scores!

  • Nastia and Derek (Rumba): 34
  • Rumer and Val (Foxtrot): 32
  • Willow and Mark (Argentine Tango): 32
  • Riker and Allison (Foxtrox): 32
  • Redfoo and Emma (Jive): 31 -- ELIMINATED
  • Suzanne and Tony (Jive): 28
  • Robert and Kym (Foxtrot): 28
  • Michael and Peta (Foxtrot): 28
  • Patti and Artem (Salsa): 28
  • Noah and Sharna (Samba): 27
  • Charlotte and Keo (Cha Cha): 26
  • Chris and Witney (Cha Cha): 21

2002 Review

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Ashley Bissette Sumerel was a staff writer for TV Fanatic. She retired in September 2017. Follow her on Twitter and on Google+.

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