Shameless Season 5 Episode 4 Review: A Night to Remem...Wait, What?

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After a somber installment, they really kicked up the craziness on Shameless Season 5 Episode 4! Frank was running all over town like he was the last member of The Hangover crew, while Lip was off in sunny Miami living the dream and Fiona was, well, being Fiona. 

By that I mean, she was making ill-advised decisions she will surely regret in the future.

On top of that, it looks like Ian may be headed for a breakdown. Plus, we had Debbie in a fight, Carl joining the drug business and V "cheating" on Kev. So, yeah, it was a rather eventful week in the Gallagher world. 

Retracing His Steps - Shameless

Remember way back when, Frank had that personal liability claim after Carl cracked his femur? It was time to finally collect and collect he did to the tune of $121,000.00. Frank Gallagher with that much money is a scary, scary thought and in typical Frank fashion, he went on an epic bender. 

Mickey: What's wrong, Frank?
Frank: Searching the deepest recess's of my memory, looking for a clue to the whereabouts of a lost fucking fortune.

Not only did he drop thousands of dollars at the Alibi and buy a Porsche; he gambled, partied with prostitutes and bought prosthetic limbs for homeless children. Only Frank would get himself into a night like that. 

Once it became apparent that all the money was really gone, all he had left was a smashed up Porsche and in the end he wasn't even able to keep that. So, in the course of one evening Frank went from being a pretty wealthy man to being worse off than he was before.

While there was a brief mention of Sami needing a new RV after the explosion, I don't recall hearing much about Sheila's whereabouts. I'm guessing Frank still has nowhere to live and hopefully next week we'll see some of the aftermath of him blowing up a home. There's got to be some repercussions. 

Elsewhere, Fiona and Gus, rocker Liam's buddy, were off enjoying one another's company. After nine days, they were really in deep "like" with one another. Maybe even love?

Gus: Did I mention that I'm falling in love with you?
Fiona: No. Uh, thank you.

Gus seems like a pretty nice guy who has his stuff together, plus he has a killer apartment, but haven't we seen Fiona go down this road before? She's dated "nice" guys in the past and it never works out because nice, simple guys are just not the kind of guys for Fiona. She is chaos, remember?

Who knows, though, maybe Gus is really the one. After all, they are married now! I wish that was a typo, but no; Fiona really did marry a man she's been dating for less than two weeks. 

I'm not really understanding where this is going. On Shameless Season 5 Episode 2, Fiona was pouring her heart out to Sean and suddenly she is head over heels in love with someone else? Any predictions on how long this marriage is going to last? I'm giving it a few weeks. 

Where are you Jimmy/Steve?!?! Come back, already!

Lip got the hell out of Chicago for a minute and visited Amanda's family in Miami. The trip went surprisingly well, as Lip's and Amanda's dad has a bit of a bonding session. How this will affect Lip going forward, I couldn't say. Although, it truly seems like Lip has outgrown the south side and the lifestyle. 

Kev and V are in need of some serious counseling right now. Their relationship is deteriorating and Kev doesn't really see it because he's busy being mom and dad to the twins. I think V is suffering from some kind of post partum depression and I'm hoping she'll get some help soon. 

These two have always been the most solid couple on the show and after wanting those babies so badly, it's a shame to see things falling apart for them. Maybe a little counseling, some communicating and understanding will help them right the ship.

Someone else who needs help? Ian. 

This has been a long time coming, but after tonight, I think Mickey knows it may be time to get Ian some help. 

Your boyfriend's losing his shit.

Svetlana [to Mickey]

Mickey is very stubborn, but I'm hopeful his love for Ian will allow him to finally give in and seek out professional help. Things aren't getting any better and I don't know about you guys, but I'm starting to think his next down episode will be really bad. 

Wrapping up the Gallagher antics this week, we have Debbie and Carl, who were both off training for different things. 

Debbie's and Matty's unfortunate sexual encounter has now spread like wildfire and Debbie got into a fight because of it. Luckily she was saved by a random stranger, who was in incredible shape for a teenager. Debbie found the gym he belonged to and she really got into the kickboxing and everything else the gym had to offer. 

After last season's quest to make Matty her boyfriend and her obsession with losing her virginity, a storyline about Debbie getting a hobby and learning to fight with the help of a nice boy is something I can get behind. 

I can't get behind Carl the drug dealer, though. Using his injured leg and his race to peddle drugs is just not something I want to see. How old is he again? 

Okay guys, we are a quarter of the way through the season! How are we feeling about the everything so far? Are you on board with Fiona/Gus? Ian needs help ASAP, right? What's going on with Lip?

Let's talk things out in the comments!

A Night to Remem...Wait, What? Review

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Whitney Evans is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on X.

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Shameless Season 5 Episode 4 Quotes

Amanda: And my dad? Well, you know my dad.
Lip: Oh yeah, he want his ten grand back?

Carl [to Gus]: Boyfriend of girlfriend? Or just fuck buddies?
Fiona: Welcome to my family.