Empire Season 1 Episode 7 Review: Our Dancing Days

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With Lucious's health slowly deteriorating, he was going to have to come clean to his family eventually. And when he did finally tell his loved ones, it was as emotional as you can imagine. 

Empire Season 1 Episode 7 was all about family. There was the Lyon family coming together to make sure Empire was going to be around for a very long time. And there was also the new family Jamal may be ready to begin with little Lola. 

This week was heavy on the feelings and I enjoyed every minute of it. 

The main focus of this episode was the Investors Showcase, in which Empire Entertainment would be on display for a room full of extremely wealthy people. Lucious was fixated on this event and he wanted to make sure everything went perfectly. However, he wasn't expecting to fall ill.

It was pretty obvious that the shady doctor from Empire Season 1 Episode 6 was up to no good and we quickly found out that the drugs he was peddling to Lucious were doing more harm than good. Watching Lucious strapped up to that gurney was sad and even sadder was seeing Cookie standing outside his door, looking at the father of her children in so much pain. 

I thought maybe Lucious would be sidelined for awhile, but I should have known better. He was home and barking out orders over the phone in no time. 

Unfortunately, he wasn't full recovered and the night of the showcase he fell ill once again and was unable to give the big speech. Luckily he had Cookie there, who is a surprisingly good public speaker. 

How great was Cookie's speech? It was funny, smart, well executed and completely from the heart. Lucious loved it. The crowd ate it up. It was a really powerful moment for Cookie and I'm glad she fully took advantage of it. 

After the success of the evening, Lucious thought it was the time to finally tell everyone the truth about his health.

Lucious: I'm sick.
Jamal: Wait, what do you mean?
Lucious: I have ALS.

The reactions were varied and equally devastating. The grief was evident on everyone's faces and while Jamal sat quietly absorbing the news, Andre flew off the handle. Knowing that Andre suffers from bipolar disorder, a life altering event like this could really shake up his world. 

Watching him sit in the shower, fully clothed as the water just poured over him was one of the saddest things I've seen. And the image of Lucious, Jamal and Hakeem coming together was one of the more touching moments of this series as a whole. 

They all have issues with Lucious, but in that moment it was clear that no matter what they are a family. 

Aside from these emotional beats, there were also a great Jamal/Lucious scene and of course that awesome ending with Lucious and Cookie. 

We've been watching the slow burn between the ex Mr. and Mrs. for weeks, so we all knew they were going to give into their passion eventually. 

Cookie: This was always a good song.
Lucious: You know it was about you.
Cookie: You always did it for me.
Lucious: You never stopped doing it for me.

Now, does this mean these two are definitely on their way to a reconciliation? I don't know. For whatever reason, Lucious is still devoted to Anika, although we'll see what happens with them now, as she saw Lucious and Cookie together. 

They say hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. Lucious and Cookie better watch their backs. 

Random Notes

  • Olivia, a.k.a. Raven Symone, left her daughter on an elevator at the Empire headquarters. Good thing the Lyon family is so sweet and has accepted little Lola right into their home. But we've all seen how this story goes. Jamal will end up not being the father, just as he's become attached to her and she'll be whisked away by Olivia never to be seen again. I'd love a different outcome though.
  • I tried to give Anika the benefit of the doubt but I'm officially done with her tonight. She tried to sabotage Cookie by drugging Elle and it looked like it was going to work, until Cookie gave that speech. Nice try, honey. 
  • Looks like Hakeem is trying to get over Tiana by going all in with Camilla, but he still won't commit to her in public. Not sure where this is going, but I'm loving Naomi Campbell. 
  • Hakeem and Jamal hugged it out. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
  • Michael left Jamal. Sad, but not unexpected. 
  • Vernon had quite a few lines. And I assumed that guy he met with last week was his sponsor and it's safe to say that's true. Yay for character development!
  • Anyone else sensing some heat between Malcolm and Cookie? 
  • Song of the week? I don't even know what that microwave oven song was about. Elle's song was actually pretty nice, it's just a shame I'm not a fan of Courtney Love's voice. 
  • Most likely to take over the Empire? I think Jamal is making a push. When Lucious and Jamal spoke about his breakup with Michael, it was the first time in a long while I saw Lucious look at Jamal with an ounce of concern. It was a beautiful scene and if these two could find some common ground, I think Jamal would be a shoe in to run the show. 

Okay guys, only a few more weeks to go! What did you think of "Our Dancing Days"? Is Lucious going to leave Anika? Are you happy Lucious and Cookie got together? Is Lola really Jamal's daughter? Is Andre going to be okay?

Leave me a comment and remember you can watch Empire online anytime via TVFanatic!

NOTE: Empire Season 1 Episode 8, "The Lyon's Roar," will air on February 25 at 9/8c.

Our Dancing Days Review

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Whitney Evans is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on X.

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Empire Season 1 Episode 7 Quotes

Jamal gonna be a daddy? Who would have thunk!


Hakeem, listen to your mother. Very wise woman.
