Cristela Season 1 Episode 13 Review: Mexican Mona Lisa

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At this point in the season, I think I can safely say that Natalia is this shows surprise MVP. Even when she's not involved in the A plot, she manages to shine and I always find myself laughing at her outrageous stories. Seriously, if she begins a sentence with 'In my village...', I immediately laugh a bit. 

Cristela Season 1 Episode 13 was a great showcase for Natalia, as the girls became concerned that she was sick. Daniela was worried about Natalia's blood pressure and the plot this week synced up nicely with Cristela Season 1 Episode 12.

Natalia was very apprehensive about going to the doctor and it's a very common fear people have. How many times do you see a medical reality show where people show up in the ER and claim they haven't been to the doctor in twenty years?

You know my rule. I only go to the doctor when there are three things wrong, that way it's worth it.

Natalia [to Daniela]

That may be the most perfect thing Natalia has ever said because it's totally who she is. There is no way Natalia is going to the doctor if she comes down with a cold or a headache. She is far too stubborn and old school to go to the doctor for every little ailment. 

Daniela was outwardly more concerned about Natalia's health, but that's only because Cristela was keeping it inside. Daniela's fear was exacerbated by hearing that the doctor's office called for Natalia after her appointment. 

Normally a little follow-up phone call from the office is nothing to be worried about, but still, I can understand the worry when they give you a call. 

Daniela immediately started to feel guilty about not showing Natalia how much she means to her. So, her plan was to have a girls night and introduce Natalia to some new things. This included, sushi and Steel Magnolias. 

Daniela: Good. And Mom loves Julia Roberts.
Cristela: Ah no, you love Julia Roberts. Mom loves Jackie Chan.
Natalia: Oh, The Tuxedo! It was so funny. I like him because he has an accent just like me.

Full disclosure, I've never seen Steel Magnolias. But I have seen The Tuxedo and that is a quality flick. 

Even though I haven't seen the movie, it was easy to pick up on the fact that it's a tearjerker involving death and it was hilarious to see Cristela mock Daniela for picking that movie. 

Although it wasn't the wisest movie choice, it did lead to a revelation, as the girls found out Natalia never even went to the doctors! What followed was perhaps my favorite exchange between the ladies in the show's short history. 

Natalia: You stop yelling at your sister!
Cristela: I yell at her because I love her. And that's what we do, right?
Daniela: Well, I love you too!
Cristela: Good!
Natalia: Well, I love both of you. And I'm going to my room now because all of this love is giving me another headache!
Cristela: No you're not! You are going to stay here and we are going to watch this pretty woman die!

This was a serious laugh out loud moment and it seemed like such a genuine argument you could imagine two siblings having with their parent. They always come with the laughs and the feels and this scene was a perfect blend of the two. 

The office plot had to do with Cristela taking on the role of Trent's assistant for the week and Josh making fun of her for it. It was an OK little side plot, but I'm going to need some movement on the Jostela front. 

We all know you tease the ones you like, but it's been quite some time since we saw any earnest scenes between them. Please hear my prayers, Cristela writers!

And can we bring Alberto back already?!?!

What did you guys think of  "Mexican Mona Lisa"? Do you agree that Natalia is awesome? Are you missing Alberto as much as me?

Leave me a comment and remember you can watch Cristela online any time you please!

Mexican Mona Lisa Review

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Whitney Evans is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on X.

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Cristela Season 1 Episode 13 Quotes

You know my rule. I only go to the doctor when there are three things wrong, that way it's worth it.

Natalia [to Daniela]

I'm just saying, in my village, being a tattletale is how people disappear.

Natalia [to Daniela]