Switched at Birth Season 4 Episode 1 Review: And It Cannot Be Changed

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The Switched at Birth Season 4 Episode 1 winter premiere started off where Switched at Birth Season 3 Episode 21 ended – with Bay taking the fall for Daphne's crime.

We all know that Daphne deserved to pay for her crimes – heck even Daphne knows she should pay – yet she never pipes up and takes responsibility. This is why I can never back her up; she had the perfect opportunity to say Bay is just trying to be a good sister and take the fall, but she was the one that did everything. 

Taking the Blame - Switched at Birth

How can Daphne not comprehend why Toby and Emmett are being cold to her? She made her bed and now she has to sleep in it. Look on the bright side Daphne, at least you have John on your side (yeah I wanted to smack him when he seemed happy about all of this!).

It has gotten to the point with Daphne where it doesn't even matter what she does, she can never be redeemed. She wants people to feel bad for her even though this is all her fault. Nope! Nothing can be done at this point to make her likable. 

Emmett summed up pretty much everyone's feelings about Daphne:

Emmett: Bay and I had plans. She had a life we were excited about and you ruined it.
Daphne: I know and I'm sorry. But she'll be out there soon.
Emmett: No, she won't. Her probation got extended because she did something stupid which she never would have done if she hadn't been there in the first place.
Daphne: What are you talking about?
Emmett: Everyone has let you off the hook. Your parents, your sister, those stupid cops who believed this stupid lie. Daphne had a meltdown and so the whole family has to pay for it.
Daphne: Stop yelling at me and just talk to me, please.
Emmett: No one's telling you anything because they're afraid you're too fragile. But I'll tell you. There is no forgiving you for this. Ever.

We were introduced to a couple new characters: Iris and Josh. Iris seems like a fun girl, though her talkative nature may get on our nerves quickly. Josh, on the other hand, seems like a hard nut to crack – he has that bad boy aura about him so you know he has a heartwarming back story. 

Where do we start with Bay? This is a girl who thought she was doing the right thing by taking the fall for Daphne. I understand why she felt this would be a good idea, but I wish she would have thought this through. It was clear the decision she made had a domino effect for the people around her – most importantly Emmett. 

Shocker! Bay's probation got extended thanks to her thinking she was helping out yet another person. Bay just needs to stop wearing her heart on her sleeve and give up on humanity all together. My biggest issue with this particular moment was how they made Bay even dumber! She could easily have called one of the officers over to help the lady out; seriously, would have taken like two seconds!

We all knew the moment Bay's probation was extended it was not going to end well for Bay and Emmett.

Emmett deciding to go to LA is the right decision and I find myself agreeing with Melody. Emmett loves Bay and would do anything for her, but he can't let this amazing opportunity pass him by.

The goodbye scene between Bay and Emmett was equal parts beautiful and bittersweet. These two have been through so much together and they have conquered many obstacles along the way; yet they couldn't get past this one. Bay does get a lot of credit for standing up to Daphne and telling her that right now she doesn't need her to be around.

Daphne: I'm so sorry that this turned into such a mess.
Bay: Yeah
Daphne: That's why I'm not going to Gallaudet. I know that you didn't ask me too. It's just the right thing to do; stay.
Bay: You don't get a medal for not going.
Daphne: I know that. I just wanted to be around for you. For whatever you need.
Bay: Well I need you to not be here right now.
Daphne: What?
Bay: I need you to leave my room.
Daphne: Bay...I
Bay: No. Seriously.

The previews make me a little bit nervous in regards to Bay and Emmett's relationship. It will be interesting to see if they can make the long distance thing work.

What did you think of "And It Cannot be Changed"? What are you hoping to see this season?

Don't forget that you watch Switched at Birth online via TV Fanatic anytime! 

And It Cannot Be Changed Review

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Samantha McAllister was a staff writer for TV Fanatic. She retired in November 2018.

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Switched at Birth Season 4 Episode 1 Quotes

Emmett: Bay and I had plans. She had a life we were excited about and you ruined it.
Daphne: I know and I'm sorry. But she'll be out there soon.
Emmett: No, she won't. Her probation got extended because she did something stupid which she never would have done if she hadn't been there in the first place.
Daphne: What are you talking about?
Emmett: Everyone has let you off the hook. Your parents, your sister, those stupid cops who believed this stupid lie. Daphne had a meltdown and so the whole family has to pay for it.
Daphne: Stop yelling at me and just talk to me, please.
Emmett: No one's telling you anything because they're afraid you're too fragile. But I'll tell you. There is no forgiving you for this. Ever.

Daphne: I'm so sorry that this turned into such a mess.
Bay: Yeah
Daphne: That's why I'm not going to Gallaudet. I know that you didn't ask me too. It's just the right thing to do; stay.
Bay: You don't get a medal for not going.
Daphne: I know that. I just wanted to be around for you. For whatever you need.
Bay: Well I need you to not be here right now.
Daphne: What?
Bay: I need you to leave my room.
Daphne: Bay...I
Bay: No. Seriously.