Shameless Season 5 Episode 1 Review: Milk of the Gods

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It's been a long nine months, but we are finally back with the Gallagher clan. I didn't realize how much I missed this crazy show until I caught the marathon Showtime played last week. 

Shameless Season 4 was a particular treat for us longtime fans, as it was probably the most well-rounded season. We saw Frank get a new liver. Fiona go to jail. Mickey and Ian become a full-fledged couple. Kev and V have twins!

There was a lot to take in and Shameless Season 5 Episode 1 puts us right at the start of summer, as Frank's health is improved, Lip is home for the summer and Fiona is kicking butt at her waitress job. 

I guess Jeffrey Dean Morgan didn't pan out, because he's gone as Fiona's boss at the diner and he's been replaced by Dermot Mulroney. Not that I'm complaining at all! Mulroney is ex-addict Sean and he seems to be pretty smitten with Fiona. They start off the episode building a pool together in the Gallagher yard and the sexual tension between them is off the charts. 

But Fiona has another suitor in rocker and frequent diner Liam. With Fiona seemingly in such a good place right now, I have a feeling she will manage to mess her love life up somehow. She always does. 

And it's just a matter of time before Jimmy/Steve makes his appearance. The woman he was with at the end of last season is coming to the diner to see Fiona, being shady and leaving big tips. She's obviously Jimmy/Steve's spy and I wonder how long it'll be before he shows his face. What's he been up to all this time?

Elsewhere in the Gallagher world, Lip is home from college and it looks like he's really been affected by his time away. He seems to be over the slums of the south side and it was interesting to see him on the train as he got closer and closer to home and the faces and overall cleanliness of the passengers changed. 

I'm happy that Lip has made so much progress, but I hope he doesn't become too good for his hometown. Hell, I'm still holding out hope that he and Mandy will reconcile! 

Speaking of the Milkovich's, Mickey has a new job! And it's robbing people. So, good for him? I guess his new income is helping the Milkovich household run like a well-oiled machine. 

Did anyone else have slight a heartache when they saw that Svetlana was pregnant again? I sure did. Turns out she's just a surrogate (and she looks phenomenal, by the way), while Ian and her are getting along great and everyone is caring for the baby. 

It was a little weird to see things running so smooth because you just know it's going to implode at some point. Especially since Ian is refusing to acknowledge he is bi-polar and hooking up with every man in sight. I shudder to think what will happen if Mickey finds out. He may get beat worse than Mr. Patel did tonight. 

Kev and V are having some post baby issues and I imagine it's not an uncommon problem new parents face. V is over breastfeeding, but Kev doesn't want her to stop. 

V: I'm done. The milk bar is closed. We can go to formula.
Kev: No, no, no, no. Absolutely not. We are not doing formula. They will grow up with asthma and be short and have no friends.

Kev would totally be the kind of dad who would be in a "Mommy & Me" chat room, comparing notes and diagnosing his problems. Seeing him sleeping in bed with those two little girls was priceless. 

Lastly, let's get to Frank. I can't remember the last time Frank looked so good and that has everything to do with Sheila. She was on fire tonight, lambasting Sami and overly babying Frank. 

Uh, hello. Um, hi. Um, I know that you're acting out your father issues by dyeing your hair with that trashy peroxide and dry humping that man on my couch, but I don't think it's nice to expose your child to this behavior.

Sheila [to Sami]

I like Sami and I think she's been a good addition to the show, but I hope she gets more to do than try to get Frank to pay attention to her. I'd like to see her get more ingrained with her half siblings.

Although she may be taking care of Frank again, as he ends the episode a drunken mess. Ugh.

I can never figure out if I like Frank. Most of the time I hate his storylines, but when he was dying, I actually found myself feeling sorry for him. But then he has to go and make himself a homemade beer machine that makes 130 proof beer. 

After extensive research and weeks of testing, I have determined my liver can support one beer a day. I am now a cheap date. Buzzed already, like an anemic ten year old girl.


Same old Frank. I have no idea where this is going and I'm not exactly thrilled to find out. 

It feels so good to be back in the Shameless atmosphere and I thought this was a decent season premiere. What did you guys think? What's going to happen to Frank? When is Jimmy/Steve coming back? What's going on with those realtors?

So many things to ponder, so let's discuss everything in the comments!

Milk of the Gods Review

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Rating: 4.1 / 5.0 (17 Votes)

Whitney Evans is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on X.

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Shameless Season 5 Episode 1 Quotes

Sheila: How are your headaches?
Frank: You can't feel a persons headache by touching his head.

V: I'm done. The milk bar is closed. We can go to formula.
Kev: No, no, no, no. Absolutely not. We are not doing formula. They will grow up with asthma and be short and have no friends.