Game of Thrones Season 5: First Full Trailer!

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Well, that didn't take long.

Last night, fans around the country flooded IMAX theaters to view the final two episodes of Game of Thrones Season 4 on the very big, high-definition screen.

Included in this unique experience was the very first extended trailer for Game of Thrones Season 5, with the video quickly leaking online not long after the initial showings.

Check it out now... before HBO forces us to take it down:

What does the two-minute preview include?

  • Littlefinger creepily cupping Sansa’s face and saying: “There’s no justice in this world. Not unless we make it."
  • Margaery and Tommen holding hands in front of a cheering crowd.
  • A disheveled, bearded Tyrion tumbling out of a shipping crate.
  • Jorah Mormont in exile.
  • Glimpses of Braavos and Dorn.
  • An intriguing exchange between Varys and Tyrion in which the latter says “the seven kingdoms needs a ruler loved by millions with a powerful army and the right family name."

Game of Thrones Season 5 premieres Sunday, April 12 at p.m.

Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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Tis a big and beautiful world. Most of us live and die in the same corner where we were born and never get to see any of it. I don't want to be most of us.


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