The Vampire Diaries Midseason Report Card: Grade Season 6!

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After a pretty disappointing The Vampire Diaries Season 5, the writers decided to hit reboot and breathe some new life into the supernatural hit.

They've been doing a pretty decent job. Damon and Bonnie stuck in the 90s? Loved it. The Gemini Coven? Definitely interesting. Kai as the new big bad? He's bringing it! Of course it's not all rainbows and unicorns (what the hell happened to Enzo?). So let's break down The Vampire Diaries Season 6 thus far.

The Vampire Diaries Season 6 Poster

Best Episode: The Vampire Diaries Season 6 Episode 8: Fade Into You. Friendsgiving may have looked lame in promos, after all Caroline and Stefan were still not speaking, but man was that a well done episode! Things were broken into 2 halves as we finally got the full story about Jo's identity, Liv and Luke, and the Gemini Coven. Also, can anyone say "boys' road trip?" Hell yeah!

Worst Episode: The Vampire Diaries Season 6 Episode 3: Welcome to Paradise. While I'm sure I will hear arguments about the low rating I gave to an episode of Nina Dobrev in a bikini (hottie with a body), this episode just overall sucked. Elena was whiny and selfish, Jeremy was brooding, and there was a lot of overall discord within the group of friends. It was depressing. 

Best Character: Tie: Kai and Damon. Maybe I'm just super into the 90s plotline, what can I say? Kai is the best villain I think we've seen on this show in a long time. Although anything is better than the travelers, am I right? Damon has really brought it this season; trying to save Bonnie, trying to get Elena back. He still maintains some level or sarcasm, humor, and douchebaggery, but we haven't seen any insane killing sprees – so far.

Worst Character: Enzo. Writers, what happened? This guy was awesome last season! Everyone was looking forward to having him on board as a series regular. Now he has no purpose except for a weird vendetta against Stefan that nobody cares about.

Storyline That Can Stay: Gemini Coven. Despite the show having the word "vampire" in the title, all of the supernatural elements have become important over the course of the series. After the collapse of the other side, it's nice to get a strong witch-related storyline that really entwines everyone.

Storyline That Needs To Go Away: Enzo's Revenge. Seriously, who cares? Isn't there anything better he could be doing like, gee I don't know, romancing Caroline? Let's see this happen instead of them forcing "Steroline." 

Crowning Duo: Sorry twin sets, move on over couples, the best duo of the first half of TVD season 6 is the awesome friendship that is Bonnie and Damon. Trapped in 1994 together, these former enemies formed a great great that Damon clarified for Elena he was rescuing Bonnie for Bonnie, not Elena. Boom! Also, vampire pancakes, crosswords, fighting like siblings, and being each other's hope.


She had hope. For both of us. She's the reason I survived, the reason I made it out. Who knew? It turns out you spend time with someone and don't kill them you actually become friends. I'm doing this for Bonnie, Elena, not you.


Jo: Why don't you just compel me out of the way? Look don't you think it's about time we level with each other?
Alaric: Okay, how's this: my best friend, he just came from the dead but now i have to save him from a vampire hunter before he's driven across an anti-magic border and killed...again. So here's some friendly advice: it's probably a good idea to stay as far away from me as possible.

Damon inspired you, he pushed you to own the darkest parts of yourself. And when you died he was the only one that could make you feel alive again and you made him feel human. You loved Damon for the same reasons that I loved Damon. Because in spite of every single thing that he did, we couldn't live without him. Now you don't have to, but I do.

Stefan [to Elena]

Hopes for 2015: Save Bonnie!!! Whether you are killing her off permanently or bringing her back to present day, let's just do it already. That poor girl is seriously underutilized and suffers through the worst storylines. Speaking of: let's get better storylines for Stefan, Caroline, and Enzo. I really hope we can find a way for Liz Forbes to pull through. I need Damon and Ric to be besties again. We all need to see some hookup action. And – a resolution for the Gemini Coven.

Overall Grade: B.

YOUR turn, TV Fanatics: How would you grade the first half of The Vampire Diaries Season 6?

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Vampire Diaries Quotes

Damon: I mean this sincerely: I hope Elena dies.

Oooh, you know I don't know. Every time we try and go on a date you get kidnapped, I get sent to a prison world, or your feelings get compelled away...
