Love & Hip Hop Hollywood Season 1 Episode 14 Review: Reunion Part 2

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We didn't have to wait long to get the conclusion to the epic Love & Hip Hop: Hollywood reunion extravaganza. Love & Hip Hop: Hollywood Season 1 Episode 14 picked up exactly where it left off, with Nikki and Masika facing off. 

But it was just another case of raised voices and burly security guards keeping the peace, as the two never actually came to blows. 

Mally Mal did finally get his chance to speak though. And he took a shot at Berg, which lead to a mildly entertaining face off between the two. But sadly, Mally Mal never got the chance to expose his custom black muscle tee for old time's sake. I didn't even realize I missed those muscle tees until I got that brief tease tonight.

I'm sure we'll meet again, tees. 

The thing about these reunion specials is that they're always billed as the chance for the audience to get the truth behind everything they've just watched all season. But they always nosedive into a he said, she said contest between people who are never actually ready to tell the truth. 

This was another classic case, as who were we supposed to believe was telling the truth?

For instance, do we believe Berg when he said he and Teairra had a physical relationship once, even though Teairra vehemently denied it? Teairra got awfully defensive, which usually signifies to me an admission of guilt, but Berg hasn't exactly been the most standup guy, so why give him the benefit of the doubt?

Ugh. I don't know, guys. Who do you believe?

But let's move on from Berg because I'd rather not talk about him anymore, period. Let's instead talk about Ray J, who I praised in Love & Hip Hop: Hollywood Season 1 Episode 13 for acknowledging his faults and taking responsibility for his actions.

I spoke too soon. 

Not only was Ray J an immature brat tonight, he literally asked Princess to "knock her out", referencing Morgan and Princess actually did it! Seriously, Princess

We saw the relationship between Ray J and Morgan deteriorate pretty rapidly, but to see it come to this was sad. It was clear there was once a love between them and it was sad to see Morgan break down in her dressing room after the fight. 

We've all had friendships fall apart, but theres was especially nasty and to have Ray ask his girlfriend to punch her was just foul. I hope when Ray watches this back, he doesn't like this version of himself either.

Fizz showed up for a brief segment to discuss what went wrong between him and Amanda and it looks like they are still broken up. Yes!!!

Moniece was also on hand, looking absolutely gorgeous, to give her two cents about Amanda. And it was pretty tame showing for her. The bottom line is Amanda wronged Fizz, Moniece was totally right about her and Fizz is free to call me date anyone he pleases now.

And that person doesn't seem be Nikki, as they both proclaimed to be just friends. Double yes!!!

Also on hand where the non physical fighters of the show, namely Omarion and Apryl and Nia and Soulja. Omarion and Apryl are still good and things have gotten much better with Miss Leslie. 

Soulja and Nia seem to be doing okay as well, but Soula was troubled by some things he felt Nia was hiding from him. It seems Teddy Riley isn't her biological father and Soulja found out by reading it on the Internet. I can see his frustration with that, as they've been together for a very long time, but it seems like it hasn't come in the way of their relationship too much. 

If Soulja can truly grow up and commit to a family with Nia, then those two kids may stand a chance. 

So, we are done season one and I have to say it's been a wild ride. You never know what to expect with these shows, as they can either be great fun or way too much drama. I think there was an equal balance and for the most part I enjoyed the ride. 

How did you guys feel about the season as whole? Will you be in for another round? Who was your best dressed lady of the evening? Which couple will still be a couple in season two?

Thanks for taking the ride with me the past few months. It's been a pleasure. 

Remember to watch Love & Hip Hop: Hollywood online right now via TVFanatic. You won't be disappointed. 

Reunion Part 2 Review

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Whitney Evans is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on X.

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