Love & Hip Hop: Hollywood Season 1 Episode 13 Review: Reunion Part 1

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The claws came out on Love & Hip Hop: Hollywood Season 1 Episode 13, as the cast came together for their inaugural reunion special. And frankly, so much of the show was bleeped out, it was hard to even follow. 

There was Teairra vs. Princess. Hazel vs. Masika. Masika vs. Nikki. 

I felt like I was getting whiplash as the accusations flew back and forth and the bleeping went on and on, but I made it through to the end somehow and I'm ready to discuss the train wreck that was this reunion. 

Just as Love & Hip Hop: Hollywood began with Teairra and Ray J, the reunion did the same. After their kiss fest and reconnection on Love & Hip Hop: Hollywood Season 1 Episode 12, I think we were all curious to see if Ray and Teairra were able to make it work this time. 

We quickly learned the answer is no. Hallelujah. 

When they showed their awkward interaction in the dressing room from last week, I had to cover my face because I was so embarrassed for her. Ray J was clearly on the rebound and while I may not be Teairra's number one cheerleader, I did feel sorry that she was sucked back in so quickly. 

However, their renewed relationship didn't last long, as him and Princess are very much back together now. And according to Princess, they were only broken up for two weeks and nothing significant went on between Teairra and Ray. 

Teairra of course disagreed with that assessment and we got our first showdown of the evening. There was a lot of mudslinging and like I mentioned earlier so much bleeping that I'm not really sure what was being said. The bottom line is these two still hate one another and that will not be changing anytime soon. 

It was nice to see Ray J come out and apologize to Teairra for humiliating her all season. And it was even nicer to hear him say that he didn't like himself and what he saw on TV. He just seemed to get worse and worse as the season went on and I'm glad he was man enough to admit that he was not his best self during that time. 

We next checked in on Hazel, who was still her emotional self as she discussed the betrayal that was Masika and Berg. We've been down this rabbit hole a million times, with Masika on one side saying they were never friends, Berg in the middle claiming he never mislead Hazel and Hazel somewhere else entirely. 

I've always felt for Hazel, because I find it hard to believe that behind closed doors Berg wasn't telling her exactly what she wanted to hear. But at this point, this fight has really run it's course. And watching Hazel and Masika go out it was a bit of a snore. 

For as much as I was on Team Masika when it came to her against Nikki, I really can't back her in this fight. Every time Hazel spoke, she got super defensive and it was extremely off putting. Just like Teairra and Princess, these two will never be friends. And the world is better for it. 

After fighting Hazel, Masika's night wasn't done yet, as Nikki and Mama Nikki came to the stage to discuss that old love triangle with Mally Mal. Unfortunately, we really learned nothing because there was so much shouting, mostly from Mama Nikki. 

Say what you want about her high ponytail and fashion sense, but Mama is hilarious and she was dishing it out to Masika at every turn. All Masika could really do was call her Nana and deflect some of the insults, while the crowd laughed and host Mona Scott Young tried to get the ladies under control. 

Now take this in and truly savor it because I will never say this again, but the fighting was becoming so obnoxious that I was actually excited to see and hear from Mally Mal. 

I KNOW. What has happened to me?

But we didn't even get to hear Mally Mal because Nikki and Masika started charging towards one another and it looked like a serious fight was coming, until the episode decided to end. Way to cliffhanger us, VH1!

Side note, towards the end of the show, after a PSA on domestic violence, there was a message stating that Masika and Berg got into an altercation after the taping of the show. And the altercation led them to terminate Berg from the show, effective immediately. I'd heard rumors of this over the past few week and it was officially confirmed tonight. 

I don't know how this will impact the show going forward, but I do hope that Masika is okay.

Alright guys, did you learn anything new tonight? Was anyone shocked to learn that Ray J and Hazel once had a thing? Was Nikki's hair tamer than usual? Which girl fight was the most entertaining?

We've only got one more episode before the first season comes to a close, but you can watch Love & Hip Hop: Hollywood online right now so you're all caught up!

Reunion Part 1 Review

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Whitney Evans is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on X.

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