Love & Hip Hop: Hollywood Season 1 Episode 12 Review: Matters of the Heart

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There was a lot of rehashing on Love & Hip Hop: Hollywood Season 1 Episode 12. Seriously though, the majority of the hour was spent with people sitting around talking about everything that happened to them this season. 

Did VH1 hype this as the season finale? If they did, I missed the memo!

As far as finales go, it wasn't terrible but it didn't get interesting until the end when hell officially froze over. 

The dynamic between Ray J and Teairra Mari was the best part of the pilot, but throughout the season they're relationship has gotten swallowed up by all the drama surrounding them. But things came full circle tonight, as the two of them had a reunion of sorts. 

And Teairra can thank Snoop Dogg for that. 

After a chat with his real cousin Snoop, Ray J got the thinking that maybe his family was right about Teairra. So he showed up at her showcase with a peace offering and after a few apologizes, the two of them were making out like nothing happened between them. 

Guys, I really don't even know what to say about this. It was so out of left field and it was almost hard to watch. Ray J was AWFUL to her all season. And they broke up partly due to Teairra's temper, which I think we can all safely say she hasn't worked on at all. 

So, is this reconciliation really what's best for them? All signs point to no, but I guess we'll see what the deal is next week at the reunion. 

While those two were making nice, Hazel reached out to Masika one final time to confront her about Berg. We've heard this conversation ten times over and we didn't learn anything new. 

We all watched Masika go from Hazel's confidant to Berg's arm candy, so there really wasn't much she could say for herself. And naturally it just turned into them trading barbs and having a full on verbal confrontation in the middle of the bar. 

And that's really just another day for those two. 

Elsewhere, Fizz decided it was time to make nice with Moniece. And it's about time these two got on the same page! 

Fizz would like to leave the past in the past and while it's clear Moniece isn't over the past, her willingness to put that aside for the sake of Cameron is the most grown up thing she's done all season. 

It's hard to imagine these two ever being friends, but if they can remain cordial and truly start to communicate, then only good things will come from it. 

There wasn't much Omarion this week, but we did see him meeting with Rick Ross and discussing his upcoming album. Of all the guys on this show, he seems to be the most focused and he really does have it all right now. 

One side note on Omarion and Apryl, did we all realize she was THAT much taller than him? I don't think I did.

The last couple to check the status of is Nia and Soulja. After a scary car accident involving Nia and her daughter, it was Soulja to the rescue. He was being a doting boyfriend and the accident seemed to put things into perspective for him. 

In the end, Nia didn't move in but they did cement their relationship by getting each other's names tattooed on their bodies. 

Ask Teairra how that one worked out, Nia. 

Well, with that the season has come to a close. And boy are things a lot different from where they began. 

Ray J and Teairra went from screaming matches to long walks on the beach. While Hazel went from swimming in friends, to being all by herself. 

The reunion should be a trip. And I, for one, can not wait to see it.

What did you guys think of the season? If the show is renewed, will you be tuning in for a second go around? Do you think Ray J and Teairra have a chance to make it this time? Will Fizz ever get around to taking me to dinner?

The season may be over, but you can watch Love & Hip Hop: Hollywood online anytime via TV Fanatic and catch up on all the drama!

Matters of the Heart Review

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Whitney Evans is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on X.

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