Cristela Season 1 Episode 9 Review: It's Not About the Tamales

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Ah, tis the season to be jolly, ladies and gentleman. And I, for one, am very jolly after watching another delightful installment of this show. 

Cristela Season 1 Episode 9 finds the sisters and Natalia taking part in their yearly tradition of making tamales at four in the morning on Christmas. Sounds nice and simple enough, but the addition of irritating older brother Eddie and JOSH (!), make this a Christmas they won't soon forget. 

This was a very Natalia centric episode and I loved it. It was funny to hear her fawn over Eddie and pretty much ignore the children she sees everyday.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but did we ever hear much about Eddie before? I don't think his name has come up much this season, but do let me know if I missed something. 

It seems Eddie is the "slacker" of the siblings. The sibling who shows up during the holidays, saddled with dirty laundry and no gifts, yet he gets the most love from Mom. It doesn't make much sense to Cristela and Daniela, but he's the only boy, so it's to be expected.

There were a ton of jokes at the expense of the girls, but this one was my favorite. 

Cristela: How do you look so good at four in the morning?
Daniela: I have no idea. I don't even try.
Cristela: Well, no doubt who the best looking person in the family is.
Natalia: Ah, Eddie. Handsome Eddie. He has the jawline of a movie star.
Daniela: And the waistline of a movie watcher.

I wasn't sure how I was going to feel about Eddie when he finally arrived, but he ended up being okay and really wasn't the problem I thought he was going to be. Instead, the problem was Natalia's sadness over her old possessions and traditions being thrown away and replaced with new ones.

It's hard to imagine this isn't something many parents deal with when they move in with their children. You raise your children for years in your home, complete with your handpicked items, then later you find yourself in someone else's home and those items are suddenly unnecessary. 

For as funny as Cristela can be at times, it can also carry the emotional scenes just as well. It was great seeing Natalia admit it was hard for her to part with certain things. And it made her sad to think everything she owned now could fit into one little room. It's a natural feeling to have and the girls were accepting and respectful of her, as I knew they would be. 

They will even continue to burn their hands if that's what Mom wants. I love this family. 

You know who else loves this family? Josh. 

After some joking in the office, Josh showed up in the middle of the night to help the ladies make tamales. He wasn't readily accepted by everyone, but after helping Cristela see what was really upsetting Natalia this Christmas, he earned his place at the adult dinner table. 

We also got some earnest talks between Cristela and Josh and one quick exchange really got my shipper heart fluttering. 

Josh: Um, you know I, I kind of like seeing you outside of work.
Cristela: Oh yeah?
Josh: Yeah.
Cristela: I guess I am kind of bringing it with this hoodie.

Later, Cristela admitted she also liked seeing Josh outside of work and I may or may not have squealed like a little girl. Now, Alberto may not be a fan of this pairing but they made some major headway tonight and I couldn't be more excited.

Jostela is so on. 

Holiday episodes are the best and this one did not disappoint. What did you guys think about a very Christmas Cristela? What was your favorite one liner? Are you as thrilled as I am about Jostela? Do you have any fun holiday traditions?

Leave me a comment and remember to watch Cristela online right now to laugh your butt off. Happy Holidays!

It's Not About the Tamales Review

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Rating: 4.2 / 5.0 (11 Votes)

Whitney Evans is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on X.

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Cristela Season 1 Episode 9 Quotes

Who needs Christmas lights, when Eddie's smile lights up the room.


Izzie: Well, my favorite part of Christmas is you, Daddy.
Felix: Izzie we're done with the shopping.